viernes, 1 de enero de 2016

THE HATEFUL EIGHT ... from hate to love there's just one step

Every Tarantino movie has become a major event, even more since his last two films became a critical and box office success, so when the news came out about his new and eight film, fans and moviegoers got excited with the idea of witnessing the new event of the year. Sadly now that the movie has being out for a couple of weeks, not only fans but critics have been disappointed with the result. What could have gone wrong? Mainly, the director's addiction to westerns and not because they are a bad idea, but in this case feels repetitive since his last movie was set in a very close timing, a.k.a north America's civil war, just in this case, afterwards. Plus even the script still has his traditional signature and the third act is a blood bath as the ones we are used to, there's nothing thrilling and new under the roof this time. All feels just entertaining and repetitive not to mention it's overlong and can test anyones patience.

So after a long overture and setting of a winter storm in Wyoming, we are introduce with one of each of our eight main characters, starting with our heroes, the hangman and a bounty hunter that happens to posses a letter from the president hand written to him as a special greeting. So even these two men are supposed to be in law's side, they don't trust each other, specially because the hangman is traveling to bring his prisoner to town and get rewarded. This prisoner is a most wanted woman that acts like crazy and has no fear of these men but in between this craziness she's going through she became a funny and big hearted character to relate to, specially in an era where seeing woman mistreated and abused by men feels wrong and by every second becomes worse and worse as she suffers from all kind of mistreat.

The rest of the group starts to show up: the sheriff, whose own circumstances make him look more suspicious than any other big hunter just to prove that everybody in this town has a personal agenda and the fact of an incoming snow storm makes them desperate to get some help and look for shelter and get long to survive just run in separate ways and for their own better once it's safe outside. Reason that leads these characters to a cabin looking for shelter while the storm and meet the rest of the crew: an old man that seems as traditional as old and the mexican guy taking care of the place while the owners are visiting family in town, and the man in the corner, a quite man that has no story but seems ready to detonate chaos once everybody are trapped inside. And last a short guy that try to keep peace with everyone to maintain calm and avoid conflict, which seems difficult once the coffee is poisoned and people start to di.

Following a story line of western classics of who did it and twists where everybody has their own secrets and real intentions start to surface, not even that helps the story to surprise or feel fresh but serve as a mere spectacle where all this characters can show their best and worst while getting literally full blooded and massacre like flies. And the only fact that feels unique and different is that just a few minutes by the end we find ourselves rooting for the bad guys instead of the good ones. The fact that along of this day, getting to know each one of them and reveling their real intentions, just makes us empathize with the villains as seem more human and honest than the heroes looking to do some good having their own methods and with an agenda for their own that feels hypocrite and false. So when finally the lights turn on, we realize that surprisingly we were expecting for the bad to win this time and overcome what is right, making us just wonder if we are also part of this messed up circle or just happened to be another twist in real life that a script for the movie.

Reminding us how this country was build and why their obsession with guns and fighting to get what they deserve or need, this country was build with effort and fights to protect the right thing to do, and serve others in oder to find peace and a place to make them survive. But now that centuries has been passed and the country is already settle, faces a new evolution with its society that still values possessing guns as part of their own right and freedom that their ancestors earned, but as now westerns feel vintage and overdue, also serve as reminder of why all this happened in the first place but no need to keep it that way and changes are screaming to be done. So when we are able to watch an hour of people shooting each other and get bath blooded just to protect their own rights, their life or fight for their own beliefs wat should be in our minds instead of a wow factor and that thirst of being one of them shooting strangers, a realization that others are feeling same way and using them in real life and stories like these are also happening in the news at any corner, mall or movie theater, thats a twist that no one saw it coming but no has noticed yet.

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