viernes, 29 de enero de 2016

Time to expand your mind and your ....SENSE8

Would it be too crazy an idea of theory that we are all connected in some way. How selfish can be the idea that after being millions of human populating this world, we are so independent and individual from each other that only building connections and relationships can relate us to others. And we are not talking about blood relation, because that one comes natural and not always shows signs of any kind of connection other than the obvios chemistry by our genes and our relatives. How about your mind and soul? Are we connected randomly with others around the wold in a way that some experiences feel familiar and that sense of deja vu happens with no reason just to prove that might be something bigger than us pulling strings to follow some patterns and trying to show us some kind of signs. And if so, what would be the point and the meaning of those signs? would that help or complicated things enough to make us wonder and worry more about others than for us or the opposite? Soul, mind, heart, blood, all different kind of connections. What define us as humans and how close or open we are about it? How much do we know about ourselves in terms of us a race and our place in this world.

Trying to set all this ideas and create more theories mixed with a drama line follow each individual journey through life with highs and lows, and a suspense action one that tries to connect the life of eight characters that just awake to a new phase in their life when the realization of having a special bond with other seven strangers from different cultures and places just complicate things and get them all in the middle of a chase for scientific purposes and made them targets of all their personal enemies and specially a group of individuals trying to find answers to this new step in evolution for human race. This is "Sense8" (2015-current), one of the multiple new shows from the popular network on demand, Netflix, bringing a new sci-fi show from the Wachowskis Brothers, based on eight different characters willing to prove different perspectives in life from very opposite places in the world and proving that life can be as tough and unfair as exciting and joyful, only to complicate thing even more once their lives turnes to be connected and their thoughts and emotions are shared in a way that just a few can relate to but mostly makes you open to what's really happening to you and how that impact in others.

These perspectives come from four guys and four girls, starting with Riley, an icelandic girl and dj living in London that is the first to realize of this connection while suffers from feeling lost in this world, lonely and not knowing what to do with her life once that seems that she has lost all what she wanted, her own family, leaving her alone fighting to make it through day by day, till a special connection rises with Will, a police man from Chicago, that is in a search of the woman that might be responsable of these things happening to him but once these two lonely hearts cross into each others and realize how isolated are from the rest of the world only awakes a new desire to love and belong away until a call from help comes from Nomi, a trans woman that is in danger from her close minded family trying to put her in the wrong hands and sacrificing the happiness that she already found and the love of her partner that is her new family and the one that understands and supports her fighting for the right of be herself and own her rights as a new woman, values that Lito, a mexican actor, that tries to hide the fact of being gay, fact that makes his life miserable and puts his relationship and love of his life in danger just to need to decide between love and career.

The rest of the group is lead by Sun, a businesswoman from Seoul, that has to choose between herself and her family in order to save the emporium of her family while fighting through life, same way that Capheus, a driver in Nairobi that struggles to get money in order to get medicine for his ill mother in a place that ask a high price to survive, surprisingly the love of her mom keeps him positive and happy through life while facing and witnessing the most horrible acts and tortures, same as Wolfgang,  german thief that has suffer from bullying and mistreated since a kid form his father, turning him into a cold ambitious man looking for revenge and holding on hate for life until starts running into Kala, an indian medicine student, that can't decide what her heart is telling her to do while facing an upcoming wedding and having encounters with a stranger with whom feels terribly attracted confusing even more her feelings and awake what could be new real feeling for Wolf.

So once all this pieces are set and we are traveling from one point to another around the globe, these story lines cross in between each others just to bring what the other is missing and compliment each other and at the same time help the others to face their own issues and prove than in real life every person that crosses into our path has a reason that we might no see or be aware at the moment but once the dust settles or time goes by, we'll appreciate and will make sense for bad or good, it all seems like part of a bigger picture and the only way to achieve our personal goals and come a better self is accepting and learning from the help and lessons that others bring to our life, not to mention that we are not meant to live alone and the more we isolated from others the more we push the lines that will connect to others to save us from dark and pull us back to the road and create new connections that will evolve to a different variety of relationships and the best way to work out them and understand them is looking inside us, getting to know us, dare our fears and challenge our feelings just to understand others and realize that in a deeper way we are all connected by different ways but are we aware of it or open to embrace it or we still close minded and empty soul in different levels that closes the door to welcome others in our life, can you relate to it or just feels like a dream you had the other night?

viernes, 22 de enero de 2016

DIRTY GRANDPA .... when age gets you wiser

Who said that getting older means to settle and forget how to have fun? Why we made it up that way, when instead of using age as an excuse for experience supposed to be boring and lack of sexiness? It's hard to point where we got lost to only aloud young people to have fun and enjoy life including partying and having sex while at the same time they have been targeted as immoral and rebels for such behavior when its us who encourage that since the beginning showing youth as a sin and sum of all excesses and claiming their lack of experience and overdose of hormones while the elder get just only boring futures playing chess and using diapers while looking old and miserable. we as society keep putting labels in every generation while we keep making fun of them as we start realizing of all the irony on it but why young people can't be boring and old could be fun? Age has never been a restriction for fun and keep trying new things or a test of when should we start instead of just jumping on it.

This is when we break the rules and as a result we get "Dirty Grandpa" (2015), a new comedy starring by Robert De Niro and Zac Efron and grandpa and grandson in very oposite sides of the line. The young grand son is focus on his career in his father lawyer firm and after been engage with the perfect girl, at least for everybody but him, he has to realize who he really is and what he wants instead of what the others are looking and deciding for him. He plays his own life as a puppet and as a sad as it looks it's hard to admit that many guys even these days are still playing a role that has been designed for them since the day were born. Why do we follow all this rules and paths that our family or people we care about wants us to follow. Why we need to become this person that everybody expects but ourselves. We all have our own dreams and ideals but how many of us get to achieve them or at least pursue them, trying to follow your own dreams just to get lost half way to feel like wasting time when others judge us.

That's where the old man comes to the picture. A recently widow man that had a successful marriage but now that faces being singe again in a point of his life where theres not much to hold on and when no body cares about him and his decisions anymore, using this as the perfect excuse to ask his grand son to join him in a road trip to take him back home. But the simple request turns into any spring break adventure as the old mas only seems to care about behaving like a youngster doing drugs and trying to have sex for one last time, a hook up that will bring him that excitement that a marriage life overshadow. He is a retired soldier that has been trough a lot, including being away from his own family, losing the opportunity to rise their own kids so now that faces what seems to be the last years of his life or at least the last ones as a capable individual, he only cares about spending this kind of quality time to get to know this kid that seems like a copy of all the failures he did with his own son, so pushing him to loose it a bit and have fun, forgetting about his future wedding and embrace being young and capable to have fun and try new things while they start meeting new people and very interesting characters that obviously will challenge them.

In some point we'll realize the real intentions of this old man for his grand son, where all this stupid actions have actually the real intention of making him break the rules and realize how lost he is and go back on track to try to figure out his life the way he always wanted. The plot might sound familiar and not very original, but when we are about to witness all the craziness behind an old grand father to spend time to help his grand son to find the right path for him by pushing him through sex and parties and meeting all these young generation that can bring his real identity instead of the costume he has created. Same way as simple as all these sounds the jokes and gags are not very original but edgy, trying to test our limits and patience as audience looking for a smart sense of humor getting only goofiness and slap jokes that make us wonder what would have been if the same plot has turnes into targeting a more mature audience instead of the same jocks is making fun of.

At the end what really matters is the resolution and even the movie is that predictable that we realize how will it end after just five minutes into it, but sadly when we try to realize how easy could be for all these people that are living a life that others want for them and sometimes unconscious and others totally aware of it, to just shut everybody out and actually start fighting for their own dreams and desires, using sex and fun as a way to achieve them, learning from experiences the same way yo enjoy them and realizing that fun doesn't mean get wasted and act like an idiot. That being funny doesn't mean act like stupid but be mature enough to try new things and smart enough to have the best sex of our lives with heart and soul instad of pot and alcohol.

viernes, 15 de enero de 2016

13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi...are you ready to die for your country?

How many things are currently happening around the world that we don't know unless get the proper attention of the news, so instead of that we get only a very processed information about locals and overseas, but maybe there's a life changing event happening at some point of the globe that gets people to fight for or die for while most of us are just worried about surviving another day at the office or with all the annoying things that can happen in our daily lives. Not that any of those are less or not important, but how engage and related we are with the big picture of how our country or the world is struggling for us to have that daily annoying things in our lives. So, since war, guns and terrorism has become a major topic on the table for the last decade and every day becomes more real, is time for other than the news to bring tribute to all those heroes and moments that are changing politics, economics and the way things are happening. From director Michael Bay, best known for his big blockbusters, full of explosions an FX, we get "13 HOURS" (2016), the story of 6 soldiers than stand up when no body did and even the story is full of explosion and guns, the story serves more to it's political analysis and criticism pointing to the real meaning and and the politics behind them to tell a story of brave men looking to do the right thing.

So the story for all of you that never heard about it follows a ex militar that returns to work with an old friend at a special job for a couple of months as security guard of diplomatics that happened to find Benghazi, Lybia the perfect point to meet and try to arrange political negotiations against islam and the middle east war. But when an American diplomat travels to cover a successful tour that might bring some peace, an islamic group finds the perfect timing to attack just when the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 events are happening. But with no orders to get involved as the diplomat counts with his personal security team, an attack to his personal mansion becomes a life and death event that makes the six militaries to take arms and get involve. Sadly a major turn of events leads to all CIA analyst and milicia to become the new target and be exposed so a new attack takes form until they get some help. This is not a war movie when a team or country invades, conquers or fights for survival in the middle of war. This is a story where we get to see how political negotiations and decisions affect others by not knowing what happens on the field.

Positioning american agents in one of the most dangerous places of middle east, just proves how what matters in paper differs from what happens in the field and the real fight. Here, being in the wrong place at the wrong time just made them become a target and the fight will be to help others and then make it through till be safe to leave and return home but now we get to see how the good guys are now the target and not by being attacked at home but for being trying to manipulate the future of others in foreign soil, just making you wonder if they deserve what they are getting even knowing is not the right way but how playing with fire can get you burned. The perspective from here and what makes this a refreshing experience is getting to know this soldiers that were just making it through, getting a job, that have families back home and that are struggling with the same problems as any of us. Money, family, friends, and how to solve them the only way they know: taking care of other people and keeping them save even if means fighting against others. but when things starts to go south and realization of why they left milicia in the first place.

A hard reminder of how much family and friends matter over things like money or feeling successful finding other ways to survive than just putting yourself in danger, specially when you realize that the ones that are making decisions of your job and future have no clue of what is happening, and how all this people they call enemies are also fighting for their own cause and dislike the idea of others using their country for their own purpose, but we all, at the end, have family that will be crying at our funeral no matter if we died as heroes or not. So what make a hero?, not always fighting for the cause was supposed to is the right to do, sometimes we need to step up and do the right thing for the moment and to save lives that are actually in danger not the ones that might be in some point. Are you willing or ready to sacrifice all what you've been fighting for to follow the ideas of others and to  protect your country from something that seems more than an invasion or attack, but to be noisy where no one called you just to try to bring peace to other fights and becoming that of your own.

Once that people that you love and care about start dying will that bring you a new perspective or confirm what you believe is worth the sacrifice. and as said at the beginning this is a big picture event that affected in major scale for some countries and hundreds of people, but once that you back to your personal life, how many problems we can also avoid by not trying to solve and fix others and get involve in others lives when no one ask for it but also how many times do we have to, and need to step up for the right thing to do or say. If that's a lesson we can translate in our every day, maybe we can start avoiding wars and changing the world in many other ways without guns and explosion, but by becoming an example for the people around us and being the best father, friend, husband, and human being that we can possibly be.

viernes, 8 de enero de 2016

LEONARDO DICAPRIO....el gran renacido

Nacido en el corazón de Hollywood, California, mitad ruso mitad aleman, Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio nació un 11 de Noviembre de 1974 y nombrado tras el pintor Leonardo DaVinci siendo su madre quien lo escogiera tras haber estado presenciando una de sus pinturas en el hospital donde dio a luz. Tras vivir en varios vecindarios de Los Angeles, era de esperarse se viera inmerso en la industria del entretenimiento desde chico apareciendo en comerciales de television así como cintas educacionales, moviéndose en series de television antes de dar el brinco a la pantalla grande. Y aunque ahora es conocido como una estrella de Hollywood poco se sabe de su vida personal, siendo sus varios romances con modelos internacionales lo mas comentados por los medios mas ninguna lo ha logrado atar y su vida se mueve entre sus casas en LA y NYC. Lo que mas se debería saber, sin embrago, es su lucha por el medio ambiente, siendo un portavoz de las causas de varias corporaciones, televisoras, uniones, que luchan por mantener control en la situación de nuestro planeta y detener su explotación .

Años atrás, esta lucha lo llevo a su primer papel en una película, una cinta de terror llamada "Critters 3" (1991), donde un grupo de pequeños monstruos invaden un edificio para acabar con sus inquilinos como revancha de la naturaleza contra el ser humano. Desgraciadamente la cinta se fue directo a video. Mas esto no detendría al actor quien regresarla en 1993 con la cinta "What's eating Gilbert Grape", done interpretaría al hermano menor y mentalmente enfermo de Johnny Deep, siendo la primer prueba del talento del actor en un proyecto independiente que los críticos aplaudieron y ahora es una cinta de culto. Tras poner su rostro en la mira de los reflectores por su cara bonita, se cuela en el western protagonizado por la entonces sobrevalorada Sharon Stone "The Quick and The dead" (1995), dirigido por Sam Raimi, interpretando a un joven pistolero que se une a esta mujer y otro grupo de pistoleros para enfrentarse en un duelo de vida y muerte y donde cada uno tiene su propia agenda para vivir o matar.

Para entonces logra su primer protagónico, "The Basketball Diaries" (1995), un drama de crimen basado en las crónicas de un joven y su paso por la adiccion a la heroina tras seguir a sus amigos y compañeros mientras se desarrolla como jugador de basketball para salir adelante en el mundo. A pesar del éxito del filme, la critica no la apoyo de igual manera. Tomando el lado independiente, participa en "Total Eclipse" (1995), interpretando al poeta francés Arthur Rimbaud y su relación apasionada y competitiva con el poeta francés Paul Verlaine en una época que les exigía creatividad para ambos. Una vez probado su man taquillero y su popularidad entre las adolescentes era tiempo de ponerse bajo la adaptación romántica mas famosa del mundo, una nueva adaptación del clásico "Romeo + Juliet" (1996), bajo la dirección innovadora del director australiano Baz Luhrmann y que fue un éxito rotundo con criticas mezcladas pero su interpretación como el joven Romeo lo lanzo a la atmósfera de sex symbol.

Compartiendo créditos con nada mas ni menos que Meryl Streep y Diane Keaton, participa en segundo plano en "Marvin's Room" (1996), un drama sobre la lucha de dos hermanas por su padre y la herencia de este, siendo el joven actor el nieto atrapado en esta batalla familiar mientras explora sus propios problemas de rebeldía en un ambiente familiar disfuncional. La cinta no tuvo gran taquilla pero se coló varias nominaciones para sus protagonistas. Esto pondría al actor en la mira del director James Cameron para su nuevo proyecto "Titanic" (1997), una nueva adaptación de los trágicos eventos del famoso barco contados desde la perspectiva de dos jóvenes de mundos muy diferentes que encuentran el amor abordo del trasatlántico y convirtiéndose en la película mas taquillera de la historia hasta ese momento y que catapultaría la carrera del actor a nivel global pero a su vez le pondría el estigma de galán bonito para el resto de sus interpretaciones, motivo por el cual e actor ha luchado por des estereotiparse y probarse mas como actor pero su apariencia física.

Por ello su siguiente proyecto seria interpretando al villano de la historia, el berrinchudo narcisista principe Felipe en "The Man in the iron Mask" (1998), una nueva aventura de los tres mosqueteros por derrocar a este tirano que tiene a su hermano gemelo encarcelado con una mascara de hierro que evita lo identifiquen y así no pueda reclamar su lugar en el trono. La cinta definitivamente se beneficio de la presencia del actor, siendo un éxito en taquilla a pesar de las criticas negativas. Mezclando grandes blockbuster con cintas pequeñas se une al nuevo proyecto del director Woody Allen "Celebrity" (1998), un melodrama con un elenco multi estelar que muestra el trayecto de varias parejas atreves del divorcio mas como la mayoría de las cintas del director su alcance fue limitado y pequeño.

Regresando a sus protagónicos, estelariza "La playa" (2000), cinta donde un grupo de jóvenes busca su lugar en el mundo en una paradisiaca playa asiática que goza de varias leyendas urbanas y que servirá para que estos se encuentren o pierdan en su camino. Ahora bajo las manos de Steven Spielberg protagoniza con Tom Hanks en un juego de gato al raton llamado "Catch me if you can" (2001), basado en un historia real sobre un estafador que se hizo pasar por piloto de una aerolínea en los 60's robando millones de dólares e interpretado por DiCaprio y el detective tras el. Ambos proyectos fueron une éxito en taquilla gracias a la popularidad del actor y el talento detrás de el. En lo que seria su primer de muchas colaboraciones con el director Martin Scorsese, co protagoniza "Gangs of New York" (2002), a lado de Cameron Diaz y Daniel Day Lewis, contando la historia verídica de la formación de la ciudad de Nueva York por las pandillas de inmigrantes y los aristócratas establecidos ahi, y con tanto pedigree involucrado era de esperarse su éxito trascendencia.

Decidido a probar su talento como actor, protagoniza "The Aviator" (2004), la biografía Howard Hughes, mostrando tanto su talento y relevancia como sus problemas tales como desorden obsesivo-compulsivo. La cinta y el actor se colaron en cuanto premio existente mas solo con multiples nominaciones, mas en taquilla no le fue nada mal como premio de consolación. Volviendo a proyectos atractivos y reconocidos co protagoniza "The Departed", a lado de Matt Damon y Mark Wahlberg en una historia de dos jóvenes que intercambian bandos para filtrarse en el FBI y la mafia Bostoniana en un thriller que gano el Oscar entre otros premios así como arraso en taquilla probando finalmente el acierto del actor para escoger sus proyectos. Lo cual quedo confirmado mas tarde al protagonizar "Blood Diamonds" (1996), una historia que expone la situación en Africa sobre la industria de los diamantes y la explotación que sufren los trabajadores y todos los involucrados por explotar la tierra y hacer ricos a unos pocos. El thriller sirve como excusa para probar el talento del actor así como su lucha por salvar la explotación de los recursos naturales.

Ahora bajo la batuta de Ridley Scott, y a lado de Russell Crowe, presenta "Body of Lies" (2008), una cinta de espías ubicada en el medio Oriente, y que sirve para exponer las diferencias culturales entre esta cultura y la Americana, bajo la perspectiva del agente de la CIA, interpretado por el actor y tras una misión en Jordania pondrá en juego tras lo que ha luchado por y las decisiones de su superior por derrocar su operación. Compaginando la acción con el drama, protagoniza al lado de su amiga la actriz Kate Winslet "Revolutionary Road", un drama familiar sobre una pareja y los problemas que sufren tras la opresión social y su efecto en su matrimonio y como individuos que han crecido en direcciones opuestas, examinando la naturaleza de la institución llamada matrimonio y lo que esta implica. A pesar de su cruda interpretación nuevamente no paso de multiples nominaciones en lo que pareciera un rechazo personal hacia el actor y su talento basado en su personalidad fuera de la pantalla.

Ingresando a los terrenos del thriller psicológico y suspenso, estelariza "Shutter Island" (2010), interpretando a un detective investigando una desaparición en un asilo psiquiátrico en la isla homónima y que lo enfrenta a sus propios fantasmas. Nuevamente otro éxito comercial para el actor. Y regresando a los blockbusters, ahora junto a Christopher Nolan, presenta "Inception" (2010), una cinta de acción ubicada en la mente, donde un grupo de científicos lidereados por DiCaprio, plantean ideas en la mente de personas para lograr un objetivo llevándolos a un caso por tomar una idea de su nuevo cliente y lograr su mayor golpe pero primero deberán enfrentar sus propias ideas y mentalidades. Sobra decir fue un éxito rotundo en taquilla y critica. Volviendo a las cintas biográficas, ahora se pone en los pantalones de J. Edgar Hoover en "J. Edgar" (2011), narrando la vida del politico en sus últimos años y que detonarían en el origen del FBI así como mostrar mas de la vida y relaciones de este personaje y su relevancia para la historia de los E.U. Nuevamente interpretando a un villano y bajo la batuta de Quentin Tarantino participa en "Django Unchained" (2012), una historia ficticia que retoma hechos históricos para la esclavilizacion en la America antes de la Guerra Civil y la lucha de hombre de color por su libertad y el amor de la mujer que ama.

Volviendo a los blockbusters y una nueva adaptación, esta vez el clásico "The Great Gatsby" (2013), basado en la popular novela de F. Scott Fitzgerald donde un joven abriéndose camino en NY se topa con los lujos y extravaganzas de la época bajo el brazo de su vecino, un millonario que pocos conocen pero que el llega a llamar amigo sumergiéndolo en una vida de excesos y clases, interpretad por el mejor amigo del actor, el otora actor Tobey Maguire, quien no ha gozado de la fama y popularidad de su amigo, mas su mancuerna les gano un éxito mas a su lista para ambos. Mas tarde ese mismo año produce y protagoniza en su quinta colaboración con el director Scorsese "The Wolf of Wall Street", reflejando la historia de un joven desde sus inicios en Wall Street hasta su cúspide en su propio buffet y su caída profesional y personal tras una vida de excesos, avaricia y dinero que lo convirtieron en una maquina capitalista deshumanizada, reflejando y exponiendo los excesos de dicha industria y la falta de leyes que la controlen. Y por ultimo, este mes lo vemos en "The Revenant" (2015), una historia sobre venganza basada en los hechos verídicos de un hombre americano abriéndose camino en la inhóspita recién colonizada America y su ambiente salvaje. Al momento la cinta esta a la cabeza en nominaciones para los premios dee este año y la interpretación brutal del actor podría finalmente lograrle el reconocimiento ansiado y bien merecido, y el hecho de ser ya un éxito en taquilla tal vez ayude a impulsarlo.

viernes, 1 de enero de 2016

THE HATEFUL EIGHT ... from hate to love there's just one step

Every Tarantino movie has become a major event, even more since his last two films became a critical and box office success, so when the news came out about his new and eight film, fans and moviegoers got excited with the idea of witnessing the new event of the year. Sadly now that the movie has being out for a couple of weeks, not only fans but critics have been disappointed with the result. What could have gone wrong? Mainly, the director's addiction to westerns and not because they are a bad idea, but in this case feels repetitive since his last movie was set in a very close timing, a.k.a north America's civil war, just in this case, afterwards. Plus even the script still has his traditional signature and the third act is a blood bath as the ones we are used to, there's nothing thrilling and new under the roof this time. All feels just entertaining and repetitive not to mention it's overlong and can test anyones patience.

So after a long overture and setting of a winter storm in Wyoming, we are introduce with one of each of our eight main characters, starting with our heroes, the hangman and a bounty hunter that happens to posses a letter from the president hand written to him as a special greeting. So even these two men are supposed to be in law's side, they don't trust each other, specially because the hangman is traveling to bring his prisoner to town and get rewarded. This prisoner is a most wanted woman that acts like crazy and has no fear of these men but in between this craziness she's going through she became a funny and big hearted character to relate to, specially in an era where seeing woman mistreated and abused by men feels wrong and by every second becomes worse and worse as she suffers from all kind of mistreat.

The rest of the group starts to show up: the sheriff, whose own circumstances make him look more suspicious than any other big hunter just to prove that everybody in this town has a personal agenda and the fact of an incoming snow storm makes them desperate to get some help and look for shelter and get long to survive just run in separate ways and for their own better once it's safe outside. Reason that leads these characters to a cabin looking for shelter while the storm and meet the rest of the crew: an old man that seems as traditional as old and the mexican guy taking care of the place while the owners are visiting family in town, and the man in the corner, a quite man that has no story but seems ready to detonate chaos once everybody are trapped inside. And last a short guy that try to keep peace with everyone to maintain calm and avoid conflict, which seems difficult once the coffee is poisoned and people start to di.

Following a story line of western classics of who did it and twists where everybody has their own secrets and real intentions start to surface, not even that helps the story to surprise or feel fresh but serve as a mere spectacle where all this characters can show their best and worst while getting literally full blooded and massacre like flies. And the only fact that feels unique and different is that just a few minutes by the end we find ourselves rooting for the bad guys instead of the good ones. The fact that along of this day, getting to know each one of them and reveling their real intentions, just makes us empathize with the villains as seem more human and honest than the heroes looking to do some good having their own methods and with an agenda for their own that feels hypocrite and false. So when finally the lights turn on, we realize that surprisingly we were expecting for the bad to win this time and overcome what is right, making us just wonder if we are also part of this messed up circle or just happened to be another twist in real life that a script for the movie.

Reminding us how this country was build and why their obsession with guns and fighting to get what they deserve or need, this country was build with effort and fights to protect the right thing to do, and serve others in oder to find peace and a place to make them survive. But now that centuries has been passed and the country is already settle, faces a new evolution with its society that still values possessing guns as part of their own right and freedom that their ancestors earned, but as now westerns feel vintage and overdue, also serve as reminder of why all this happened in the first place but no need to keep it that way and changes are screaming to be done. So when we are able to watch an hour of people shooting each other and get bath blooded just to protect their own rights, their life or fight for their own beliefs wat should be in our minds instead of a wow factor and that thirst of being one of them shooting strangers, a realization that others are feeling same way and using them in real life and stories like these are also happening in the news at any corner, mall or movie theater, thats a twist that no one saw it coming but no has noticed yet.