Lying...is it right or wrong? why do we have the tendency or need to do it? Such a moral issue. But things have come to a point where it's not about telling a lie but turning our lives into a big lie. With social media being part of our lives every minute and societies turning into it to get a glimpse of what everyone is and it's doing, pressure is on and we can't stop but trying to be a better self, no matter if only it is as a facade but what really cares is what others will see. We finally got the opportunity of turning our lives into what we'd like them to be. Even at the end it is not true. But what would happen when all this creation, fades out and people get to see the reality? How about us, when at night we face the truth, and that might bring us down? Are we happier with the illusion we have created or we cherish what we got? Are we really genuine or we only expose things through a filter. And since society was created, it's been proved how we, as individuals, love to get our noses into others life. Always checking up on things happening around us:, what are my friends doing, who are they dating or hang out with?, whom from my family got married and whom got divorced? what's my neighbor up to?. All sort of things but our own issues. Those are the ones that matter, but also the ones that hurt to look close at, specially if they are far from what we wanted or even if we do get what we want, we'll always compare them to others and we might not like it anymore.

So why do we fall in his circle, trapped in a bubble? Forcing us to lie, compare, sneak in, gossip, pretend? Well, welcome to Monterey, California, a small suburban town, best known for it's first class and one the best aquariums in the country. And also home of a society that moves more on the high end of incomes, thanks to it's closeness to the Silicon Valley and San Francisco. Here we are about to meet a group of the most popular and social families in town, their successful husbands, half time moms, beautiful children, gorgeous houses at the beach front, that only serves as a setting for gossips or have's and have-not's fractured relationships, pretentious friendships, justifications of family structures and all sorts of social events . And it's here where we start "Little Big Lies " (2017- current) a new tv show or mini series based on the best- selling novel, that feels like a drama but acts more like a dark comedy following the lives of this families through the eyes of three wives but as there seems like has been a murder, we also get the a glimpse of the thoughts from the rest of the town that can't stop to gossip about their neighbors as if they knew all the answers and the fact that we like to read and judge people by the cover doesn't mean that we have all the facts done. Why are they so interesting to keep talking about them when I really have no clue what's happening behind their doors? Is it human nature to feel drawn to others lives as an escape from ours or as point of comparison but who are we to judge by the cover when all comes to morality and who determines what is right or wrong until we are brought into it.

Meet Madeline. An obnoxious woman and housewife that knows everyone in town as the socialite she is, she would be the one to ask for a place to go or what do while in town and tell you all details about life in a small town. But as perfect as she pretends to look at the eyes of everyone else she is living a big lie of her life. She's trapped in this search of perfection and unclosed love to her ex after the end of her first marriage. And since she has to face him and his new beautiful and free spirited wife everyday at school when picking up the kids, she can't but wonder what if and what went wrong with her, even now that she has a perfect marriage, a husband that adores her, a teenager girl that has grown as a strong independent woman, and a kid that might be the smartest kid in the house. But she can't see beyond that. She's so occupied trying to fix others lives that she can't stop to contemplate what she has accomplished and wonder what she's missing instead of what she got. Not helping is the fact that her ex keeps trying to be friends her with his new wife and unite both families just as a remind to her of what she couldn't offer but can do now as an outsider. Reason why she feels the need to help and introduce the new girl in tow, Jane, a young single mom that just moved to town and seems so lots and in desperate help to be introduced to this new life after trying to raise her son, a cute and charismatic young boy that sometimes acts more as her support and companion than as his son. Why single mothers end using their kids as a refuge to their isolation or excuse to hide the rest of their lives behind with no regrets but focusing on them as their only and main goal?

As these two moms start to hang out and get to know themselves are involved in the daily moms drama of elementary school, where everyone is looking after their own kids but more concern about how the others are doing and how that will impact in their beloved ones. Why can't get just get along and let them be kids and realizing that their behavior is a reflection of whatever is happening at home not necessarily outside. And soon they'll find it out, specially Celeste, the third mom in this story that from the outside only looks like having the perfect marriage and been the perfect wife. She is beautiful, had a perfect and successful career that she left to become a full time mom and follow her husband to this town and settle. And her husband seems like a Prince Charming, su attentive and passionate with her, but is he? What happens when the door closes and they share intimacy? Well they have a lot of sex and would say that keeps a healthy marriage going on but with hides behind that it's darker than what meet the eye. How many times are you forced to act in some ways more as a response than a desire? What would you be able to sacrifice for your family and in order to make thing work out? Is it really a marriage or any relationship something that need to be put on a test and keep it as a hard work in progress or should just feel right and move organically? How many times do words don't match with actions and we are ok with it? The appearance of what happens in public compared with the reality of a bedroom can be shocking and hard to judge by looking but what really matters is which one makes you happy and is the best option for you and your family because not all the time pretend is the solution but why do we like to lie to ourselves and believe things will or might change? Are we also attracted to masochism?

While these three women move along their suburban lives and struggles to keep up with all the package of family and society, we, as witness of the full cycle keep wondering if there was real murder in town and if so, who's the victim? Is anyone of them or are they the ones who committed a crime? And why someone like them would do anything like that? Is this part of the entitlement of being wealthy and privileged? And how all this will, and is already, reflecting in their kids behavior because they are the future and what they are nurturing at home is what builds the person they will become. So why we keep blaming and looking after our neighbors and friends life for an answer of our own problems? Why can we be happy when having a good life instead of looking at the possibilities that are gone but keep bothering and messing with our mind? Why sacrifices have to be done one sided and we still believe in the fantasy of being able to change someone or will they change by the power of love? And is it running away the real solution to face your fears and get a fresh start or is it just an excuse to be hunted in a different place? And most importantly, why all the lying? As if that would be the solution to our problems, taking the easy way out of our reality, instead of fixing what is wrong we prefer to create a new life, an ideal new impression that will do the trick to others but our nightmares will still be there and one little lie after the other will just create a bigger splash, but could it be the answer to a happier, full filling, successful life? Is it necessary and part of growing up to keep the spark in our relationships with others, or is it just a selfish move needed to keep going? No one is perfect so Just lie to me a bit but don't leave me, they say....

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