K is performed by talented actor Ryan Gosling that joins the franchise to bring a deep performance of a replicant that has been kept just to help humans hunting other replicants that remain hidden, pretending to have ordinary lives as humans because no one has noticed they are pretty much alike their creators. And even this premise we have seen before and recently in movies and tv shows, regarding human kind trying to play god and once we have created machines to serve us and make our lives easier, no we will try to create life, also with the mere purpose of have someone to do all the task we don't want to. Why? Simply because our ego feels more like managing than doing and since our own kind has moved forward to civil rights and far from slavery, we feel the need to have someone to dominate and control, right? otherwise how can be superior if there is no one below us?. So the movie moves in a slow pace. taking it's time to explore and get to know this character K, as he moves from case to other until one turns to have something hiding deeper and that might change things up. A possibility for all replicants to have hope and believe and a threat for human kind. But mostly this will take our main character for a spin in his own believes. Right!, this new creatures think, feel and have personalities of their own, so they are aloud to have emotions like hope, love, joy, sadness, anger. And no it's not a Disney movie, this one is as real as any twelve years of slave where even they are capable of, are always tested to not bring them out and keep them for themselves, because they are not a person, they are a thing used to serve humans.
But how can they love? Well, again the question of the million dollars, how do we possibly know what is different from us? As even between humans, we are different in many ways, and the only way to understand each other is accepting that fact, believing that even what might look unpleasant and making none sense to you will do for others. But is our nature to be afraid of what we can;t explain or understand. But as we see K navigating in this cold new place, trying to solve a case while figuring out his own persona and understanding his origins, he also feels lonely and has a relationship with an hologram, a woman that is basically just a software projecting images of someone that can be, making the physical contact an issue for their relationship, but that doesn't seem to be a deal breaker as they both understand and accept each other the way they are and loving each other in a way that might sounds crazy in paper but once is happening kind of makes sense when they complement each other to give the company and support anyone needs from a partner. So who are we to judge their relationship? Who can point fingers saying that is no true love when most of the time seems like we, us, humans, have no idea what that means anymore. Our relationships are so complicated these days that looking back at the simplicity of that caring and respect for other, no matter if they are a machine, can't be called love. If two rational individuals care about each other and accept, understand and support each other, isn't that what love represents, or is the fact that we keep attributing that feeling and concept to the heart and soul of humans rather than the brain which controls all our emotions, that makes it exclusive for humans and natural born living creatures?
The movie as a whole turns into a little jewel for those fans of the original and the genre as the talented director Denis Villeneuve does it again, delivering a great product that can satisfy even tough critics with a deep story and an intriguing plot that never is what it looks like and keeps the audience guessing and wondering where will this journey take them now. If you looking for a more action pace flick, this might disappoint you, but if you looking for a story that will make you think while enjoying the ride, with a stunning photography that makes the trip to the theater worth it rather than wait to watch it at home. And while the movie moves between a crime flick and a serious sci fi offer, the real deal comes underneath with all these topics to discuss at the dinner table, concerns about the future that we are building on, thinking that all these improvements in technology will save us and make our lives better when as a side effect we are using them to destroy our planet and while we are trying to move forward as a more civilized race with equal rights and respect to others, our human capabilities of love, communication, security are going in a different direction, taking a pattern that is not making our society better but more distant and more robotic, so at the end are we creating robots or clones that emulate humans and are actually more capable to have more human experiences than us that are moving to a robotic side of humanity, becoming colder, controlled, programmed, lack of feelings and commitments and emotional unavailable, so who's moving in the right direction, are we still superior than the rest or that need is just a response to compensate what we miss?.
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