miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2015

THE INTERN... basics will never change

Feel good movies are meant for that, bring us that perspective that at the end everything will be ok and no matter how hard life and things can go sometimes, there always be calm after the storm. Director Nancy Meyers has built a career based on this genre where with just 5 previous films, most of them are now classic for fans of this type of movies so it's no surprise that her new addition will fit the profile after a long due waiting. "The intern" (2015), could be a simple movie, with a premise based on the senior characters that she had used us to but definitely will prove that she can still do what its her best and also bring us some interesting perspectives that might not be as deeper as n academy award movie but can put the finger on these so actual topics.

What i'm talking about comes from the plot of this movie, based on the story of two characters, an elder man, retired, widow, that ran into a proposal for internship for seniors in a new online fashion company. This brings new airs to his life, like to feel productive again and bring his experience to the table as a VIP sales manager. Of course the clash of generations will happen once he gets to his new job. A new company that makes business online, something new and far from his traditional ways, but still some facts like management, leadership and responsibility doesn't get old. He still can show everybody one thing or two. No surprise that most of the staff in this place are young people, trying to learn about the field and their careers after college, the way the manage themselves and crisis when responsibilities and duties happen will show them how much need to learn.

This exercise is use basically to make fun of the situation of this young souls facing their daily basis at work and life. This is no major surprise as everybody has been there, done that, and same way we learned to walk and talk, we found the way to make it through. But when you get the other side of the coin, comparing their freshman situation versus the experience of a man that worked over 40 years in a company, went up the latter, got promoted and now experienced the glory of success and personal satisfaction, things looks so different, exposing the fact of how much we the young need to learn and listen to others, specially when they have and show more experienced in things that we might not. Sometimes proud takes over us and we close doors to opportunities to learn and improve in order to feel smart and capable, when actually admitting the fact that we don't know a thing will make us smarter.

And even when tendencies make an impact and define society by eras, somethings never get old, like dress codes, manners, patience, organization, listen, talk and empathizing with others, and even now technology makes easier to communicate in certain way theres nothing as effective as face to face conversation or try to make an impression in an interview well suited than just showing off as fashionable as possible. Some thing will never change or always be accepted and encourage in the same way they've been for decades. And this is the lesson the other major character in this story has to learn by first hand. A young woman facing a sudden success of her initiative in business. She is now the head and director of her own company. One that is expanding and growing faster than what she can handle, reason enough to turn her investor heads up to the idea of bringing an outsider for help.

And that brings us to the second part of the film, the exposition of the new roles of women in society. Long ago are those days when women were just raised to become housewives. Or go to the office work as secretaries or personal assistants. Nw they are the bosses. The run companies. Take the leadership and full fill as managers of hundreds. But this change comes with perks and cons. As turning sides could be easy to take adjustments and break traditions can't be as easy as it sounds. When a woman try to take control over business might be pointed as mother, girlfriends, sensitive, bossy, lack of character or nerves but with equal capacity as any man, they are proving they can handle corporations on their shoulders. This is leading to men to stay at home or share their kids custody. That switch of roles can be intimidating for some that see a man at home as less manly and a woman at work as less effective, it all goes to each one determination to shut mouths and prove how wrong that judgment is.

So in these days of online shopping, smart phones, home based jobs and and worldwide communication we still need to learn one thing or three about acceptance and racism, either if is by gender, age, religion, raze, sexual orientation, life style and still change our perspective about social classism to become a better society and work as a team where we can be able to listen and learn from experience with an open mind as much as we ask to them to prove new tendencies and life styles, and put ourselves in the loop to judge us the same way we do with others in order to identify our opportunities to improve. Then maybe actually we can have a good feeling about our lives and ourselves and definitely things will be better, not just like in the movies but using simple examples to go deeper and make an impact and real changes.

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