And when they are grown ups, the just live day by day, like just passing through life as a line to take the next train. Lack of purpose and motivation takes them to boredom and failure. Reason why the police department seems to be full of incompetent police man. They are more intrigue about gossips from the neighbors than actually do something about the situation of their hometown. Cases are filed like encyclopedias for decoration in the room but they will be punctual for happy hour at the local bar, taking advantage of their power to get away with murder, able to beat someone just because and use their lack of anger management to persuade the local to do as they need to, until one is finally standing up for the rest and saying no more. It is time for them to do their job and respond for the lac of answers at it. Exposing their failure proteting the town is what those billboards mean and will bring chaos to the town, that will see the opportunity to finally point fingers to the police and demand them to do their job but also will cause controversy among the conservationists that like to live peaceful and try to get away from trouble, specially officer Dixon, a police officer that the more he talks the more assures how messed up is the academy that gave him a gun and a batch, but that behind his anger issues nurtured by his mother and his alcoholism, hides a detective soul screaming for an opportunity to prove himself and show off in exchange of validation, but for now he is not happy with his station being exposed as mediocre and incompetent so actions will be taken about it.
But then we also get to know the sheriff of this peculiar place, a man that is trying to do it right but its caught by his own troubles, specially the fact that he has cancer and will die soon, but in the mean time he is still a dad, so will try to be the best dad and husband possible while trying to be also the best he can do as the sheriff of a town that has not much resources and staff to rely on, but mostly he is part of this community and people care about him, so when he is put in the spot by these billboards, some will look at him as the responsable for let this happen and others will take his side and fight for him, protect his reputation, but might be just the fact that they feel sorry for him. Still, he believes in this woman and thinks her idea is brilliant, sadly he can't do much to help her but to support her cause even that will bring more chaos to his office, but he is just another man, a regular middle age man, that has to deal with real issues like family and a career, both stuck in a town in the middle of nowhere, where no one cares about missing persons and where everybody has a better agenda than help others, and settle by just looking at what is happening out there without doing anything to change it, so are they the ones creating this environment and nurturing the fact that things happen here and have no consequences or are the consequences what are shaping the lives of all this people that is trying to survive by just living through the situation looking forward to move on?
Between all this drama exist the real plot of the story that serves here more as a subplot where a case is still open and lacks of any clues of who's the responsible of such horrible crime. But the real question is, does the mother made this happen by pushing her daughter to go out and be at the wrong place at the wrong time just for trying to be a mother and forge her daughter out of the dark side where she stands? Or was the parents that were too busy solving their own issues, dealing with addictions and emotional problems to really focus in their children and embrace their role as parents before individuals unable to fight to keep their family together? Or maybe was the police department that with their incompetent staff makes of this town an easy target for bad people to come and satisfy their needs to commit ilegal actions, while they use their power as a law force to do whatever they want but protect their town by actually doing the opposite creating fear among the locals, fear to the ones supposed to protect them and fear to your neighbors that won''t do anything to help the situation? Or is it the community that raises new generations entitled by their parents that show no respect or role model figure to them by promoting the wrong things to do in any situation, like overprotection, lack of parenting, an absent sense of culture and education but at the same time a great gift of forgiveness that will let them move on to the next chapter no matter if was right or wrong? The answer we might never know or maybe each one of us will have their own after witnessing this different stories colapse in search of one truth that deserves to come out but for sure this 120 minutes will take you a place you never knew and expose several realities of modern time in some areas of the most watched country in the world. All with a great screenwriting, a story that will shock modern and past generations, a great cast delivering terrific performances under a very detailed and emotional direction that will keep you guessing until the very end, one that will make you want to drive over there and figure it out, are you ready for it?
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