miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2015

Sicario...a war beyond the cartels

There is a fight that has everyone in this continent and overseas checking the news everyday and has brought attention of militia, governments and ordinary people from all the world wondering what moment did everything go out of control. That moment when drugs and cartels where only legends at the south of America. A moment when drugs where inaccessible, an underworld temptation that was more like a treat than a regular in our lives. A time when drug dealers where junk addicts seeking for their own refill not a life style and a powerful business capable of rule over politicians and cops. That time has arrived and now we all are trapped in this era where drugs are invading homes of all America and cartels are ruling the market with power enough to control markets and destiny of countries. When and how this happen? That's the real question.

All of those who had ever consumed a drug at anytime in their life might be part responsible of this boom of the cartels as no power comes by itself. WE should remind that someone introduce it to our lives and as any cell alive need to breath and water to reproduce. Same happens out there. We made it easy to bring it at the our doors. not long time ago, this was a front page news from countries like Colombia, best known for their own production of drugs and narcotics that even expanding and merchandising them, was far and out of sight. Then things change at home and all chaos became under control. From the sudden, a new one exploded just in our faces. A new drug era raised in the corner of a country like Mexico corrupt enough and economically unstable to provide the perfect circumstances to them for a new start and with the perfect location as the back yard of one of the main consumer, was just like pieces setting perfectly.

Now after years of war from governments and special forces to finish it and control the market, all others who have witnessed this battle had suffered the consequences with losses of family, friends and cities that had came under the new century war. But how much do we know about it. What's really happening behind the curtain and what we don't see once change the tv channel? Are we all conscious about the impact of this and how big of an issue this has turned into? how much is in our hands and how far are we involved or we can still pretend to not notice it and be ignorants trying to continue our lives as if nothing will ever happen to us, leaving disaster for those living in war land when actually we might be already there.

This is the story of "Sicario" (2015), a terrific thriller that serves to tell the story of a tough FBI agent that proves ben capable to be the new addition to a new force aligned to find one of the heads of the most wanted cartels in Mexico. She is willing to fight and search for this people no matter what, until she realizes that she knows nothing about them and herself. A fight like this calls for wolves, no room for sheep. Morals will shade in front of a threat that comes as a gift, a new opportunity that just will turn into disaster. That's what she will discover when she fights in the dark, knowing nothing about the real agenda of her new team leader and his crew, including Alejandro, a Colombian ex agent that might have his own agenda. Mention apart for an excellent cast where actress Emily Blunt, a personal  favorite that keeps growing and choosing better project every time, brings a hell of a performance.

When time comes to fight and clues lead to one head to another trying to find the puppeteer, and break the business that has killed so many and destroyed families. But at this point of war, what do we really know about this business. How it operates, how to connect all the dots and figured the end and the beginning to make it stop or change it. As a nerve breaking film, we'll witness a glimpse of this fight, while we go through the motivations of all of those involved just to realize how things might seem different from one perspective to another. As many of other issues in all times is hard to define what was first, the chicken or the egg? who create who, did they infiltrate in our lives making us a customer or we and our seeking of new experiences and as an answer to deal with all our baggage and stress create them as an industry as a big as any legal one. Do we really need drugs in our lives? Or this is just a new excuse to create a new war that is happening at home? Is it all truth what are we watching in the news or is all part of the same show working as marketing for a business that no needs it but to hide the real power fight inside it.

That's the moment when our mind will open and we'll see the real agenda behind governments and agencies. There is no corruption if you actually one of the creators. How much did the government got involve in positioning cartels and how much of a war for power this also has turned. Everybody will want a piece of this cake as profitable as it is that would be stupid to think there is just one string pulling everything from behind. Other industries like the best known Colombian, the middle eastern, the russian, like old mafias are looking for a piece of this game just making it bigger and harder to identify and fight as overtime that a head is cut, a new one will arise and if one market comes down there will be other with different purpose and agenda will take over. The more everyone takes conscious of it the more we can do to fight it and while we can learn from stories like this that while make us feel and suffer, enjoy and learn, pointing the finger to criticize delicate topics, the more we can become stronger to avoid temptations and make changes in our society and rise our voice to all those who call themselves as savior while are just another wolf dresses up as sheep.

miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2015

THE INTERN... basics will never change

Feel good movies are meant for that, bring us that perspective that at the end everything will be ok and no matter how hard life and things can go sometimes, there always be calm after the storm. Director Nancy Meyers has built a career based on this genre where with just 5 previous films, most of them are now classic for fans of this type of movies so it's no surprise that her new addition will fit the profile after a long due waiting. "The intern" (2015), could be a simple movie, with a premise based on the senior characters that she had used us to but definitely will prove that she can still do what its her best and also bring us some interesting perspectives that might not be as deeper as n academy award movie but can put the finger on these so actual topics.

What i'm talking about comes from the plot of this movie, based on the story of two characters, an elder man, retired, widow, that ran into a proposal for internship for seniors in a new online fashion company. This brings new airs to his life, like to feel productive again and bring his experience to the table as a VIP sales manager. Of course the clash of generations will happen once he gets to his new job. A new company that makes business online, something new and far from his traditional ways, but still some facts like management, leadership and responsibility doesn't get old. He still can show everybody one thing or two. No surprise that most of the staff in this place are young people, trying to learn about the field and their careers after college, the way the manage themselves and crisis when responsibilities and duties happen will show them how much need to learn.

This exercise is use basically to make fun of the situation of this young souls facing their daily basis at work and life. This is no major surprise as everybody has been there, done that, and same way we learned to walk and talk, we found the way to make it through. But when you get the other side of the coin, comparing their freshman situation versus the experience of a man that worked over 40 years in a company, went up the latter, got promoted and now experienced the glory of success and personal satisfaction, things looks so different, exposing the fact of how much we the young need to learn and listen to others, specially when they have and show more experienced in things that we might not. Sometimes proud takes over us and we close doors to opportunities to learn and improve in order to feel smart and capable, when actually admitting the fact that we don't know a thing will make us smarter.

And even when tendencies make an impact and define society by eras, somethings never get old, like dress codes, manners, patience, organization, listen, talk and empathizing with others, and even now technology makes easier to communicate in certain way theres nothing as effective as face to face conversation or try to make an impression in an interview well suited than just showing off as fashionable as possible. Some thing will never change or always be accepted and encourage in the same way they've been for decades. And this is the lesson the other major character in this story has to learn by first hand. A young woman facing a sudden success of her initiative in business. She is now the head and director of her own company. One that is expanding and growing faster than what she can handle, reason enough to turn her investor heads up to the idea of bringing an outsider for help.

And that brings us to the second part of the film, the exposition of the new roles of women in society. Long ago are those days when women were just raised to become housewives. Or go to the office work as secretaries or personal assistants. Nw they are the bosses. The run companies. Take the leadership and full fill as managers of hundreds. But this change comes with perks and cons. As turning sides could be easy to take adjustments and break traditions can't be as easy as it sounds. When a woman try to take control over business might be pointed as mother, girlfriends, sensitive, bossy, lack of character or nerves but with equal capacity as any man, they are proving they can handle corporations on their shoulders. This is leading to men to stay at home or share their kids custody. That switch of roles can be intimidating for some that see a man at home as less manly and a woman at work as less effective, it all goes to each one determination to shut mouths and prove how wrong that judgment is.

So in these days of online shopping, smart phones, home based jobs and and worldwide communication we still need to learn one thing or three about acceptance and racism, either if is by gender, age, religion, raze, sexual orientation, life style and still change our perspective about social classism to become a better society and work as a team where we can be able to listen and learn from experience with an open mind as much as we ask to them to prove new tendencies and life styles, and put ourselves in the loop to judge us the same way we do with others in order to identify our opportunities to improve. Then maybe actually we can have a good feeling about our lives and ourselves and definitely things will be better, not just like in the movies but using simple examples to go deeper and make an impact and real changes.

miércoles, 16 de septiembre de 2015

JOHNNY DEPP....A Dark Pirate

Si de personificar los mas raros, obscuros, perturbados, fantásticos, emotivos, inimaginables personajes se tratara, no podríamos pensar en alguien mas adepto y que encaje perfecto que John Christopher Deep II, un actor norteamericano que a sus ya 52 años nos ha brindado una lista de películas que no podríamos categorizar sino como visones únicas con interpretaciones tan amplias como únicas, lo cual lo ha ubicado en el gusto de un publico muy amplio en gustos y demografía. No así parecía en u natal pueblo de Owensboro, Kentucky, donde creció al lado de una mesera y un ingeniero civil, que lo llevo a moverse a mas de 20 diferentes lugares para decidir dejar la escuela y perseguir la música formando una banda de rock.

Es en esta etapa como músico que conoce al actor Nicolas Cage quien le sugiere cambiar de giro hacia la actuación, tras haberse casado con la hermanad de su baterista a tan solo 20 años, para divorciarse dos años después y uno mas tarde encontrarse comprometido con una actriz con la cual audiciones para su primer rol en cine, el cual no obtuvo orillando a la television donde formo parte de la serie "21 Jump Street" (1987-1991). Siendo su debut en la cinta de terror "Pesadilla en la calle del Infierno" (1984), lo cual en su momento no significara nada para su carrera mas ahora es parte de un culto de sus seguidores. Su gran debut vendría de la mano del director Tim Burton con el cual colaboraría en varias ocasiones posteriormente, pero en 1990 el mundo lo conocido y aun recuerda como "Edward Scissorshands", una obscura fantasia sobre un joven con manos de tijeras que vive enclaustrado por sus miedos y su considerada amenaza debido a su diferencia hasta que conoce a una joven de la cual se enamora y que sacara lo mejor de el para encontrar su diferencia como una ventaja y sacarle provecho. Una historia muy semejante al clásico del Jorobado de Notre Dame. Ademas del éxito obtenido, inicia una relación sentimental con su co protagonista, la actriz Wynona Ryder.

En 1993 protagonizaría el drama "What's eating Gilbert Grape", a lado de un entonces joven y desconocido Leonardo Di Caprio y Juliette Lewis, basado en la obra de teatro sobre un joven a cargo de su dishabilitado hermano tras la muerte de su madre, tratando de sobrevivir mediante la llegada de turistas en busca de acampar en la zona. Continuando en el ámbito dramático pero buscando explorar su distintivo gusto por peculiares y extraños personajes protagoniza "Ed Wood" (1994), filme en blanco y negro que narra la no muy popular carrera y vida del director de culto, y su muy peculiar vision, la cual hace obvia la participación del actor y su amigo el director Tim Burton.  Así mismo inicia una relación con la super modelo Kate Moss. Incursionando en el western protagoniza "Dead Man" (1995) dandole una vision mas psicodélica al genero con elementos surrealistas muy a su estilo y aunque la historia no presenta grandes sorpresas o profundidad es considerada una cinta de culto gracias a la vision del director Jim Jarmusch.

Tratando de aligerar su curriculum se involucra en la nueva adaptación del popular literario "Don Juan de Marco" (1994), una comedia romántica basada en la vida de un mujeriego que se auto asume como el mejor amante del mundo solo para adentrarnos en su cabeza como en su corazón en un viaje por su pueblo natal y el manicomio del cual parece haber huido. La cinta no tuvo el éxito esperado y es una de las menos populares en la carrera del actor pero en definitiva lo posiciono como un sex symbol de su generación y su popularidad se fue  a las nubes. Retomando mayor seriedad con los dramas protagoniza al lado del actor Al Pacino "Donnie Brasco" (1997), basada en la historia real de un detective trabajando encubierto con una e las familias mas importantes en la mafia de la ciudad de Nueva York. Sorpresivamente la cinta fue un éxito tanto en taquilla como en critica que le genero varias nominaciones en los premios mas reconocidos. Después de 4 años de relación con la modelo inicia otra con la actriz francesa Vanessa Paradis que conoce en su siguiente proyecto y que sera la afortunada con la cual tendrá dos hijos hasta su separación en el 2012.

También retomando su gusto por historias bizarras forma parte de "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" (1998), una comedia negra donde dos doctores tratan de cubrir las noticias sobre el abuso de drogas, realizan un road trip que los lleva en un viaje por el desierto que bien podría ser su próxima noticia a cubrir. Lamentablemente la cinta no fue bien aceptada por el publico dada su confusa temática. Por ello y dando un giro en su carrera, el actor incursiona en el suspenso con "The Ninth Gate" (1999), narrando la búsqueda de un vendedor de libros por uno en especifico, el cual se dice tiene el secreto para invocar al diablo. Ni el actor ni la famosa vision del director Roman Polanski la salvaron del fracaso. Por ello el actor decide quitarse la espina y participa en otra cinta de suspenso, ahora nuevamente bajo la mano de su amigo Burton, "Sleepy Hollow" (1999), contando la famosa leyenda de Ichabod Crane un detective atormentado y su lucha por descifrar el misterio del llanero sin cabeza. creando un mundo obscuro pero con personajes entrañables, semejante a la vision animada del corto clásico de Disney, este si fue un rotundo éxito y un clásico en la lista del actor.

Continuando su racha dentro del genero del thriller protagoniza a lado de la actriz Charlize Theron la cinta "The Astronaut's wife" (1999), donde un joven astronauta embaraza a su esposa a su regreso de una misión solo para descubrir que algo extraño esta pasando con el y con su futuro retoño. Con una premisa muy similar al "Bebe de Rosemary" (1968), pero ubicada en el espacio, la cinta fue un fracaso total. Su siguiente proyecto no es un protagónico sino una participación secundaria, "Bífora night falls" (2000), basado en la novela domina y autobiográfica del poeta cubano y abiertamente gay Reinaldo Arenas, y que fuera reconocida en la critica independiente mas fuera de ella, fue desconocida. Su siguiente incursion se convertiría en otro clásico de su carrera "Chocolate"(2000), un romance dirigido por Lasse Hallstrom y co protagoniza Juliette Binoche contando la historia de una mujer que abre una tienda de chocolates para sobrevivir en una pequeña villa de Francia para ser cortejada por varios hombres, incluyendo el conde del pueblo pero que se enamora de un gitano por el cual deberá de luchar por su amor encontrar de las adversidades propias de la época. La cinta fue un éxito en taquilla, y amada por la critica que incluso la nomino a mejor cinta dicho año.

En su constante gusto por re interpretar curiosos personajes, ahora el turno del traficante de cocaina George Jung en "Blow" (2001), tratando de poner el dedo en el tema de la droga, y entender la psique de aquellos atras del negocio. Esta vez el resultado funciono mejor que sus anteriores intentos mas no a la altura de sus mayores logros. Regresando al lado obscuro y al suspenso interpreta al detective encargado de perseguir y cazar al famoso asesino en serio Jack, el Destripador, en "From Hell" (2001), basada en la novela grafica homonima y que trata de mostrar la famosa historia como un teoria de conspiración que involucro a un grupo de prostitutas. Dando un nuevo giro a su carrera participa como el villano de la historia en "Once upon a time in Mexico" (2003), la continuacion en la saga del mariachi, creacion del director mexicano Robert Rodriguez, donde esta vez el singular heroe es contratado por la CIA para derrocar a uno de los narcos mas buscados del pais. Sorpresivamente la cinta tuvo una buena respuesta para la peculiar vision de este director y su genero de accion a la mexicana.

Posteriormente formaría parte de un proyecto que lo caracterizaría por los años venideros, "Los piratas del Caribe" (2003), tratando de convertir la atracción en los parques Disney en una película, que cuenta la historia del capitán Jack Sparrow y sus aventuras a lado del joven Will Turner (Orlando Bloom) y Elizabeth Swann (Keira Nnightley), en esta ocasión por descifrar la maldicion del perla negra, el antiguo barco de Sparrow, ahora al mando de Barbossa quien transforma a su tripulación en esqueletos por la noche. La cinta fue un éxito moderado en esta ocasión pero aun así genero suficiente para dar luz verde a una trilogía: "Piratas del caribe: Dead Man's Chest" (2006) y "Piratas del caribe: el fin del mundo" (2007), las cuales fueron un ridiculo y excesivo éxito en taquilla que lo compraron para protagonizar una cuarta entrega alejada de la historia central de la trilogía pero basad en su personaje, "Pirates of the caribbean: On Stranger Tides" (2011). Así, buscando refugio en cintas mas pequeñas se involucra en "Secret Window" (2004), un thriller psicológico basado en una historia del aclamado escritor Stephen King, donde un escritor se recluye en su vieja cabaña en el bosque tras sufrir del abandono de su esposa y sufrir de bloqueo de escritor y toparse con un granjero que comparte la historia que una vez escribo y que curiosamente se parece a la misma que el autor esta escribiendo ahora. La cinta tuvo criticas encontradas y paso sin pena ni gloria por la taquilla y fans del actor.

Regresando a lo suyo, biografías de personajes entrañables y no tan populares, estelariza "Finding Neverland" (2004), la historia del autor J.M. Barrie, creador de Peter Pan, y que cuenta la vida del escritor que lo llevo a insprarse en sus propios eventos para escribir la famosa novela y el personaje tener reflejos de el mismo. La cinta fue un éxito en taquilla y critica que le llevo nominación a su elenco y película  en los mayores premios. Ahora es inclusive una adaptación musical en Broadway.  Reuniéndose con su amigo Burton tras años sin trabajar juntos, adoptan la famosa novela infantil "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" (2005), donde el actor tiene la oportunidad de crear una de sus únicas interpretaciones al dar vida al peculiar dueño de la fabrica, Willy Wonka, un extrovertido personaje que explora las personalidades de los niños para dotar al mejor de ellos con el secreto detrás de sus productos y el mundo fantástico que ha creado dentro de ella y que tal vez sea real o no.

Incursionando en la animación, obviamente bajo la mano de Burton, presta su voz al protagonista de "Corpse Bride" (2005), un joven de una antigua villa europea que al ser rechazado por su prometida tira el anillo a un árbol que resucita como una joven fallecida que se proclama como la nueva prometida del joven. Esta fábula refleja la lucha del amor entre dos mundos opuestos y el choque de elementos diferentes para sus protagonistas que deben solventar para encontrar el amor verdadero. nada mal para llevarla a ser considerada una de las mejores cintas animadas de la época. Continuando con su mancuerna Deep-Burton, ambos se adentran en nuevas aguas con "Sweeney Todd" (2007), su primer musical, uno muy obscuro y acode par la vision de ambos, basado en la historia de un barbero y asesino serial Ingles para convertir los cadaveres de sus víctimas en pay de carne. Nuevamente su peculiar vision los llevo a multiples nominaciones. Tratando de volver al genero de acción y gangsters se pone al mando del director Michael Mann en "Enemigos Públicos" (2009), una cinta que fue un rotundo fracaso en el verano de ese año al retratar los últimos años del famoso gangster John Dillinger en la época de la gran depresión asi como su relación con la mujer que ama y el detective del FBI acechándolo.

"Alice in Wonderland" (2010), seria su siguiente incursion en el mundo Disney quien tras los anteriores éxitos no esta dispuesta a dejarlo ir, y bien les valió la inversion ya que la peculiar nueva vision del clásico fue un éxito descomunal en taquilla, que ahora esta en filmación de su secuela para el 2016, regresando el actor en su papel del sombrerero loco. Después, y a lado de Angelina Jolie, protagoniza "The Tourist" (2010), un triller romántico sobre una espía que huye de la policía francesa para toparse en su tren a Venecia con un matemático con el cual iniciara un romance que los pondrá en medio de una cacería. Nada sorprendente y al final aburrido, dado el perfil de sus protagonistas y sus peculiares elecciones. Así que mejor regresa a la animación con "Rango" (2011), una fábula sobre un lagarto que es puesto en libertad en el desierto  para infiltrarse en un mundo muy al estilo del viejo oeste y fungir como héroe al rescatar al pueblo de la tiranía de sus opresores. Excelente cinta familiar que fallo en encantar a su publico infantil pero deleito a los adultos.

Otro nuevo paso lo lleva a fungir como productor en su nueva casa productora, y su primer proyecto "The Rum Diaries" (2011), la cual protagoniza sobre un escritor que ha sido incapaz de vender un libro por lo cual es transferido a Puerto Rico donde se involucrara con una serie de personajes incluyendo una joven de la cual se enamorara y que le mostrara una nueva vision de la vida y de el mismo que calvez lo inspire o destruya. Al igual que en su historia, el actor no logro vender este proyecto, siendo el primero de una serie de fracasos que marcaran el declive de su carrera, mientras que el mismo tiempo se ve en problemas legales al ser demandado por un doctor que alega haber sido agredido por sus guardaespaldas y por otro lado por fin contrae nupcias con la actriz Amber Heard con quien co protagonizo la cinta. En el verano del 2012, regresa con "Dark Shadows", reuniéndose con su amigo Burton para adaptar la popular telenovela sobre una familia de vampiros. Desgraciadamente la cinta llega en un momento muy tarde para el publico cansado de adaptaciones vampirescas conviertiendose en otro sonado fracaso. En 2013, interpreta la adaptación del popular programa "El llanero solitario" interpretando a Toto, su fiel amigo pelirroja, en un blockbuster de la casa Disney y que fallo en generar taquilla, siendo otro y mayor fracaso en la carrera del actor que llevaba el peso de la cinta en sus hombros.

En 2014 incursiona en la ciencia ficción con "Trascendence", un proyecto que narra los eventos sobre un científico y visionario que logra transferir su mente a una maquina, haciendo omnipresente y capaz de manipular todo el sistema poniendo en cuestión su lado humano tentado por el poder adquirido. Desgraciadamente otro fallido intento para el actor que cada vez se aleja de su popularidad en critica y taquilla. A finales de año participa en "Into the woods", basada en la popular obra de broadway y que a pesar de haber sido un éxito al contar una version mas real y adulta de clásicos infantiles, no se le atribuye al actor pues este solo tiene menos de 10 minutos en pantalla. Este año lo vimos en "Mortdecai" (2015), una comedia con un gran elenco como Gwyneth Paltrow, Ewan McGregor, Paul Bettany, que trata de contar las peripecias de un ladrón de arte y su estilo de vida mientras lidia con la policía, mujeres y colegas. El resultado es una cinta que falla en contar su historia y definir su estilo, lo cual genero algunas de las peores criticas en la carrera del actor y una de sus peores taquillas en años.

Tras esta racha de fracasos y con su carrera pendiendo de un hilo, este mes lo vemos en "Black Mass" (2015), una cinta de crimen basada en la semi biografia de Whitney Bulger, el popular mafioso de Boston y uno de los mas buscados por el FBI, y que esta generando excelentes criticas por la interpretacion del actor asi como por el retrato de su vida que la cinta logra y que podria regresarlo a su estatus como actor y celebridad y con el apoyo de la critica y de sus fans pareciera factible, regresandolo a sus raices en biografias de gangsters que tan bien le sientan, y con "Yoga Hosers" (2016), a estrenarse el proximo año bajo la vision del geek Kevin Smith, veremos si esta comedia de terror sobre un padre y su hija atrapados en una lucha contra los mounstros que han sido desatados por un mal antiguo en el pueblo que habitan. Veremos si lo logran a la par que la carrera del actor logra salir adelante o es vencida por las mounstrosas malas decisiones de los ultimos años.

miércoles, 9 de septiembre de 2015

Sleeping With Other People....afraid of commitment?

As we as society evolved relationship wise, we opened our minds to take traditions to new levels, where either men and women can be able to grow, enjoy, and be part equally of that relationship that will bring love and create a deer connection trying to satisfied all demands from both sides. Now seem far away those days where women were supposed to surmise for their husband, waiting to explore sexuality till get married and just able to try as far as her husband let her go, sometimes not further than just missionary position. Same way, when men kept his adventures under the table and was pushed to jump to marriage and start it's own family.

Relationships between men and women were merely towards a relationship or sexually charged, or maybe business wise, but not anymore. Can opposite sex can be friends? or even best friends? In theory that's the base of any relationship. Seeking a partner that can complement us in ways that make us better, that challenge us the takes us to a safe place. But the general rule between friends and lovers is that attraction that brings feelings and excitement. So can we be mature enough to control all of those in order to keep things in the friendship zone, blocking any other kind of feelings and enjoying the benefits and less complications of a pure and honest friendship ?

That's the base of this month rom com "Sleeping with other people" (2015), that focus on the relationship of a guy and a girl that met at college under weird circumstances just to share the night and ended hooking up, losing both their virginity. That moment would define these two people. He will become a sex addict, afraid of commitment, enjoying the benefits of casual sex as part of a successful life where his own business has turned into a profitable one and his now experienced charm makes him popular among single women, advantage that he is willing to enjoy as an excuse to avoid facing those feelings and drama. Same way, she has become an addict to love, pursuing the idea of a happy ending ends cheating her long term boyfriend with the guy that stood her up back in college to become her mistress and can't face the idea of being with other man while he is still in the picture but at the same time knowing that has no future with him, just chasing the idea of love in a very dysfunctional relationship that works as a perfect cover of her feelings to avoid being hurt while she keeps hurting herself acting as a strong woman just to prove she's actually the opposite.

In this moment their worlds collide for a second time just to realize that the chemistry they had that random night is still there over the years, but this new timing won't work for them both so better keep it on the friend zone to avoid complications, agreeing to create a code to break the sexual tension when it will surface. Under this new statement, that start sharing time together and bonding, being there for each other when their new addictions bring complications and bad feelings, so they become life coach of the other just to realize that feelings are growing and sexual tension is harder to control and becomes more present when those feelings start to rise, forcing them to face reality.

On the other side becomes more interesting the fact of this reflection of how new relationships work, as gets more common to find these situations when two people face the fact to develop feelings for each other just to deal with this new fear for commitment that has raised as a consequence of a new seek of independence and achieve goals individually instead of as a team. Modern society is moving towards waters that embrace and satisfy the fact that being alone can also bring you happiness and no one need anyone on their side to be happy and be successful, but forgetting that we are a social species that needs to be part of a community and a family as primal instinct  and might no be needed to achieve whatever we want but incapable of bringing satisfaction and love that being in love and part of a relationship can bring.

How far can we get as a couple or as individuals by ourself? is it true that we don't need someone at our side to be happy, just full filling or sexual needs with casual encounters that also bring the opportunity to explore and openness to try new things that we might be ashamed to share with our partner, but then wasn't the fact of being with someone the idea of being capable of share everything and create a connection that challenge us and give us confidence to try new things and discover more? Is it really friendship the base of true love and what creates a connection between two strangers or it actually can work as a pure, honest chemistry for opposite sex as a complement for each other? Can true love, with its strong attraction and chemistry make us face our fears and embrace those feelings or will just fade them away as a momentarily cover up as the sexual connection happens and then as it will evolve will they surface again?

miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2015

THE FLASH.... running from TV to your home.

IIn this new era where we are surrounded by super heroes, from tv shows to comic books, movie franchises, toys, broadway shows and cartoons, it is inevitable to wonder where this came from and where this is heading to. It's undeniable that we all have a soft spot for one or a couple of super heroes or even a comic book, we all grew up fantasizing with them as kids, dreaming to have super powers that will let us save the world. But when every week or month we have a new one showing up with a new proposal of what would be the next big thing starts to feel tired and annoying. Even the most hardcore geeks will need time to catch up with so many things going on, that is hard to keep peace with all of them and most important, feel related to any.

So what's next?, is this super boom is about to end or we are just at the beginning of it? Let's say that finally the future is in our hands. This constant increase in options filled with different kinds of heroes is all because of us.

We get to meet and see all our favorites and other not in our top list around because all of us support the cause, we still believe in them and we keep filling theaters and auditoriums excited about what will be new, so the only way to stop them might be turning our back and ignore them the way we, as a society, been pursuing tendencies through decades, like stories of war, action flicks, rom coms, cartoons, animation, sci fi, etc. but maybe this guys just got here to never leave.

Recently we've been treated with proposals of super heroes capable of being as human as possible. Those heroes that just have the money or attributes to become powerful, adding a motivation and then  they will be trying to save the world or at least their world. But at the end they don't have extraordinary super powers other than their gadgets or a physical training that made them accesible to us, the simple mortals with big dreams of becoming one ourselves. That opens the room to dream of finding a possibility to relate to any of them as even our neighbors can be a hero now, so why not us?

Well, then, after being excited with this idea we'd evolved to the point where something out of this world or a scientific event or natural evolution will turn anyone into someone special, bringing some qualities that can be use as extraordinary powers for the good or evil of human kind. In this new era of mutants and super humans, we get THE FLASH (2015- current), a tv show based on the popular super hero from DC comics, dressed all red with a flashlight as an insignia and with the ability of being the fastest human alive, his new world is full of new possibilities and they are full of geeky stuff and theories, like time travel and speed dimensions that will make any science nerd to roll their eyes and turn any exeptic into a believer while watching a new super hero trying to chase the impossible and have fun while doing it, like a teenager growing up.

So what is this about this new hero that will make any difference from all the others? Well, basically the tone of the show. one that offers a different and bright, colorful world after all the dark, deep, intense ones that we've been part of. Central city is not Gotham City or NYC, but a sunny one, full of new tech companies that make it closer to silicon Valley, Ca. than Detroit, MI. In this place, a young teenager has lost his mother. Barry Allen witnessed her murder but instead of falling into a rabbit hole surrounded by luxury and dream catchers, he is raised by his neighbor and friend of the family, making him part of his own. So Barry  grew up in a better place with the dream of revenge his mother's dead, and save his father from prison, getting back his own family while trying to make a difference around him turning it into a better place helping others in need.

Under this premise, we got a young male, turned into a scientist working for the police department of the city just to suffer an accident where a light hits him, leaving him in coma for months just to wake up realizing something is different. And it was indeed, his body and metabolism are working full speed and then will be running faster than a bullet. But this power just appears in time to start saving the day as there like him have other special qualities all under the effect of a bigger event that is changing people into some kind of mutants. And if this whole thing would sound familiar it won't thanks to the new super hero charisma and unique personality, full of positiveness and surrounded by a group of scientist that now working together as friends, try to help him to save the city and bring back balance to all this new people that are raising in their own agenda for seeking power or revenge.

That way, The Flash, became one of the most popular and seen shows of last tv season. Bringing a new era for tv where fx are no longer a big screen attribute but also with a character than is turning that responsibility of carrying the opportunity of saving the world on your shoulders as much as an opportunity to do good and become a role model for others, having fun at the time while the biggest aventure wont be each fight against the villains but his own quest to discover his own limits of this new person he has become and the one he's shaping into. That's the biggest quest we can relate to, anyone of us, we own qualities that make us unique and the search of what would be our limits and our strengthens would be an adventure worth of any comic book series or our own show. Even when we are able to touch and experience darkness and see our own dark side we can't just expect life would be all drama, and tragedy. We are designers of our future and that's the biggest power we have given to. We choose to suffer and be a victim searching for revenge under the shadow of our own demons or we can see the best even in the toughest circumstances and run as fast as a light to search happiness and make the best from our circumstances facing those demons and becoming a super hero of our own. The last call is up to you as it is on your remote control.