viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2016

SUPERGIRL...alienating yourself?

It's a plane it's bird, it's super...oh no! wait it's not even's "Supergirl" (2015-current), a new twist on the super hero spectrum that after invading the multiplex now has found a new house in TV, and after a few years exploring all this strong male characters is time for women to take control. Under the same premise from her cousin Kal-El, a young girl from planet Kripton is sent to Earth to protect her little baby cousin just get trapped in space among with a huge space ship that serves as a space prison for all those bad people that treated their planet that went to the apocalypse as we already know and we are familiar with that story? So if we've seen these story before since the perspective of the man of steel, why do we need more of it? Or what was missing from his cousin to tell, specially for a tv show? Well, for sure it's been a few decades since the last we saw how men were able to save the world but things have changed we don't live in a world ruled by men. Minorities have overcome to speak loud and stand for themselves. We live in times where there's a daily fight for equal rights and respect, trying to leave all by the same rules with no exceptions of gender, race, preferences, ideologies, cultures. So the tale of an alien trying to make things right in a different planet while figuring out herself and changing perspectives from people around her and all around the globe resonates more powerful than ever.

So yeah, maybe we know the basics about the story of this super heroes that came to our planet as refugees just to turn into heroes with super powers able to save the day and show to humanity our flaws and strengths but mostly our capability to love and overcome difficulties, but when we turn the table from a perspective a minority, a girl that happens to be an alien, a geek, and a teenager, things get a different perspective. Mostly because now the story moves from a feminist perspective. Men are put on the side to serve not as main characters but to show other sides of masculinity where you don't need to save the world by yourself to be a real man or be stronger, sometimes the fact or being able and open to ask and accept some help will make you better and will achieve your goals faster. Men have been entitled as a superior being. They rule the world, they save the day, they are able to transform, create, manipulate, destroy, rule and leader but there's more than that. There are more people and living creatures among them so it can't happen that way. As every empire in history their time has come so women have proved to be as strong and powerful as men, able to stand side by side in any fight, trying to prove they can lead organizations, corporations, countries, cities, and can be as useful and helpful as any one, and that applies to any other minority that has been overshadow by the power of the mighty white men. This is the time when we get to see stories about women trying to change, rule, transform and realize they also have something to say. They have struggles similar to men. They also love and fight to be successful and recognize their own talent.

So when we met Kiara, a young girl that was raised by a family on the country side, along with her step sister, she tries to figure out our culture, the perfect excuse to expose it as a collage of incoherent values where we rave for the brave but judge the one who take the first step as if all were afraid of what could happened and even she lives hiding her truth self, as instructed to avoid being rejected and pointed for those who won't understand her unique personality until one day she is forced to exposed herself and her powers in public to safe her sister from a plane crash. That moment will define her as a new era where she needs to do something about it, with the opportunity to save lives, help others and make a difference. But obviously the rest won't take as exciting as she did. Everybody will start questioning if this is another threat or a miracle. specially after the world already knows and accepted Superman, so now there will be two super heroes and that raises some fears and will point to the girl as the wicker just because her gender so she will have to prove it. So all along it's first season we go through this journey of acceptance from others for who you truly are and accepting yourself with pros and cons, knowing that even having super powers won't make you perfect and will make some mistakes and won't please everybody because there always be someone trying to judge you or stop you for their own reasons the same way we can't like everybody. So as a woman she will have to work harder to prove everybody's wrong and be accepted as an equal.

And then, just when things seemed to get better, another group of aliens will come out. Some with good intentions, others not so good, specially because they were living in a space prison paying some kind of sentence back in the galaxy where they are from, so now our planet is invaded by a group of aliens that live among us and while trying to adapt to our society, some will protect it and others will try to take advantage of it, so we the humans, are trapped in between this war but we are at home and they are foreigns trying to change our security and safe place, the only one we have. As similar as this sounds, the plot resonates in so many levels in times of globalization. Frontiers have expanded to another level. Cities are filled by people from around the world. traditions are shared and adopted as part of keeping and open mind and embrace new perspectives. So the struggle of a group of allies serving as immigrants in a foreign planet that might serve as home but is not theirs, will expose our fears and love to this current situation where some countries are facing the fact of new waves of immigrants from other countries, and the fact that these aliens might be or look superior to us, changes the fact of what we call security because they can destroy us and our lives depend on a small group of them that are actually willing to help while helping each others to find their lives in a place far from their home.

Charged with plots about politics, media, immigration, feminism, the show also takes a break for some fun, not taking itself too serious, serving just as a vehicle to expose these topics that feel more than actual and use a mythology to get deep on them but at the end the story centers on a girl that while saving the world also tries to have a life. She is working hard to make it through her boss office and her demands, while learning one or other trick to move up in the latter, while figuring out what does she really want to do with her life and find what she really is. Also she will try to feel normal, having a family on the side and making new friends that will stand at her side to fight with her, building a perfect team that will prove that working alone is not the answer but letting others in and get to know you, will bring more benefits. And why not? she is a girl, so she deserves and wants to be loved, to feel desired and meet that connection that will excite her and push her to keep going, but with such a busy agenda and too many things going o in her head, like saving the world and finish all errands in a 9 to 5 job won't make it easy, learning that being the princess is not as charming and useful as we thought because there is a big responsibility on your shoulders and having the eyes of the world on you can be intimidating, but at the end learning that we are a work in progress and that having a work team that will push your limits while bringing the best on you is more a blessing than a curse and the best super power we all can have, other than be able to flight, have a super strength and other things can't compare to the power of love, family, friendships and most important the realization of how great we are just by being ourselves, without labels of race, gender, preferences, ideologies, but just as a simple being.

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