So what's next?, is this super boom is about to end or we are just at the beginning of it? Let's say that finally the future is in our hands. This constant increase in options filled with different kinds of heroes is all because of us.

Recently we've been treated with proposals of super heroes capable of being as human as possible. Those heroes that just have the money or attributes to become powerful, adding a motivation and then they will be trying to save the world or at least their world. But at the end they don't have extraordinary super powers other than their gadgets or a physical training that made them accesible to us, the simple mortals with big dreams of becoming one ourselves. That opens the room to dream of finding a possibility to relate to any of them as even our neighbors can be a hero now, so why not us?

So what is this about this new hero that will make any difference from all the others? Well, basically the tone of the show. one that offers a different and bright, colorful world after all the dark, deep, intense ones that we've been part of. Central city is not Gotham City or NYC, but a sunny one, full of new tech companies that make it closer to silicon Valley, Ca. than Detroit, MI. In this place, a young teenager has lost his mother. Barry Allen witnessed her murder but instead of falling into a rabbit hole surrounded by luxury and dream catchers, he is raised by his neighbor and friend of the family, making him part of his own. So Barry grew up in a better place with the dream of revenge his mother's dead, and save his father from prison, getting back his own family while trying to make a difference around him turning it into a better place helping others in need.
Under this premise, we got a young male, turned into a scientist working for the police department of the city just to suffer an accident where a light hits him, leaving him in coma for months just to wake up realizing something is different. And it was indeed, his body and metabolism are working full speed and then will be running faster than a bullet. But this power just appears in time to start saving the day as there like him have other special qualities all under the effect of a bigger event that is changing people into some kind of mutants. And if this whole thing would sound familiar it won't thanks to the new super hero charisma and unique personality, full of positiveness and surrounded by a group of scientist that now working together as friends, try to help him to save the city and bring back balance to all this new people that are raising in their own agenda for seeking power or revenge.
That way, The Flash, became one of the most popular and seen shows of last tv season. Bringing a new era for tv where fx are no longer a big screen attribute but also with a character than is turning that responsibility of carrying the opportunity of saving the world on your shoulders as much as an opportunity to do good and become a role model for others, having fun at the time while the biggest aventure wont be each fight against the villains but his own quest to discover his own limits of this new person he has become and the one he's shaping into. That's the biggest quest we can relate to, anyone of us, we own qualities that make us unique and the search of what would be our limits and our strengthens would be an adventure worth of any comic book series or our own show. Even when we are able to touch and experience darkness and see our own dark side we can't just expect life would be all drama, and tragedy. We are designers of our future and that's the biggest power we have given to. We choose to suffer and be a victim searching for revenge under the shadow of our own demons or we can see the best even in the toughest circumstances and run as fast as a light to search happiness and make the best from our circumstances facing those demons and becoming a super hero of our own. The last call is up to you as it is on your remote control.
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