lunes, 16 de abril de 2018

BLOCKERS...are you ready to let it go?

Prom night? Losing your virginity? Getting drunk and party? Sounds like the prefect setting for a raunchy teenage comedy where young kids with all these hormones going them crazy, are just trying to have sex for the first time using, of course prom night, as an excuse to close one chapter in their lives and move on as grown ups, sexually experienced. But what about their parents? Maybe it's not all about the kids but the place they come from and the situations they are living with the people raising them, because at the end is like everybody says right? blame the parents, or we are the person they shaped through all these years. We've seen so many stories about coming to age, and exploring sexuality while trying to become a grown up. Dealing with family issues while trying to find your own identity is a business that we all have been through. Trying to find the person that we want to become and shape it while we try to keep up with friends and school and all these new responsibilities and changes it's not an easy journey, reason why there have been so many stories about it that we are at a point where we don't know what else we could possibly been missing. Oh no wait? What about the parents? Those humans that happen to  be living with us as teenagers, and are the ones staying up while we to parties, and keep track of our grades and feed us and tolerate us when we for no reason wake up in a weird mood or simply feel frustrated for no reason? Yes, those grown up that we don't understand because everything seems like a no go for them while we want to explore everything. Those individuals that we seek for protection and advise when we feel like lost but we try to avoid them when we feel like we can rule the world. What's happening through their minds in those moments and how do the deal with all the mess we cause? Because they seem like having no option but to love us and keep up with it.

Well, for all of you wondering that, here's finally an answer, deliver through a new raunchy comedy about teenagers that is not only about teenagers but the parents of a trio of teenagers that are looking to lose their virginity at prom night. "Blockers" (2018), is the new comedy from Universal Studios that after being successful bringing all time raunchy comedies that now are classics fir their genre, now deliveries a new story that not only focuses in their young cast, but their parents that will go to a similar journey exploring a bit of their own issues in life such as their young cubs will. Julie, Kayla and Sam are three young girls that have been friends since elementary school and now that are about to finish high school they make a pact to lose their virginity because they want to share a moment together so when time passes they all can talk about but there is more into it that they think. Having sex for the first time is not just a business of being horny and get off. Sam is the only one in a relationship. She's been dating a guy during high school and even they know it's nothing serious once they start college, she wants to share that moment to him because of her feelings to him and want a special for her. So she is committed to the idea of using prom night to move forward in her relationship, but her plans won't come well for her mom, Lisa, an overprotective single mom, that is afraid to accept that her whole life has been hanging around her daughter so now that she is about to move away for college, she is afraid of being left behind finding herself alone the for first time after years when she got pregnant and dropped college to follow a guy that want nothing with her, so now that she knows the real intentions of her daughter for that special night she'll do whatever is in her power to stop her.

Kayla is a peculiar girl, she is a very confident and self aware young woman that has no problem having fun and enjoying herself as part of embracing her as a young lady but also owning it without labels, All this thanks to being raised by her mom, an Indian descent psychologist, and her dad, Mitchel, an all american man, that could look like any strong muscular guy just to be a very emotional one. So when Sam shares her intentions for prom night, Kayla signs up with her date, her chemistry class partner. She sees the opportunity more as a challenge for her to become a woman and a grown up than as a sexual act. Reason why she has no problem committing to it, so they can all talk about this in the years to come and feel closer to her all time friends. But her overprotective dad, won't be ok with this idea of her beloved daughter as he feels like she still needs to be protected and he won't let anyone to touch her even less to hurt her. Reason why he will join this mission to stop the kids of making a bad decision, just to realize that her daughter is strong enough to make her own decisions all thanks to be raised by him, with strong values and ideals that make her such a unique woman. But for him to realize that, he will have to deal with new tricks for the old and young generations  that like to have fun in very different ways from the ones he used to, pushing his own limits to learn how far can he go for the things he matter the most.

And lastly, we have Sam, the shy and nerdy one that might be hiding something, reason of why that behavior. But she is trying, so decides to join this pact with a nerdy guy she is seeing to pretend. She actually doesn't feel prepared for that but she needs to try and prove herself that all what she thinks is true and there's no way back. So she will try using the excuse of having someone to go to prom already. But her family situation is complicated. Her father, Hunter, is not an easy guy, he wants to steal the show, and now more than never, since it's now a divorced man, because his wife left him for a nicer man. So the only thing he feels has left is his daughter but even she loves him, she can get closer to any of her parents, afraid of her rejection. Hunter knows her and believes she is lesbian, so he is not worries about her doing anything crazy at prom night until after reading her text messages with the other two parents and seeing her with a guy, he might be wrong and need to stop her to make the biggest mistake of her life, for she needs to do this to prove herself what she really is and once she does, she will embrace her true identity, and lucky her, her father will be there for her, but not without having to go through a tough journey for himself to realize that he can be more than this joke that he pretend to be and while dealing with a mission along the other two parents to stop their kids, figuring out where they will be before is too late, he'll understand that might not be late for him to start fresh a new life and accepting his own mistakes, but her daughter is someone that he did right and that is always a good start.

So this time, prom night won't be the big issue but the setting for a journey where teenagers and grown ups, will realize that there is more in life than just a moment of passion, but every moment should be full of passion, and children are more connected that we can imagine with their parents, that is why sometimes we clash so often with them as we can see more of ourselves with them and same for them, that can see all her dreams and frustrations all together in this new generation, without realizing that the second time might go different and they need to give them a chance to prove it and push them to succeed. And yes, sex it's a journey of it's own and we all make a bigger deal of it than what it is, reason why communication should always be open without shame of it, so we can learn and feel confident of what might come. And definitely if want to spend a good time at the movies while remembering those days of youth when your hormones where dominating your thoughts or you already parent of one of some kids that might being going through that phase, never is to late to remember that growing up is fun but mostly is a pain and a challenge everyday, and this diverse cast will make you remember that while learning one thing or two about life, sex and love and mostly about yourself because nothing is as raunchy as you trying to have sex for the first time or re kindle the spark with your long time partner, but the heart behind that is what matters the most and you'll definitely find that in this comedy, delivered by a talented team with memorable moments that shine more in their deepest than when try to be fun, if you know what i mean....

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