lunes, 23 de octubre de 2017

ONLY THE BRAVE...facing your own demons

What easy is to say, you can do it!, or try harder. But while must of us focus our lives to train and learn more, going to school and build a career trying to achieve big goals that will impact others lives through our daily basis routine that we call job, others just train and practice to be better at what they do, and that simple thing turn them into heroes. Yes, heroes are real and they live among us. And no, they don't need capes or super powers. All what they need are skills and be brave to face the struggles of their every day, risking their own lives to save others, to protects us from natural disasters or catastrophes and they don't need to go and fight a war overseas to come back as heroes. Their fight is at home, around us, and the danger is as high and dangerous as any bomb in foreign territory. But we tend to overestimate their help, until we face what they do for living and realize that more than be strong and brave is needed to do that in a regular basis and knowing that every time you get up and go to work could be your last day. That feeling is why most of all boys wen are young dream to become a firefighter when grown ups. The idea of saving others houses and saving lives is our first contact with heroism and bravery. Other options are become a policeman so we can catch the bad guy and save the day. But something happens in between that by the time we get old and can decide what to do with our future we turn for something more intellectual and secure. Pursuing a career at school that will give us the opportunity of doing business or create, or become an employee because that is safe and can provide us a better quality of life, leaving the option to become a real hero to those ones that have no other option or feel attracted t the adrenaline of that kind of job.

So after been creating multiple cinematic universes for all sorts of comic super heroes, it's time to pay tribute to those ones in real life, that day by day work hard and sacrifice their life in order to keep things going on as we know them. And no, they are not soldiers because peace shouldn't be something you need to work out. These are regular people having ordinary lives among us but once their duty calls, they face challenges that while we are sitting at home watching tv, can't even imagine. The movie i'm talking about is "Only the brave" (2017), a perfect title for a story that sum all it's parts in it while exposing the lives of a few that risked their lives in order to save other from natural disasters. This is a drama that bases on the real events from the Granite Mountain Hotshots, the first one to be certified nationwide. A group of brave men that as a sort of firefighters, deal with big fires that happen every season at the wild in the West side of the country. The mix of humidity with the winds start fires up in the mountains where nature is easy to burn up and it gets so fast and intense that they need to find a way to stop it before reaches towns and communities, burning down houses and factories. And as exciting it sounds for a movie plot, in real life is a big risk all these people face by nature, been threaded to lose everything including their loved ones. And for all the rest of us that live under more safety and calm circumstances, knowing about their story is an example of bravery and courage that can inspire anyone to face their own challenges and appreciate a quite comfortable life being protected by others.

The story centers mostly in just a few members of this elite, and we follow all the events through their eyes while the others just serve as supporting cast to prove the boundary that exists between these men and how they all become a big family. Starting with the leader and head of the group. The captain in charge to lead the group of young fighters and train them properly to survive and get things done correctly. Marsh is a tough man, with a happy life outside of work. Married with a beautiful and lovely woman that supports his career while keeping him with his feet on the ground. Why? well, he is a recovered addict. So has found a way to stay clean focusing in his job, but unfortunately this one has become a new addiction  that keeps him busy but the adrenaline of it, barely lets him have a normal quite life, not even mention the idea of start a family with kids. But because he's aware of where is he coming from, can be an inspirational leader for his team that follows him through the danger and he'll stand up for them and look after the best for each one of them, as his own family. That is the case of the new member, Brendan, a young guy that has reached bottom after being doing drugs and wasting his life doing service and getting high, until he knocked up his girlfriend and that will wake him up to try to find a way to provide to his daughter what he never had and finding this supportive group of men will help him to keep his life in track and only look forward from here and following the same path as his new boss, will find an opportunity where to keep busy, find a meaning in life while be inspired by doing something meaningful.

But we also get to know others like MacKenzie, the alpha male of the group. A rebel by heart that keep everyone entertain by his stories as a womanizer chasing his new lover, making the day for all the married guys that can live through his experiences and get some interesting facts about the local girls that he hooks up with, but also makes him a tough pill to swallow as he won't be very welcoming at beginning with the new ones, because he likes to protect his territory and feels threatened  by others that might be better than him and steal his place in this pack but deep inside of him has a good heart just looking for love and acceptance, reason why he'll do whatever it takes to keep safe his friends and help them. Same thing happens with Jesse, the second aboard or the right hand of Marsh. But he is the soft hand when things get hard and someone need to keep things calm and cool. But his friendship with his boss and experience let him be in the loop for taking the next position as Captain but as difference from Marsh, he is a family man, with lovely kids waiting for him at home and a devoted wife that suffers every time sees him leave for work with the possibility of being the last time she'd ever see him again. And that's basically what happens with the rest of the guys, a total of 20 men were working together, as a group, a family, that trains and risk their lives to keep their families, their community and others, that they might never know, safe. Keeping danger out of reach. Working hard to keep an enemy that comes from nature, fire, a menace that exist around us but when gets unleashed can destroy miles and everything within.

But we know we are not here to meet this brave men. As we spend most of it's two hour long getting to know them and understanding their motives that brought them to that place, we are also witness of their struggles when duty calls and even they had a very successful track, they also faced some difficult circumstances until that they when they faced and battled Yarnell Hill Fire, where some will meet their destiny, for those that have no idea about their story. What is more important is to recognize and pay tribute to them and other hundreds of men and women that day by day put their lives in risk to make this world a better place. Not only by trying to be heroes but by facing challenges that only the brave can, proving that we are as here as a learning experience, as some kind of masterpiece that is a work in progress but in order to meet it's final touch will be struggles and difficulties that not everyone will be able to deal with but only finding a meaning to keep us fighting everyday and looking forward to the next one is what we need to battle the biggest fight of all, ourselves and survive through any challenge that will come to us and even sometimes playing with fire might get us burned is better leaving achieving greatness rather than a long boring and meaningless life and be able to say i did it, so maybe next time that we feel like our lives lack of that spark or something is missing just looking at this examples of fighters that leave among us, will make us root for more than capes and super heroes and only the brave will be able to join them. Perfect timing due to the current natural disasters to go and check it out, we might need more people like them soon.

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