viernes, 29 de enero de 2016

Time to expand your mind and your ....SENSE8

Would it be too crazy an idea of theory that we are all connected in some way. How selfish can be the idea that after being millions of human populating this world, we are so independent and individual from each other that only building connections and relationships can relate us to others. And we are not talking about blood relation, because that one comes natural and not always shows signs of any kind of connection other than the obvios chemistry by our genes and our relatives. How about your mind and soul? Are we connected randomly with others around the wold in a way that some experiences feel familiar and that sense of deja vu happens with no reason just to prove that might be something bigger than us pulling strings to follow some patterns and trying to show us some kind of signs. And if so, what would be the point and the meaning of those signs? would that help or complicated things enough to make us wonder and worry more about others than for us or the opposite? Soul, mind, heart, blood, all different kind of connections. What define us as humans and how close or open we are about it? How much do we know about ourselves in terms of us a race and our place in this world.

Trying to set all this ideas and create more theories mixed with a drama line follow each individual journey through life with highs and lows, and a suspense action one that tries to connect the life of eight characters that just awake to a new phase in their life when the realization of having a special bond with other seven strangers from different cultures and places just complicate things and get them all in the middle of a chase for scientific purposes and made them targets of all their personal enemies and specially a group of individuals trying to find answers to this new step in evolution for human race. This is "Sense8" (2015-current), one of the multiple new shows from the popular network on demand, Netflix, bringing a new sci-fi show from the Wachowskis Brothers, based on eight different characters willing to prove different perspectives in life from very opposite places in the world and proving that life can be as tough and unfair as exciting and joyful, only to complicate thing even more once their lives turnes to be connected and their thoughts and emotions are shared in a way that just a few can relate to but mostly makes you open to what's really happening to you and how that impact in others.

These perspectives come from four guys and four girls, starting with Riley, an icelandic girl and dj living in London that is the first to realize of this connection while suffers from feeling lost in this world, lonely and not knowing what to do with her life once that seems that she has lost all what she wanted, her own family, leaving her alone fighting to make it through day by day, till a special connection rises with Will, a police man from Chicago, that is in a search of the woman that might be responsable of these things happening to him but once these two lonely hearts cross into each others and realize how isolated are from the rest of the world only awakes a new desire to love and belong away until a call from help comes from Nomi, a trans woman that is in danger from her close minded family trying to put her in the wrong hands and sacrificing the happiness that she already found and the love of her partner that is her new family and the one that understands and supports her fighting for the right of be herself and own her rights as a new woman, values that Lito, a mexican actor, that tries to hide the fact of being gay, fact that makes his life miserable and puts his relationship and love of his life in danger just to need to decide between love and career.

The rest of the group is lead by Sun, a businesswoman from Seoul, that has to choose between herself and her family in order to save the emporium of her family while fighting through life, same way that Capheus, a driver in Nairobi that struggles to get money in order to get medicine for his ill mother in a place that ask a high price to survive, surprisingly the love of her mom keeps him positive and happy through life while facing and witnessing the most horrible acts and tortures, same as Wolfgang,  german thief that has suffer from bullying and mistreated since a kid form his father, turning him into a cold ambitious man looking for revenge and holding on hate for life until starts running into Kala, an indian medicine student, that can't decide what her heart is telling her to do while facing an upcoming wedding and having encounters with a stranger with whom feels terribly attracted confusing even more her feelings and awake what could be new real feeling for Wolf.

So once all this pieces are set and we are traveling from one point to another around the globe, these story lines cross in between each others just to bring what the other is missing and compliment each other and at the same time help the others to face their own issues and prove than in real life every person that crosses into our path has a reason that we might no see or be aware at the moment but once the dust settles or time goes by, we'll appreciate and will make sense for bad or good, it all seems like part of a bigger picture and the only way to achieve our personal goals and come a better self is accepting and learning from the help and lessons that others bring to our life, not to mention that we are not meant to live alone and the more we isolated from others the more we push the lines that will connect to others to save us from dark and pull us back to the road and create new connections that will evolve to a different variety of relationships and the best way to work out them and understand them is looking inside us, getting to know us, dare our fears and challenge our feelings just to understand others and realize that in a deeper way we are all connected by different ways but are we aware of it or open to embrace it or we still close minded and empty soul in different levels that closes the door to welcome others in our life, can you relate to it or just feels like a dream you had the other night?

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