miércoles, 16 de agosto de 2017


A thriller, a comedy, an action movie. What would all these could possibly have something in common? Well the fact that they are two of the offers for this slow end of summer season at the movies. A season that now will be part as one of the slowest and less exciting seasons in years for Hollywood. But that is another story to tell. For now what matters is to look at these options that might sounds different and they are in context and visually but they share a theme in them that is what brings us here this time. Survival and the decisions we make to survive. Sounds intense but even we don't notice it, these are part of our daily lives. Every move we make is based on our survival instinct and our circumstances. Because won't be the same to think about how to make it through a city, avoiding to be hit by a bus, surf a crowd in the streets, struggle with competitiveness for a high demand job, while in the country you might the learn how to hunt and face the wild to make it home, or learn how to depend and cooperate with others to get all the supplies you need to make it through winter. There are many things we face every day but we are so use to them that we don't notice them anymore. We go out and live our Ives experiencing what might come but do we have the strength to face the challenges or make the best decisions for us or the ones we love? Are we just moving through the life as we it comes, letting it to takes where should be or donwe take control and plan and act accordingly the situation?

"Wind River" (2017) is a thriller that is more character driven than the usual and takes its time to set up the environment where is happening so you, as the viewer, get the sense and get immersed in that world. Telling the story of a rockie FBI agent that is sent to solve the case of a just founded dead girl body in the middle of nowhere and a local hunter that will help her to solve the case by following the clues that are out there instead of following the technical procedure she is used to back in the city. This is a wild place . Mountains covered by snow and local habitats separated by miles. Here Times goes by slowly which turns everyone into desperation looking for more, that's why most of them get caught where they shouldn't , all kinds of addictions, just to make it through their daily lives. It's all about survival. When there's nothing to do but survive you might get too close into it. So when a local girl is founded dead in the middle of nowhere the motives are hard to pin point. What was she doing there? how or why she ended there? Seems like she was a nice girl. Just a teeneger with a bright future ahead but somewhere she made a bad decision. But don't we all? Only that sometimes or at some places those key moments might cost your life or you are not as strong to face the consequences of those actions when facing others. 

So this FBI agent is trying to figure out all options but things work differently here, far from what we know as civilization.  The rules of life are different and so the people struggling with them. And soon she'll notice in the face of her local companion, a troubled local hunter that faced a tragedy in his past and and even he knows the rules in need to move on and keep fighting for what is left, the pain of what he couldn't do to protect them hunts him harder than how he can run . He has learned how to survive in the there and he lets to kee those memories alive but he can't get trapped in there. Has to be stronger to avoid a fall again. And so he proves once the mystery shows signs of resolution. He acts fast and cold the way is needed, taking his time to observe and make the first move. Has to be faster than the rest because knows the consequences of he doesn't. You can't blink and lose sight of the ones you love because you can lose them in a second, but also we all need to realize that we can't overprotect them and make them weak. Everyone when becomes an adult is able to make their own decisions and will have to face their consequences and so they will in order to solve this case of power of the strongest and a way of survival in a wild land where not just a gun can kill you.

But also guns are a powerful weapon as we learned from "The Hitman's Bodyguard" (2017), an action comedy that delivered exactly the kind of entertainment for a late summer  flick, a well mixed pack of laughs and philosophical moments about live and love and the decisions that we make that keeps the audience laughing, giving it a though, all while enjoying some very old fashion action sequences around Europe that won't become a classic but deliver in times where sci fiction and FX dominate the screen. All by telling the story of a security guy that used to work for an elite security company, in charge of making sure that very important people make it safe through their visits in the U.K.  And protecting them from any danger by being one step ahead and plan every second of the situation. But life happens and you can't plan it all, until one day things don't go the way you expected and all what you know can fall apart. You can't blink when you are dealing with hunters remember ? , so know this guy after years of frustration, unable to move on from what he lost keeps doing sporadic jobs tasting the glory of what he used to be, just that he hasn't realized what he still is. Until he will meet a most wanted hitman, one that actually has faced multiple times in the past, avoiding him to finish his job by doing the best of his. 

So when circumstances put ten together and will have to take care of each other as now the killer is a key piece to catch a bigger fish. But in order to do that, he has to keep him safe. And this is one of the big flaws of the movie. How come a hitman can be so charismatic and funny and full of wisdom, able to guide our troubled and confused young bodyguard. They clash as two different personalities bringing interesting perspectives to the table. One as in charge to protect and deliver, plans everything, pretends to live as a checkbook where every detail has to be taken care of. Every move he makes has been analyzed and approved, but you can't take control of every second of any situation. Life happens and part of be good at it is learninghow to solve and deal with these unexpected situations. Where's the fun about living under a series full of rules when at the end things still will happen and are out of our control. And that's a hitman's mojo. Living by the moment. Be spontaneous, because that way no one will see you coming. Acting fast and taking control of the situation by breaking the rules and making others uncomfortable and out of comfort is what success for him. He feels like a savor trying to help those that need to get riddle of someone that is causing trouble and not letting them be. So at the end, who's right or wrong? Who has more control? Is it some truth about their own way of living and how they face their situations and choices ? Again, it's all about survival and everyone has a different perspective of it and we all have different needs even we share same basics but our motivations will evolve into a unique mix that others might understand or not so we'll need to plan out next move in order to achieve them or protect them from others. When they say it's a jungle out there, that phrase takes a different meaning, but applies perfectly as we all are hunters and prayers for others, we just need to realize their intentions before they get us and be faster to do what it takes to make our own and stand out but always will be someone weaker and someone stronger, now how faster can you become from one to the other and avoid being one more in the statistics of missing persons?

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