miércoles, 31 de diciembre de 2014

Big Eyes....Blinded heart

This is not a movie about art, but about the art of life. "BIG EYES" (2014), is also not a movie about those paintings that entitle the film, but the story behind them. The story of the artists: Mr. & Mrs. Keane, and the truth about the real painter, Mrs is the real artist while Mr. just use her among his charisma and his talent for sales to become the artist he'd never be.

Back in the 50's, was a great time to be a man. Not same thing for women. So this fits perfect to exhibit, as part of gallery exhibit, the need of man for power while woman focus on feelings and ways to express theirselves. So it all starts when Margaret ran away from her husband, a controlling man that for a sensitive soul as hers, push all bottoms to push her away. So when she arrives to San Francisco, a city opened to new tendencies and artistic extravaganza, she's determined to start fresh, get a new life for her and her daughter.

And as mostly woman of that time, feeling not complete or unprotected without a man, get them to be vulnerable to opposite sex, and thats what as a prey, attracts Walter, a seudo artist trying to sell some paintings of streets from around the world. It's not hard to guess that all that charming and romanticism coming from him is just part of a lie or a trick, and so it turns once he ends marrying her and using his paintings to build a fame for himself.

For some these painting would be a piece of art, for some others won't, but as every artist who's open to criticism and different points of view, is all about the intention and momentum why it was created at the first place. So when things go bigger, Walter just can't stand it and brings his real persona to the table, making to his wife to fall in a rabbit hole of lies and dishonesty to end running away again.

It's been said a lot about this new film from visionary and acclaimed director Tim Burton as is the first one in decades far from his unique vision, but in lack of all that fantasy he delivers a story full of emotions and humanity that can create full discussion over the table and his two main stars deliver such true performances from this couple that can't love or hate them but do it all at once and that's where the nature of this story comes and matters in all form of expression, find a way to connect with your audience expressing your own vision and make them feel and being surprised.

Its hard to not feeling sympathy for a woman like Margaret, living in an era where woman minds were oppressed and underrated but once she starts making the same mistakes as part of her own lack of character we start asking why they need to go through all that suffering to realize how worthy they were and be happy with themselves instead of feeling like a foster poppy if there is no man at their side just to realize that their men are not what they expected. So for this times just makes a realization of how far women have grown to reach a status in society.

On the other side is no wonder why men are an easy prey of emotions like proud, power, ambition, control, as can't stand the idea of being second hand, which would mean losing there masculinity. Walter has created a new character of himself, with stories and lies that sell as well as his wife paintings. For him is more important that people are buying that idea that he has created than the true art he is making a life from. So maybe as part of insecurity the "machismo" has turned into a feminism revolution where women ask for a divorce and are ready to embrace a life by themselves.

Whats more important in life: being honest and true to yourself and your values or do whatever it takes to reach that status of fame and money that will bring the american dream? When are we really going to start focusing on getting to know and love ourselves before thinking to do that to others? Has all this old fashion statements really changed or they just evolve according the new century? As the real frame of these paintings, exposing only kids with big eyes as eyes are the window or reflection of the soul, are we really capable of open our eyes and see whats really going on with our world and ourselves or everything is just part of a new creation of our own artist in life, able to express emotions or just selling an idea of them.

miércoles, 24 de diciembre de 2014

CHRIS PINE.....a spy in the woods

Hay quienes nacen con estrella y otros nacen estrellados. En el caso de Christopher Withelaw mejor conocido como Chris Pine, es un poco de ambos ya que las estrellas estaban de su lado desde antes de nacer al pertenecer a una familia de actores o con negocios relacionados con la industria fílmica en su natal L.A., California. quien se considera espiritual mas no profesa ninguna religion (??!!), por lo cual termino estudiando una licenciatura en el idioma Ingles para terminar en la escuela de teatro de San Francisco.

Tras breves apariciones en series de television como CSI:Miami o ER,  debuta en cine con la cinta "Los diarios de una princesa 2" (THE PRINCESS DIARIES 2: ROYAL ENGAGEMENT, 2004), una secuela de la popular historia sobre una joven no popular con una vida muy ordinaria que resulta ser una princesa y por ende deberá tornar su vida a las actividades y responsabilidades de la realeza de un pais europeo ficticio. El actor interpreto al interés amoroso de esta joven, con un encanto que sedujo a la propia Anne Hathaway, su co protagonista, y que puso los reflectores y miradas hacia este joven desconocido.

Tras pequeños roles en cintas que se fueron directo a DVD, no es que lo volvemos a ver sino hasta la cinta "JUST MY LUCK" (2006), otra comedia romántica, donde co protagoniza a lado de una entonces famosa Lindsay Lohan, interpretando a un joven que goza de una pésima suerte hasta crecerse con una chica que tiene la mejor de las suertes y tras un incidente la suerte se invierte para ambos creando comidas situaciones para estos jóvenes que terminaran por enamorarse bajo todos los cliches del genero, pero a pesar del fracaso de la cinta en taquilla y las duras criticas por la pésima producción, la cinta se siente fresca y divertida para los estándares del genero y el publico al cual va dirigida. Lo opuesto a su siguiente cinta "BLIND DATING" (2006), que no gozo de una distribución comercial pero si de las peores criticas de su carrera, en un intento por contar una historia sobre un joven con mala suerte para el amor, que termina en citas a ciegas para no enfocarse en superficialidades y encontrar a la mujer ideal (con un guión tan malo, que se podia esperar? y quien va a creer que un joven con la apariencia del actor pudiera sufrir de mal de amores?).

Tratando de no encasillarse en roles de comedias romanricas, participa en "SMOKIN ACES" (2006), un agente del FBI tratando de proteger a un informante de la mafia en las Vegas. Esta cinta del genero de mafia/crimen prometia mas de lo que entrego al contar con un casting de la talla de Ben Affleck, Andy Garcia, Jason Bateman, Ray Liotta y el joven Pine, entre otros, mas el resultado la ubico en un estreno en plena temporada baja de invierno ante las bajas expectativas de las funciones de prueba, y el resultado aunque decente en taquilla no fue bueno para los críticos.

Su siguiente cinta "BOTTLE SHOCK" (2008), tuvo varias presentaciones en festivales independientes pero al ser comprada por una distribuidora, esta decidido lanzarla directo en video. Con una historia que se centra en la competencia entre vinos Californianos versus vinos Franceses definitivamente no gozo del gusto que estas bebidas generan. Por fortuna para 2009 el actor forma parte del re lanzamiento de la franquicia STAR TREK, con una nueva cinta que se remonta a los orígenes de este grupo de pilotos que viajan por la galaxia en búsqueda de nuevos planetas en misiones diversas y que es considerada una serie de culto con una amplia base de seguidores. Bajo la vision del vanguardista director y productor J.J. Abrahams, el actor interpreta al Capitan Kirk, un joven impulsivo y rebelde pero con grandes aptitudes para el puesto y para liderar a un ecléctico grupo de individuos de diversas razas. La cinta fue un sorpresivo éxito para la serie, tanto en critica como taquilla, y catapulto al actor a las grandes ligas de Hollywood.

Tratando de dotar de versatilidad a su carrera participa en su primer cinta de suspenso: "CARRIERS" (2009), sobre un grupo de amigos viajando en un road trip, donde un virus esta terminando con la población, por lo cual estos 4 amigos están en búsqueda de familiares y un lugar seguro para enfrentarse con las consecuencias de un mundo post apocalíptico. La falta de mercadotecnia genero una baja recaudación a pesar de las buenas criticas obtenidas para la cinta independiente.

En 2010 aparece en la cinta "Imparable" (UNSTOPPABLE), a lado del popular actor Denzel Washington, en una cinta de acción basada en un hecho real sobre un tren que por un error humano es puesto en marcha sin conductor y se encuentra viajando a gran velocidad sin manera de detenerlo. La cinta presenta una excelente mezcla de acción y suspenso que mantiene al espectador al filo de la butaca y sus dos protagonistas brindan buenas interpretaciones que adhieren el factor humano y drama a la historia donde se enfoca que el hombre tiende a cometer errores pero es el como sale y aprende de ellos y sus consecuencias,lo que importa mas que el hecho de error cometido.

Mezclando los dos géneros que mejor le sientan, acción y comedia, en 2012, nos presenta la cinta "THIS MEANS WAR", a lado de Reese Whiterspoon y Tom Hardy, contando la historia de dos espías y mejores amigos pretendiendo a la misma mujer y enamorándose de la misma por lo cual al darse cuenta de esto, inicia una batalla por arruinar los planes del otro. La cinta fue un éxito en taquilla gracias a las bromas frescas de la historia y la química entre el elenco, desgraciadamente la critica no pensó lo mismo. El mismo año, el actor nos presenta el drama "PEOPLE LIKE US", el drama del verano, sobre un joven que descubre tener una hermanastra y trata de incorporarla en su vida y conectarse con su nuevo sobrino, mas las cosas no serán tan fáciles una vez que ella se da cuenta que esta enamorándose de su hermanastro. Ese mismo año cierra prestando su voz al legendario personaje de Jack Frost en la cinta animada "RISE OF THE GUARDIANS", una cinta navideña donde Santa Claus y el conejo de Pascua pertenecen a un grupo de guardianes de los niños del mundo contra enemigos como el Boogie Man. A pesar de contar con buenas criticas y la excelente animación de la casa DreamWorks la cinta fue un fracaso en taquilla.

Como era de esperarse, se realiza la secuela de Star Trek: (STAR TREK INTO THE DARKNESS), donde el grupo se enfrenta ahora a los problemas comunes de un grupo que convive largas horas juntos y luchan por adaptarse, conocerse y sentimientos son involucrados. La cinta presenta una excelencia secuela a su antecesora, y la critica la alabo, mas curiosamente el publico no mostró interés por ella, a pesar de contar con la promesa de mostrar a uno de los mas famosos y poderoso enemigo de esta serie, mas no fue suficiente para crear excitación en el publico remontandose únicamente a su base de fans.

Pero este 2014, el actor nos presenta sus mas ambiciosos proyectos a la fecha. Al inicio de año lo pudimos ver interpretando al famoso agente Jack Ryan, quien ha sido interpretado por diferentes actores atreves de dos décadas, en su nueva misión: "JACK RYAN: SHADOW RECRUIT", la cual presenta una nueva perspectiva del personaje, al involucrarlo en una misión con la mafia rusa y su intentado terrorista contra USA mientras trata de mantener a flote su relación con su prometida quien esta en las miras del líder ruso. Con grandes criticas y altas expectativas, la cinta no las alcanzo en la taquilla,  poniendo en duda la popularidad del actor como del famosos personaje. Este mes, lo veremos en la secuela de la comedia "Quiero matar a mi jefe", que originalmente mantiene el mismo titulo mas un 2 ("HORRIBLE BOSSES 2").

Interpretando al hijo mal criado y con tendencias psicopatas de un empresario millonario que ha mal invertido en el negocio de los tres amigos y protagonistas de esta serie (interpretados por los comediantes Jason Bateman, Charlie Day y Jason Sudeikis), quienes son los encargados de mantener a flote la cinta interpretando cada uno su rol como parte de este grupo que ahora pretende vengarse del inversionista, secuestrando a su hijo, lo cual como podemos esperar se tornara en un desastre con supuestas cómicas consecuencias. Y para cerrar el año, lo veremos cantando por primera vez en la version cinematográfica del musical "INTO DE WOODS", donde nos deleita con una caricaturizacion  del principe azul de Cenicienta, el cual enfrenta el dilema de haber sido solo educado para ser encantador mas no sincero ni fiel, lo cual lo hace sentir mas complejo. La obra musical fue un éxito en broadway y es considerada un clásico del teatro, por lo que la casa Disney ha mantenido el humor negro de esta historia sobre crecer y ser padre,  lo que definitivamente significara un parte aguas en la carrera del actor, quien sorprende con un desconocido talento vocal. Co protagonizan celebridades de la talla de Meryl Streep, Anna Kendrick, Johnny Deep y Emily Blunt.

Con tantos altibajos en su carrera, que van de grandes producciones a filmes independientes, géneros que oscilan entre la acción y la comedia, compartiendo créditos con actores de renombre o cargando el peso de un protagonista, su carrera pende del resultado de sus siguientes proyectos para definirlo como una estrella fílmica o una mera cara bonita, ya que a la fecha su talento como actor o la falta de un proyecto serio lo ha privado de nominaciones a premios o competencia en festivales reconocidos. aunque 2015 trae bajo el brazo la cinta de ciencia ficción "Z FOR ZACHARIAH" y el drama "THE FINEST HOURS", no hay aun nada escrito sobre piedra.

miércoles, 17 de diciembre de 2014

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies or the five senses war?

There has been a lot of controversy about this new saga on the Middle earth series. After the movie adaptation of the "Lord of the rings" (2001-2003) trilogy and the success of it becoming one of the most beloved novel adaptations of recent era that ended with tons of money at the worldwide box office and the artistically recognition with awards including the prestigious Oscar. So with that said its no surprise that the distributor and producer were looking for a new offer, the prequel from the same author, "The Hobbit", but they decision to transform the single novel into a three movie franchise sounded as crazy as capitalism.

Now finally the journey is about to end and we are about to witness the last episode of this new chapters that can't feel longer. The plot is much simpler that its sequels: Bilbo Baggins, Frodo's grandfather journey with a group of dwarfs through middle Earth to reclaim an old city at the top of a mountain and find the kings jewel that will bring them their land back, facing a Dragon a bunch of Orcs in their way.

With almost three hours run of each movie, this last one centers on the last 60 pages of the book focusing on the battle that has been building along the last two. Humans, Elfs, Dwarfs, Orcs and Middle Earth fantasy creatures will fight for different purposes and will set the table for what we already saw at the LOTR trilogy.

So why should we keep watching this series? well if you are already invested, you probably be wondering what will happen or want to watch the final conclusion of this new adaptation, which also happens to be a well done movie thanks to the vision of director Peter Jackson, taking a second chance to go back to this beloved fictional world and beloved characters, learning from what worked in the first place and what not, so this definitely is his usual imaginary at his best. Also from the what they did on the classic novel to turn it into a movie event this is the best one and resumes the essence of the novel.

As its tittle, the movie focus on a big battle so there is a lot of action and the FX can't seem better and add a better pace to the movie than just long shots. What we miss is more character development and those majestic views of the New Zealand aka Middle Earth. But even with that we are able to get involved in this fantasy that as we know, and for all those who are not very into fantasy, this only serves as a metaphor of actual events or human issues.

So when we witness a battle between different races of this place just happens to feel very similar to any other racial fights we watch all around the globe. There's always one feeling superior than the others because their skills, knowledge and there is the one who's been always rejected cause their nature and looks less attractive than the rest, and so each one has its cons and perks.

So when everyone purpose clash in a point, a big battle emerges and will face the best and worst of all. Then comes the best part, when the emotions that lead them show off. Some will fight for love, the feeling and need to help someone you care about, relating to their cause making it personal and putting yourself on the side. Others will fight for honor, the need to show the rest how important and valuable you are, how brave and honorable person you are, a fight in everyones daily life, when you go through all this new people, new jobs, new friendships, and will find people that recognizes for what you are and who won't. What make us honorable? Doing the right thing? who gets to choose what the right thing is?

Also will be fighters, rebels, that don't know other than repression, being misunderstood  their whole lives so don't know better, the anger, insecurity will make them an easy target for leaders trying to win a personal war using others a way to get it, with the lack of a culture and a wrong sense of fighting to become something better, can easily get lost if you don't know yourself, which also turns into another fight, the battle for power, as they said knowledge is power, so if happens that you know something that the other don't, gives you and advantage over them, so instead of share it, can be use for personal purposes and the sense of that feels like power and can blind anyone, ruled only by his emotions.

And last, the most ironic one, the fight for happiness, a journey that turns not a fight once that all the above mix and things get confused. Everybody wants to get to that point where you can bring to yourself and your beloved ones the best supplies and proper education, the opportunity of do something important and helpful, that ability to enjoy moments and have a safe place and nice food. All this emotions and  purposes, are about to clash in this movie event and will lead to one of the all time cinematography events so even if you are not a fan of the classic novel, neither of fantasy sagas, this movie will definitely entertain you for less time than the rest kept you bored, and mostly you will face and witness why we all are in a journey called life than can't be described other than by experiences than can only be translate for their emotions in us.

miércoles, 10 de diciembre de 2014

Otra perdida, pero de memoria....STILL ALICE

Tratar de endulzar o aligerar este drama seria como quitarle lo dulce al chocolate o tomarse un martini sin alcohol. Estamos en plena temporada de premios y las grandes distribuidoras via su linea de filmes low budget o mas serios, están en plena batalla. Aquí es donde entra "Still Alice" (2014), un drama basado en la popular novela homónima, que aborda la condición de la enfermedad de Alzheimer, la cual entre muchas otras recientes enfermedades esta no es un virus o una bacteria, sino una condición degenerativa del propio organismo, mas dentro del tipo del cancer que del VIH.

Lo que nos define como individuos, aquello que denominamos intelecto, personalidad, una mezcla de valores, emociones, experiencias, ideas, y que al mezclarse hacen de cada uno de nosotros alguien único dotándonos de ese sello de autenticidad que nos diferenciara y definirá por quien somos. Que pasa si de repente, paulatinamente vamos perdiendo esa capacidad de hacer uso de esas herramientas, nos convierte mas en un vegetal y menos humano?

Eso es lo que enfrentan aquellos que padecen esta enfermedad, que en varias de sus ramificaciones es hereditaria, y que se ha tratado en pocas ocasiones en el cine lo cual se agradece al darnos la oportunidad de inmersarnos en lo que la mayoría solo conoce como perder la memoria. Así, la cinta nos introduce en el mundo de Alice, una mujer de 50 años, felizmente casada, con tres hijos adultos, con los cuales conforman una tradicional familia americana. A su vez, es una respetuosa académica en la prestigiada universidad de Columbia en NYC donde radica, tras haber dado varias conferencias, investigaciones y publicado varios libros en el area de lingüística, de la cual es una apasionada profesionista.

Cuando a través de los días empieza a mostrar signos de lagunas en su memoria y sus actividades diarias es que la lleva a realizarse los estudios medicos neurológicos necesarios para descubrir alguna tumor y que en vez resultan positivos para la mencionada condición.
A partir de ahi, todo se convierte en una montaña rusa que solo ira de picada, involucrando a sus hijos a quienes podría haber heredado la condición, y a su esposo quien experimentara en primera fila cada una de las fases. Pero la lucha mas grande sera contra uno mismo, y ahi es donde la actriz Julianne Moore nos deleita con una de sus multiples refinadas y profundas interpretaciones que a su vez han sido ninguneadas por la critica en mas de una ocasión lo cual la convierte en una favorita en esta temporada de premios.

Al interpretar un papel como el de Alice es fácil caer en cliches y sentimentalismos y aunque la cinta esta rodeada de ellos y no pretende evitar el caer en el drama para poder tomarse en serio y presentar los hechos tan tangibles como si de se tratara de la historia de un familiar, pero al adentrarnos en los rincones de la intimidad de esta mujer,  su familia y su mundo las cosas se tornan mas concretas llevándonos de la mano por los momentos claves para empalizaron con lo que padecer esta como cualquier otra enfermedad significa para los involucrados y evita el ritmo novelesco para entregarnos y platillo refinado y nutritivo del tema.

Como la misma Alice recalca en uno de los momentos claves de la cinta al dar un discurso sobre su experiencia con la enfermedad y ser capaz de mostrarse vulnerable al compartir su frustración por perder todo aquello que la define y por lo que tanto ha luchado a lo largo de una vida, como estar agradecida por aun estar viva y haberle dado la oportunidad de expresarse por ultima vez cuando esta por perder esta habilidad que la ha apasionado por tanto tiempo.

Al salir de la sala uno no puede sino compartir ese sentimiento de agradecimiento a la vida y la idea de peguntarse que se haría si se tuviera que llenar esos zapatos de miles de personas padeciendo circunstancias tan difíciles, mientras aveces uno tiene tanto y no se valora, pero si no fuera el caso, aun así es preferible luchar por vivir o tomar la salida fácil seria mejor opción? Tal vez la respuesta sera diferente para cada uno pero una que todos compartiríamos seria hasta cuando aun seriamos nosotros mismos o cuando nos convertimos en otros, padeciendo la condición de Alzheimer o no.

miércoles, 3 de diciembre de 2014

A MODERN FAMILY... for traditional minds

It's holiday season, so today we are going to talk about the most important thing we all have as a individuals and as  society: Family. And even we have talked about what it represents in everyones life and its effect on every child or adult as they grow up, becoming a direct influence in our traditions, behavior, ideals, personality, tendencies, etc., this time we'll talk about it's meaning in modern times.

As we all know, things have been changing from the past decades, and even we are still pursuing same things and values and morals haven't changed, definitely they have evolved and what might seem weird or different before now it's not and it's becoming more a common thing than ever. This is where a tv show like "Modern Family" (2009-currently) fits. Surprisingly by its time was a new thing, revolutionary and now has become a part of the way society embraces the new term of family.

For a tradicional network as ABC and a prime time schedule where makes it accesible to families and all audiences, was a shocker to introduce the first gay couple building a family as their straight relatives, and putting the finger into multi racial couples and families while making fun of all the above. So basically the plot follows a documentary style of a traditional family: Claire and Phillip who are happily married with three teenage kids. Claire's brother Mitchell is a gay professional guy living with his life time partner Cameron and they just adopted a foster baby from Indonesia. And Claire's and Mitchell's dad Jay just married his second wife, a young latina divorcee, Gloria, and her son Manny.

All this characters played roles that are familiar to everyone but at the same time are able to break all the cliches and the conventional rules of what in other times we knew as family traditions to embrace and create new ones, being able to love, accept and respect all your beloved ones the way they are. and thats why this tv shows has become a hit, with 5 Emmy awards as best comedy and a Golden Globe for the same category while most of the adult actors had been nominated. Side note is the ratings that definitely have kept the show airing a 6 season with no intention to end soon.

So, is it really that funny? Or s it that revolutionary? in 2009 definitely was and if looking for dark sarcastic sense of humor might get disappointed and what makes fun of in here is all the b***t that old fashion minds use to called traditional values and a perfect family. There is no perfection at any family neither at it's members. We are humans and we have flaws and we are all trying to coexist as times change. No racism allowed anymore nor discrimination but love and respect and when we embrace ourselves are the person we are, things are done with heart and real emotions.

Thats what the new society is learning, evolving as a structure, to open a new spot for all this new mix of two dads or two moms, cultures clashing, while mix traditions and perspectives but sharing same kind of love and commitment. So finally we are getting a notebook of how to learn to be a family in modern times cause in an era where divorce is becoming an issue and step in everyones relationship, and more young people prefer to stay single and enjoy life by themselves, family still makes a difference and takes a new value and importance to sustain traditions and morals.

So why not get inspired, making fun of things and not take very serious everything. When you see reflected as a mom who tends to panic when your kids get drunk for the first time or the family portrait didn't go as planned, or you learn that nobody teach you to be a dad but it's ok to have fun with your kids and try new methods to get closer to them and learn to know them as the person they are instead the one you want to become. Or when get trapped in your career and family stays on the side, you are not a loser to make a stop and find something that let you spend more time with them while still makes you feel well and pay the bills. Or when your love life got rusty and gets a second chance to spice things, won't be easy to break the rules and put yourself out there but it's worth the risk to keep someone on your side even if you are getting old or not in shape.

Because one sure thing is that family will always be an important part of our lives, it might not go well for some of us but we can turn things into a major event or just relax and try to take the best of it, specially if you willing to start one of your own.