During season one, we are introduce into her world, a very familiar one for any one that lives or has been in NYC, or any similar big cities, where standards and expectations are really high. She, as a successful woman, won't settle for less. She has a successful career, live by herself in a decent apartment, always keeping up with fashion, and with a lovely group of friends. This group is the one that will turn her story into a binge worthy event, as she can turn into a needy, spoiled, high maintenance city girl, is this group of people around her that makes the journey more fun and romantic. But as any grown up, your friends end to be your co workers. Spending hours at work, you end relating, caring and hanging with this random people that otherwise you wouldn't cross paths with. So she is the first female associate in this new clinic along with Dr. Reed, a womanizer that will only care about the next party and his new target. And Dr. Danny Costello, the perfect catch for any single woman, as a single, successful, attractive man, that just happens to be as difficult and complicated in his own way, as Mindy. The rest of the gang is included by Nurse Tamra, Male Nurse Morgan, Dr Intern Peter, Assistants Beverly and Betsy. Making of this singular group of people a collage of diversity that will help our Princess to find love in the concrete jungle. But soon we'll learn things are not as easy as we would think. Because as soon as we start getting into the show, we'll see how this woman becomes popular among men but also will suffer from the consequences of dating, falling for the wrong guy that might cheat on her, have some kind of addiction, or has his own issues that won't match with hers ending in a series of complicated events.

So in times like this where violence is the news of the day and relationships are as complicated as any new algorithm, where social media has take over the place and online dating seems like the only way to go, a show that brings some old fashion romance with a simple sense of humor that we used to embrace before the millennium, this shows feels like a fresh air not to mention that along it's run will touch, expose and make fun of some interesting and very actual topics as racism, diversity, equality, respect, sex, love, fashion, career, and more, all of them coming from the hands of a group of young people trying to make it through a city that never sleeps and never stops but always brings something new to the table, and having a first female of color with an indian background that serves to make fun of the cultural barrier between the all american values and traditions when clashing with foreign ones, as a remembrance of all the different shades in the world. And also the fact that this new female role model also breaks the stereotype of the white, skinny, innocent, dumb princess looking for love or trying to be rescued by her prince. This woman is independent and not exactly fit because she loves to have donuts or poundcake for breakfast and she is ok with it and all men around her, seem to not care about it but been drown by her unique personality and strong values and mostly her confidence to put her out and try hard for what she wants and as any hopeless romantic, believe in the power of love. And even her friends can't understand all their motives, they like care and relate to her quest, while they all find themselves suck into different situations and complications while each one trying to make it through love and happiness.
And seems like the all the cliches didn't work out well with the audience, not matter the fact that through it's six seasons, they like have special guests, most of them staying for a while rather than a small cameo, and most of this guests are comedians that are making it big in the industry, either in TV or movies, but bringing their own sense of humor and style to the series, but that wasn't enough for Fox Network that after season 3 was about to cancel the show but fortunately Hulu came to the rescue and kept it going for another three seasons. And now here we are, about to witness the end of her journey and as any woman dream made true see her self battling to decide who is the love of her life after being pursue from some very eligible bachelors but is the essence of the show that makes it unique and different is the personal project that involves a six season run, seen someone evolving from one point, the young, idealist, hopeless, hungry for power and success to a more grown up phase, mature enough to enjoy and take success as it comes but balancing life and realizing there's more than just work and how friends are important and are key to find love and find our own true. And once we find love, then what? well the real adventure begins, because getting to know someone it's a long run and any relationship is a hard work but we all a working progress so fairy tales don't exist, there are only real dreams and ideal fights. No matter how many people we dated we'll always learn something new, and if it's not the right person no matter how hard we try it won't say, things need to move so the one can come unless we are so blinded and weak to let him pass. So now you know a lesson or two about love and life but if this sounds too serious for you just turn your tv on and enjoy one of the most charming, big hearted shows running now and let that romantic inside you to come out and root for a happy ending, because as real as it gets, we all deserve one.
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