miércoles, 3 de diciembre de 2014

A MODERN FAMILY... for traditional minds

It's holiday season, so today we are going to talk about the most important thing we all have as a individuals and as  society: Family. And even we have talked about what it represents in everyones life and its effect on every child or adult as they grow up, becoming a direct influence in our traditions, behavior, ideals, personality, tendencies, etc., this time we'll talk about it's meaning in modern times.

As we all know, things have been changing from the past decades, and even we are still pursuing same things and values and morals haven't changed, definitely they have evolved and what might seem weird or different before now it's not and it's becoming more a common thing than ever. This is where a tv show like "Modern Family" (2009-currently) fits. Surprisingly by its time was a new thing, revolutionary and now has become a part of the way society embraces the new term of family.

For a tradicional network as ABC and a prime time schedule where makes it accesible to families and all audiences, was a shocker to introduce the first gay couple building a family as their straight relatives, and putting the finger into multi racial couples and families while making fun of all the above. So basically the plot follows a documentary style of a traditional family: Claire and Phillip who are happily married with three teenage kids. Claire's brother Mitchell is a gay professional guy living with his life time partner Cameron and they just adopted a foster baby from Indonesia. And Claire's and Mitchell's dad Jay just married his second wife, a young latina divorcee, Gloria, and her son Manny.

All this characters played roles that are familiar to everyone but at the same time are able to break all the cliches and the conventional rules of what in other times we knew as family traditions to embrace and create new ones, being able to love, accept and respect all your beloved ones the way they are. and thats why this tv shows has become a hit, with 5 Emmy awards as best comedy and a Golden Globe for the same category while most of the adult actors had been nominated. Side note is the ratings that definitely have kept the show airing a 6 season with no intention to end soon.

So, is it really that funny? Or s it that revolutionary? in 2009 definitely was and if looking for dark sarcastic sense of humor might get disappointed and what makes fun of in here is all the b***t that old fashion minds use to called traditional values and a perfect family. There is no perfection at any family neither at it's members. We are humans and we have flaws and we are all trying to coexist as times change. No racism allowed anymore nor discrimination but love and respect and when we embrace ourselves are the person we are, things are done with heart and real emotions.

Thats what the new society is learning, evolving as a structure, to open a new spot for all this new mix of two dads or two moms, cultures clashing, while mix traditions and perspectives but sharing same kind of love and commitment. So finally we are getting a notebook of how to learn to be a family in modern times cause in an era where divorce is becoming an issue and step in everyones relationship, and more young people prefer to stay single and enjoy life by themselves, family still makes a difference and takes a new value and importance to sustain traditions and morals.

So why not get inspired, making fun of things and not take very serious everything. When you see reflected as a mom who tends to panic when your kids get drunk for the first time or the family portrait didn't go as planned, or you learn that nobody teach you to be a dad but it's ok to have fun with your kids and try new methods to get closer to them and learn to know them as the person they are instead the one you want to become. Or when get trapped in your career and family stays on the side, you are not a loser to make a stop and find something that let you spend more time with them while still makes you feel well and pay the bills. Or when your love life got rusty and gets a second chance to spice things, won't be easy to break the rules and put yourself out there but it's worth the risk to keep someone on your side even if you are getting old or not in shape.

Because one sure thing is that family will always be an important part of our lives, it might not go well for some of us but we can turn things into a major event or just relax and try to take the best of it, specially if you willing to start one of your own.

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