miércoles, 31 de diciembre de 2014

Big Eyes....Blinded heart

This is not a movie about art, but about the art of life. "BIG EYES" (2014), is also not a movie about those paintings that entitle the film, but the story behind them. The story of the artists: Mr. & Mrs. Keane, and the truth about the real painter, Mrs is the real artist while Mr. just use her among his charisma and his talent for sales to become the artist he'd never be.

Back in the 50's, was a great time to be a man. Not same thing for women. So this fits perfect to exhibit, as part of gallery exhibit, the need of man for power while woman focus on feelings and ways to express theirselves. So it all starts when Margaret ran away from her husband, a controlling man that for a sensitive soul as hers, push all bottoms to push her away. So when she arrives to San Francisco, a city opened to new tendencies and artistic extravaganza, she's determined to start fresh, get a new life for her and her daughter.

And as mostly woman of that time, feeling not complete or unprotected without a man, get them to be vulnerable to opposite sex, and thats what as a prey, attracts Walter, a seudo artist trying to sell some paintings of streets from around the world. It's not hard to guess that all that charming and romanticism coming from him is just part of a lie or a trick, and so it turns once he ends marrying her and using his paintings to build a fame for himself.

For some these painting would be a piece of art, for some others won't, but as every artist who's open to criticism and different points of view, is all about the intention and momentum why it was created at the first place. So when things go bigger, Walter just can't stand it and brings his real persona to the table, making to his wife to fall in a rabbit hole of lies and dishonesty to end running away again.

It's been said a lot about this new film from visionary and acclaimed director Tim Burton as is the first one in decades far from his unique vision, but in lack of all that fantasy he delivers a story full of emotions and humanity that can create full discussion over the table and his two main stars deliver such true performances from this couple that can't love or hate them but do it all at once and that's where the nature of this story comes and matters in all form of expression, find a way to connect with your audience expressing your own vision and make them feel and being surprised.

Its hard to not feeling sympathy for a woman like Margaret, living in an era where woman minds were oppressed and underrated but once she starts making the same mistakes as part of her own lack of character we start asking why they need to go through all that suffering to realize how worthy they were and be happy with themselves instead of feeling like a foster poppy if there is no man at their side just to realize that their men are not what they expected. So for this times just makes a realization of how far women have grown to reach a status in society.

On the other side is no wonder why men are an easy prey of emotions like proud, power, ambition, control, as can't stand the idea of being second hand, which would mean losing there masculinity. Walter has created a new character of himself, with stories and lies that sell as well as his wife paintings. For him is more important that people are buying that idea that he has created than the true art he is making a life from. So maybe as part of insecurity the "machismo" has turned into a feminism revolution where women ask for a divorce and are ready to embrace a life by themselves.

Whats more important in life: being honest and true to yourself and your values or do whatever it takes to reach that status of fame and money that will bring the american dream? When are we really going to start focusing on getting to know and love ourselves before thinking to do that to others? Has all this old fashion statements really changed or they just evolve according the new century? As the real frame of these paintings, exposing only kids with big eyes as eyes are the window or reflection of the soul, are we really capable of open our eyes and see whats really going on with our world and ourselves or everything is just part of a new creation of our own artist in life, able to express emotions or just selling an idea of them.

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