All based in this big idea of some people, for not to say, races, are better than others. And coming from a culture and society than was build by the understanding and respect for immigrants coming from different regions m, but unfortunately all under the same color, it's shocking to find that the struggle is still real and stronger as it was a century ago. So for those with no idea of the events presented in the movie, all takes place in the city that gives the name to the movie, back in the summer of 1967, when white people moved out of the city to the suburbs as a better plan to raise their families leaving all the others at the city to take care of business . So police must have to take control of the situation trying to keep all this misfits under their wing, not because they were causing trouble but because they need them to be in control, meaning all their rights limited to avoid any thought of liberty and entitlement. Until one night after police abusing their power by trying to shut a party down for no reason other than enough is enough , people stand up for their rights and after watching their friends and family being mistreated like animals and with no rights or opportunities, fighting back and rebelling against their city and authorities.
What all started as a civil movement became chaos and turned the city into a no man's land and just being outside put you in danger. But life must go on. And so some people tried to. That's why one night at a hotel a few individuals, all by different circumstances were under the same roof, and what seemed to be a fun night hanging with friends and strangers turned into everyone's nightmare. All because a stupid joke by drunk people tired of leaving under these circumstances and screaming for a better resolution of events, just messing things up. So who would be to blame? Then for reacting after being living as nothing closer to a citizen or is for pushing them into that limit ? Is this the life you'd want for your friends and family? What would you do if you feeling like you are no one in this place and whatever you have can be taken from you, including your freedom and rights to just be and go out? Why would someone would pretend and act like is better than you, when you are smart, decent, genuine enough to become someone better and assume power and take charge of things if need so or that right is given to you .
Well just left to say that things went south when police arrived . Trying to find what is not there, again abuse of power was taken and all this people, guests of a hotel, were treated like terrorist, leaving three dead, killed by police man that didn't know how to take control of things and shooting at them like an animal hunt. While the remaining where bullied and harassed, at the end, even with the confession of two of the three policeman, when things went to court, lawyers did whatever it took to mislead and undertake any testimony from the victims just because their race and their background, shadowing their acts of killing and abuse of power just by their privilege of being white. So race is an issue that overtakes societies and countries. Yes, all are different but no one is less or better than other. Why can you judge an entire community by their looks when their acts are the consequences of slavery and poverty. At the lack of culture and knowledge anyone acts by instinct but also when educated they can achieve great things. Just happens that some are more selfish than others to date that piece of cake and lose their power because it can be addictive and as we can see, that are willing to do what it takes to keep it as a privilege of a few, questions is what group will be the next to save it for their own?
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