viernes, 2 de junio de 2017

WONDER WOMAN...justice begins with her

"I used to want to save the world, this little beautiful place". That's how everything starts. We came here as idealists expecting the best from life, from the world, from others. Until we start living and things start to happen. We suddenly start to realize that we can't be good all time. There is some bad and dark on everyone of us. But we've been told we are all good and should stay that way, away from evil and hiding those bad behaviors not even realizing why all are they happening. Yes, this means to be human, and in order to be able to expose that nature that make us flawless and truly understand it, we were in need of an outsider that will explore it and get to understand it first to prove it right, That's why we created heroes, those saviors for humans that will seem perfect in appearance but also full of layers and shades that will help us not just to save the day but to put humanity back in track, even in it's worst moments, teaching us one or more lessons about ourselves and serving more as a role model than a true heroic figure. And in recent times, when things have been going from bad to worse and the world seems submerged in chaos, losing hope for a chance of change, we finally get a super hero that won't save the day but will remind us how worthy we are and that it's our choice to do right or wrong because we both in us, but is only love what can save us. And her name is "Wonder Woman" (2017).

Or better known as Diana. She is a princess, a god, a powerful, strong woman. But she doesn't know it. She was raised as an Amazon among her equals, training for a battle that might come but no one knows when, but will be under the God of War directions. So they must be prepared. But she doesn't know what she is capable of as her mother is hiding a lot of information from her, afraid that knowing will put her in more danger. But her nature is to fight, to be prepared for that moment and face all those ideals she has been raised for. She becomes a warrior that will fight among others for what is right. Until she gets out of the bubble she has been all her life. Believe things will happen as been told in books of by spreading the word. But in reality things are more complex. And she needs to learn that in the hard way. As she stars to become stronger, war finds her. And comes in form of a spy. A man that is been persecuted for stealing valuable information from the enemy. And they found him rescued by the amazons that will face men in this new era, World War I is happening and has found them. So after this man explains them what is happening, she feels like this is her call for war. She needs to go out there and help this people to end the war. This is why they've been training for. This is her mainly reason to exist. At least for now tat she doesn't know more.

Once Diana travels to Europe and clashes with humanity and society for that era, she will learn what humans are made of. She will see their love and compassion for each other, their ability to care for others, their fashion, their guilty pleasures, the pleasures of the flesh, all those feelings that make us feel alive and excited, to get up everyday, go to work, fall in love, get married, have kids, cook for them, dance, and get old. Is it worthy? We don't know but it's in our nature and that push everyone of us to keep going in the good and bad days. But also she will see our insecurities, our hunger for power, aggressiveness, selfishness, that has turned the dreams of a few into a war and misery of the rest of the world that are fighting in the name of their nation or under the orders of other hiding behind a desk. And this is not what she expected, neither what she was told. As a warrior and a princess she fights back to back with her team, so can't understand why all these Captains and Generals are just sitting in a room, making decisions that will affect the lives of those on the battlefield instead of them being there, fighting as equals. But she will prove them wrong as she will be the first to take a step into a no man's land and try to save a village that has been taken by the enemy.

She soon will face the reality of war. Women and children been murdered. Men are injured and villages are being destroyed. Why? How's possible we are turning into each others. What makes a few more special that deserve the rest to sacrificed for them, appealing to everyone's nature of courage and honor to their country and family, trying to save them and protect them form others threats. But sadly is not a one man's fault. If we need to blame it comes to all that had fall for this ideals of power in need to feed that emptiness in our lives. Some people come from a violent or dysfunctional background so they don't know better and others need to fulfill a need or a lack of love for themselves with power, feeling more than others and bring them down will bring them some entitlement that they need in order to survive and because of that they will do whatever it takes as for them it comes as a matter of life or death but why a majority has to pay for the actions of  a few?. Why we keep falling for their crap and their promises? How far do we need to go or how deep we need to fall to realize that that path won't take us anywhere safe but to destroy ourselves, and we keep history repeats. As if never happened before we keep believing that is an actual solution. We keep doing the same mistakes over and over. That's the only reason why we need super heroes, not just as a kid fantasy of saving the world but as a role model that will remind us that the real power is in us.

Also for the first time, we got a fresh air from the super her genre bringing the most iconic and best known female super hero in modern history. A woman that is willing to prove that not only men can kick ass and that men not longer rule the world. Women as different from men as they are, also can save the day and prove to be strong and powerful, even they are best known for being emotional but it's all about balance. Finding the right amount of strength an vulnerability that will aloud you to win a war. Just by knowing your flaws and controlling your emotions you can be able to overcome whatever will come at you. As in the movie, set in early XX century, when women had no right to vote or being heard, had to suffer the consequences from men's decisions. But also at that time, we were told that men can't cry, and have to be strong to support and protect their families. That being a man was all about be strong, smart, and cold hearted, but  things have changed and we had evolved to the point that we realize now that men can and should be emotional as well, because have feelings as women have. And women can be strong and be smart and driven to manage companies and take the lead. We are still different, but we share a lot of similarities and those differences are what brings a balance to our society and human kind so this movie comes in a perfect timing to remind us all this and with a performance that feels like was born to perform under a direction and a perfect story that will captivate us as much as will thrill us, making it the perfect and one of the best entries for the genre.

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