But what if all these would be taken from us? Once again erased as a life style and turning the table back to centuries ago where oppression and monarchy was the way to rule the world? What if things just fade the way we know them just to place society back in ancient times where masters and servants where the structure of society? This and more is the base that serves as plot from the 1985 novel and now a TV show "A Handmaid's tale" (2017-current). A show that took everybody by surprise specially playing a perfect timing due to recent events in the United States with their current political environment, and with all that, the show became an award winning series taking 8 awards from 13 nominations at the Emmys. The drama follows a story in a fictional future that might feel scarier enough to become a thriller, following the tale of June, a woman turned slave or handmaid and renamed Offred. Why? well basically because in a near future due to pollution and sexual transmitted diseases, infertility rates collapse putting humanity existence in danger of extinction and in the aftermath of a civil war in the country, a totalitarian government has taken over, with a big christian and religious regimen that will send the country back to a century ago where white men where the privileged ones ruling the world subjugating women, not allowing them to have money, own property and not even read. And the few ones that are still fertile are taken as handmaids and assigned to a master to be raped once a month so they can give her master a child while his spouse watches everything pretending to be the one participating on it.
This horrible setting let us see and feel how it would be to start living like was centuries ago and realize how far have we come in terms of civil rights and equality. Sadly all this militarized new society is ruled by biblical influences, segregating society by their roles, limiting pretty much everyone in their duties and freedom. Women again are taken to the back sit but now since they have proven been as strong, intelligent as any man, they are making sure to cut any access of them to culture or having an active role in society, turning the handmaid is basically just an object made to bring babies to the world. They can't even go shopping by themselves, always have to be wearing a distinctive red cape and white hat and walk in groups always under surveillance and treated just as any slave back medieval times where if they don't behave properly or as indicated, will be punished severely, so some had lost an eye, a finger, a hand. June has lost her daughter and missed her husband, while they were captured trying to escape the country. But her new master is a high rank government official that seems having more interest to connect with her rather than just using her. But he has a wife and she is a beautiful young woman that has made peace with her limited new role in this society that she helped to build, all based in the conservatism and believes of Christianity, but at the same time all that frustration seems to be taken over her new handmaid by being cruel to her even she comes from a very conservative and religious background.
This serves perfect to prove once and for all how ironic is and has been through history the way religion and church has treated the ones opposed to their believes. While trying to preach love and acceptance for everybody, if you dare to defy any other statements, punishment will come to you and in a very cruel and inhuman ways. How ironic is that? People feel able and devoted to commit barbaric acts, even murder in name of their fate and believes, while all what any faith or any religion are based on are to create and bring to broken societies preaching love, respect and acceptance to each other while working on being a better self for you current life and a possibility of an after life. And it's shocking to watch how the more affected ones are the first ones to compromised and accept the new rules. Instead of all women unite and fight back, there are the first ones submitting under men and push them to take control and accepting what someone said once that they are just meant to please their men. How many times the minorities are the ones putting themselves in less favorable situation, blaming others, like god, religion, the government, for their situation instead of stand up and fight back for what is right for them. Is it still ok to marginalize others in order to satisfy anyone's hungry for power? And if so, does that really makes you powerful? The fact that you got the power because you were able to manipulate and control others that might be more powerful but you never defeat them, and you might never will but if you keep them under your sight and control that let you be one on top. How many times do we need history to repeats to understand what is best for us and that as scary and challenging the future might look, there is a reason we move forward so going back can't be the solution and we need to start blaming ourselves for our contribution to society and do something to make it better instead of leaving it to others that might go on a wrong direction but it's easier to blame them and complaint rather than face our own consequences. Until when? First women, who will be next?
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