viernes, 16 de junio de 2017

ROUGH NIGHT...girls also can go wild

We have talked much about girl power these days and for a reason as seems like TV and all entertainment has been focusing in feminism and the relevance that has taken for the past years. Now women are no longer put on a side. They are taking the lead and ruling the world next to any man on earth. Much has been proved about their potential and the significance of their stories after decades of just witnessing stories about men and how they can change/destroy the world. We live in a time where things are changing and they are doing it fast. Diversity and tolerance are the new era mojo's and everybody is aware of that unless you been living in a cave for the last decade. Women as humans as they are, they are a complex individual that also likes to have fun, enjoy sex, live with hope and ideals, looks for challenges and a career, while still trying to keep their essence as a symbol of beauty and emotions, but at the same time, strong and capable of many things. So with that said is about time to explore all sides of their psyche  and why not have some fun along, but mostly the industry has found a new target for their business as now women are big consumers of these stories that can relate to, not belonging to just one specif genre but able to embrace all kind of stories.

That's how we get "Rough Night" (2017), a raunchy comedy that turns those male debauchery parties into pheromones and serving as a parody of the male version of fun, we get a film dedicated to women and all their supporters that will love to see them getting in trouble and be as goofy and unapologetic as their soul let them. The movie tells the story of four college friends that organize a bachelorette trip for one of them and as an excuse for the rest to get out of their complicated lives and get together for all times sake. In addition another girl will join, from abroad when the fiancee went to Australia to study there and will try to include her into her selective group of girlfriends. The result will be competition set on for those girls to win the more attention of the fiancee while each one of them struggles with the life they have waiting them back at home. Jess is the beautiful fiancee performed by the talented actress Scarlet Johansson and she managed to show a different side from what she has used us to, now more funny and adventurous but as her character is an important politician in love and about to get married, she is the one trying to keep control of things while the rest of the gang just lose themselves and things start to happen.

And those things come from her best friend, Alice, an obese lonely teacher with no social life so when sees this opportunity as her option to have fun and reunite with her friends she goes all for it, bringing drugs and men to the table, and that's when things go south, as trying to have a fun experience with a male stripper goes terrible wrong, now the five girls have to deal with a dead body. And this kind of experience is what sets the crisis mood for everyone making them expose all what their been hiding, a divorce, some legal issues, loneliness, and soon they will realize how far they have been growing from each other forgetting what made them so close before and what they like from each other. So issues have to be solves and they will have to face the fact of committing murder while accepting their new reality and of their friends. And that's the biggest flaw of the movie as the movie tries so hard to move around different genres that forgets it's soul or core as a comedy and a parody and sometimes feels too force to bring more feminist jokes and trying to stand a point that is not funny anymore and we, as audience, start feeling like watching a drama or thriller, making the whole situation confusing and distracting.

What is definitely worth to watch, other that the chemistry of this funny cast, is the fact that we can relate to a situation like the one for this group of friends, when we get so involved in our lives, focusing in our career, relationships, goals and projects that we forget about those people that once knew all about us and us all about them. Those that we use to talk to about anything, the ones with whom we had amazing adventures and experiences before getting life trapped us in a bubble of responsibilities and serious stuff that we forget who we are and what we used to believe, in need of someone to remind us that we still believe and we can still dream and have some fun just by being ourselves and having a good laugh with the people that care about us not by option but by choice. We forget that friendship can be a relationship for life that evolves as we do, it's selfless and fulfilling but needs to be present otherwise also fades away, and meeting that kind of people that can make that connection with  us its not an easy task so should not be taken for granted as mostly do, and realize that we won't be the same but whatever was the reason to bring them together will stronger than time and distance.

How do you treasure your friendships? Are they the ones who really accepts you and know you or just some people that can count on to have some fun times and hang out? Friendship gets different shades with time. When we are kids is basic to have fun, learn how to socialize, explore the idea of meeting other people, work out our imagination. As we start growing up, and go to school and collage they become an essential part of our lives, as we get confused about who we are and what we want in life, they listen to us, stand by our side, becoming allies of secrets and adventures. But as we keep getting older we start focusing in other matters as love relationships, the ideal target  to pend life with someone, careers, as the major personal project to be and feel successful, parenthood, and funny thing, while when young we try to get away from family and that's why we get close to friends and make new ones as a second family option, when we start to get old we tend to go back to family and make peace with our past, leaving those friendships on the side. So never is too late to go back to them and try to have fun together and re discover the reason that brought you together and realize how much of our friends we have on us and what a big impact they make in our lives, sometimes or good others not so good but if possible a good laugh, some kind of adventure and a moment of truth will always be welcome and can be memorable.

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