Well, this and more might come to a resolution and will be put on a test in a new comedy delivered by Comedy Central actress Amy Schumer, in her third movie, where she explores and exposes society and it's devotion for the perfect look. "I Feel Pretty" (2018) follows the story of Renee, another New Yorker that struggles with the insecurity of her looks. She might be pretty but her body doesn't fit the standards of a size zero. And because of that she can't but feel insecure and shy, which is a reflection in her life. Working in a basement for a major cosmetic company in the IT department, while her dreams of become a receptionist for her company are crushed by the idea of never looking like those girls that seem out of any magazine. And she is trying. She follows every step to push herself into a better look, fashion, fitness, you name it, but it's just hard when you don't feel confident about it. So she navigates the scenes of soul cycling, diets, trendy products to make you look prettier, all while she hangs with her friends, a trio of feminist women that want to feel free of expectations and labels but Renee is not like that, she loves them, but she wants to be part of the cosmopolitan world where she could feel pretty and desired and look just like all these girls that she runs into at the gym and the street. But while she is so worried about getting to that point and dreaming about a life that doesn't belong to her just trying to fit in when she already has an amazing life that has been just underated by herself, unable to live it and explore it with more determination and fierce as it's deserved, wasting time in all these distractions.
The movie moves in a good pace between it's comic relief and it's morality about the story of an insecure woman, just like many others, struggling to fit in a world that demands her to be someone that she is not . But the problem with it is that falls victim of it's own predicament. Trying to not be too preachy, becomes too predictable, and if you have seen the previews, you have seen everything. There are some fresh jokes and the journey of this woman is reliable to any woman in the modern era but there's always that feeling of we've seen this before and this time around it's not as fun as it should be, but the message comes with a good timing in hands of one of the most popular comedians of this generation, but even tho it fails to deliver, becoming just another project where the idea surpasses the result, and that has been reflected in the box office. But if you in the mood for a fun time at the movies this should accomplish that. The Journey of Renee navigating the scene of any single woman in NYC is just entertaining enough to escape from your own life and root for her. Why? well because happens that this woman hits her head just to wake up looking at herself in ways that any model would die for. She sees her as gorgeous woman willing to take over the world at any opportunity because the fact that she can see herself as always wanted gives her confidence enough to feel strong and fight for all what she wanted. And while everybody else sees her as the ordinary same Renee, her confidence and new energy will make a difference among everybody making them change their mind regarding how they look at her.
Now this new Renee is a confident woman that truly believes she is so beautiful in the outside that can hit on guys in the line for laundry, or participate in a wet t shirts competition, and fight for that job that she thinks she deserves and she's capable enough to get it, and now with this new attitude she might get it. Too good to be true? well not really, the point is that while we are to invested in our own insecurities, we miss looking at others, and we just idealize them by their looks. We assume that just because someone looks great and stays in perfect shape and health, will own confidence and strength to face the world, but truth is that everybody has insecurities of their own and everybody is fighting their own battles, so if we can just take a break and empathize with each other we might realize how much do we have in common rather than how different we might look. We all struggle with the same issues. Love doesn't happen just because you are prettier or more successful. Is you personality that will take you there and will connect with others, so it's all about how you will approach it. How do we face meeting someone and opening to get to know them. Because no matter how you look if someone sees the real you, they will look at you just the way you want to be seen. It is true that unfortunately we are treated the way we look, but also you can be a very attractive person with no sense of fashion and at the end of the day you'll still look undesirable for some, or you can have a perfect body that will make turn heads in the street but if you are boring and lack of culture that is no going to take you anyway but being objectified.
This woman, Renee, will find love and success in a life that it was already very successful in it's own but she was unable to see it. Her new rebooted confidence will only make that life to tumble as soon she will move herself from that humble place to one that belongs to those superficial people that usually put more weight in the way someone looks rather that how good and quality is a person, because confidence hasn't to go against being a good human and work on yourself. No matter how great you are, and how many doors will that open for you, is the real you, what ill keep that place and achieve bigger goals. People who ca also see you by the cover will only prove to be as empty and shallow as the clothes they wear because there's more of everybody than just the way they look. Looking like any magazine model doesn't give you the right to feel empowered and treat others wrong. Sadly is us that aloud this to happen, giving them that power to feel superior than others when should be the opposite. It is time to stop this culture before goes out balance, and give looks the place deserves. So while you wonder what are you doing with your life, and worrying too much about how you look you better take a break, chill and enjoy this comedy with a charm, that will entertain you enough while give you a life lesson that we are well aware of just not following it, and afterwards you might want to focus in you as much as the time you spend at the gym and looking for new food options that will make you lose weight faster and with no effort. Love might be around the corner for you and all you need to be worried about is to be prepare enough to catch it before you miss the opportunity of meeting someone that really sees you behind your cover.
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