And seems like the walking death are back! And not just as a movie or trend, but everywhere. More than never we get bombed by series, movies, comics, they are everywhere. What started as a scary metaphor of human basic fears of being taken away from your conscious behavior just to follow our basic instincts bringing up the animals and predators that we are without it. But now that setting has evolve bringing other possibilities to explore other sides of the human condition and, or expose society and it's conventional ism where we can give things more perspective from a non human or half human sight just as what we do using other monsters like vampires or were wolves, or aliens, or mythical or fantasy creatures. They all serve to tell a story about human nature and the human condition. But zombies have evolves from the last two decades making them more humans and more aggressive than what we knew decades ago. Trying to reach new audiences and updating them to make them more reliable to this era, where things more faster, so they needed to. What is surprising is the popularity they have won among viewers and how they had move to any possible media getting to a point where the market feels crowded by their stories. But before we reach the climax and we'll start moving away from them, let's explore two of the most popular and interesting proposals from this zombies, served as a comedy and mystery/comedy both under female characters which makes them even more interesting to analyze in times where finally girl power has taken over.

And so, the first one is currently showing on the CW network, "iZombie" (2015-current) is based and loose adapted from the comic series of the same name that follows a young over achieving medical resident that when attending a boat party, it turns into a zombie feeding frenzy, ending in her, turning into one. But in difference from what we know about them, she hasn't died or lose consciousness, she is very alive, just some things have changed, she looks very pale, her pulse is very slow, and has this need to eat brains or she will turn into the beast we all know zombies do. Adding this twist to our classic zombie flick, we get the first zombie woman that instead of trying to devore humans and feed herself is fighting to do the opposite and stay as alive as possible and be able to help others. But because of what just happened to herself and the changes she is going through she alienate herself from everyone including breaking up her engagement and avoiding her family and friends, quitting her job and joining to coroner's office where she can secretly feed from dead people's brains. But soon she will discover that by doing so, she will be able to connect with the victim and have some flashbacks that might help to solve the cause of her death. With this new ability she finds a new way to serve and find a purpose in a new kind of life that will make her feel alive again. But soon we'll learn that life is all about adjustments and learning from our mistakes as she will have to start fresh and find her way back to a life that she left on pause.

While she tries to find a meaning in her life as this new person, trying to understand her feelings and re connect with everyone that cares about her, she will have to face and solve the mystery behind her own situation as that party wasn't an accident but a plan organized but another zombie with no so good intentions, and with the fact that there are others like her either will motivate her to try to understand what that implies as much as hat is happening behind curtains that she is not looking at and might put others in danger including her ex fiancé. Along four seasons will follow her journey, as a zombie trying to save the day from other not so nice zombies that have an agenda for their own and solving cases of people that has passed and there's no one to tell their story, but mostly as a young woman trying to find her place in a world that she need to fit in, giving her a new perspective about what family, friends, love means and pushing her to find answers about all that while leaving some questions over the table. And by a charming performance that will hook us with this non human situation that will focus in humanity, will touch us while falling in love and made us follow case by case her journey rooting for her not to just solve all the clues of each murder but the ones that each one is leaving on her just as any day for us in the office. Never something that is supposed to be non human anymore has explored the deeps of what being humans means and that we all share and connect with others no matter gender, race, age, background, etc.

And if all that wouldn't be enough, we also get another dosis of blood and human parts that serve as a happy meal from McDonald's, explore "Santa Clarita Diet" (2017-current), another comedy set up in the suburban town in California that serves as a title for the show. This one under the wing of NETFLIX, and with big names as Drew Barrymore and Timothy Olyphant in the main roles as a couple and parents living the suburban life of two realtors that only deal with mundane situations at home such as her teenager daughter and their annoying neighbors to the regular stress of their job until one day, she gets really sick and dies for a few minutes just to come back to life just as if nothing happened. But it did. She seems the same but she is not, she has no pulse, no blood, and it's really hungry, and her cravings includes human meat. But when she realizes how much she need to eat human parts will be too late to prevent her to kill someone that was at the wrong time in the wrong place. Covering this accident will put the entire family in danger and in peril to cover her tracks while trying to figure what is happening to her and how to move from here. Why is she like this? How that happened? Will she lose herself at some point or will she get rotten as the zombies in the movies with the lack of a heart, pulse and blood in her veins ?

All this are the hang cliffs for us to follow her journey while exposing our society values. How far would you be able to go for the love of your life? Would that include murder? So if you kill someone that is a bad person or has done bad things or bad decisions in life in order to save someone you care, would you? Or is that as bad as killing an innocent? When you have nothing to lose because you are already dead things get another perspective. Food becomes just an instrument of survival rather than a pleasure. Sex becomes an instinct rather than a passionate feeling. Your career is basically trying to get all your shit together and make it day by day without losing it. Family proves to be the one that sticks with you for better or worse and that at the end supposedly will have your back and accept you for what you are or what you've become. Going from one crazy situation to another, things just get more complicated one minute at the time, and with only two seasons we are still intrigued by the fact of not having clear answers of what is causing this people to suffer this condition but one thing is for sure, a new diet has arrived and while some deserve to die others might deserve a second chance to find a new meaning in live and figure out what real means to stay alive and embrace life with all what it brings to anyone...joy, fear, sadness, experiences, lessons, tragedies, ideas, adventures, all get mixed and we get anyone's family journey to figure out who they are as a whole and individually and mostly why should they stick together. If want a real answer you better start bing watching this funny series that will be a bloody but funny mess.

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