viernes, 15 de enero de 2016

13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi...are you ready to die for your country?

How many things are currently happening around the world that we don't know unless get the proper attention of the news, so instead of that we get only a very processed information about locals and overseas, but maybe there's a life changing event happening at some point of the globe that gets people to fight for or die for while most of us are just worried about surviving another day at the office or with all the annoying things that can happen in our daily lives. Not that any of those are less or not important, but how engage and related we are with the big picture of how our country or the world is struggling for us to have that daily annoying things in our lives. So, since war, guns and terrorism has become a major topic on the table for the last decade and every day becomes more real, is time for other than the news to bring tribute to all those heroes and moments that are changing politics, economics and the way things are happening. From director Michael Bay, best known for his big blockbusters, full of explosions an FX, we get "13 HOURS" (2016), the story of 6 soldiers than stand up when no body did and even the story is full of explosion and guns, the story serves more to it's political analysis and criticism pointing to the real meaning and and the politics behind them to tell a story of brave men looking to do the right thing.

So the story for all of you that never heard about it follows a ex militar that returns to work with an old friend at a special job for a couple of months as security guard of diplomatics that happened to find Benghazi, Lybia the perfect point to meet and try to arrange political negotiations against islam and the middle east war. But when an American diplomat travels to cover a successful tour that might bring some peace, an islamic group finds the perfect timing to attack just when the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 events are happening. But with no orders to get involved as the diplomat counts with his personal security team, an attack to his personal mansion becomes a life and death event that makes the six militaries to take arms and get involve. Sadly a major turn of events leads to all CIA analyst and milicia to become the new target and be exposed so a new attack takes form until they get some help. This is not a war movie when a team or country invades, conquers or fights for survival in the middle of war. This is a story where we get to see how political negotiations and decisions affect others by not knowing what happens on the field.

Positioning american agents in one of the most dangerous places of middle east, just proves how what matters in paper differs from what happens in the field and the real fight. Here, being in the wrong place at the wrong time just made them become a target and the fight will be to help others and then make it through till be safe to leave and return home but now we get to see how the good guys are now the target and not by being attacked at home but for being trying to manipulate the future of others in foreign soil, just making you wonder if they deserve what they are getting even knowing is not the right way but how playing with fire can get you burned. The perspective from here and what makes this a refreshing experience is getting to know this soldiers that were just making it through, getting a job, that have families back home and that are struggling with the same problems as any of us. Money, family, friends, and how to solve them the only way they know: taking care of other people and keeping them save even if means fighting against others. but when things starts to go south and realization of why they left milicia in the first place.

A hard reminder of how much family and friends matter over things like money or feeling successful finding other ways to survive than just putting yourself in danger, specially when you realize that the ones that are making decisions of your job and future have no clue of what is happening, and how all this people they call enemies are also fighting for their own cause and dislike the idea of others using their country for their own purpose, but we all, at the end, have family that will be crying at our funeral no matter if we died as heroes or not. So what make a hero?, not always fighting for the cause was supposed to is the right to do, sometimes we need to step up and do the right thing for the moment and to save lives that are actually in danger not the ones that might be in some point. Are you willing or ready to sacrifice all what you've been fighting for to follow the ideas of others and to  protect your country from something that seems more than an invasion or attack, but to be noisy where no one called you just to try to bring peace to other fights and becoming that of your own.

Once that people that you love and care about start dying will that bring you a new perspective or confirm what you believe is worth the sacrifice. and as said at the beginning this is a big picture event that affected in major scale for some countries and hundreds of people, but once that you back to your personal life, how many problems we can also avoid by not trying to solve and fix others and get involve in others lives when no one ask for it but also how many times do we have to, and need to step up for the right thing to do or say. If that's a lesson we can translate in our every day, maybe we can start avoiding wars and changing the world in many other ways without guns and explosion, but by becoming an example for the people around us and being the best father, friend, husband, and human being that we can possibly be.

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