Ok, not gonna lie, it's on the surface a love story, like those old fashion musicals, so you were right assuming that after seeing the preview. And if you didn't even better. This is the story of Mia and Sebastian. She is an aspiring actress that lives with her three roommates, and works as a barista in the Warner Bros. lot just to deal with raising stars and wanna be celebrities while trying to find her way in Hollywood, jumping from one audition to other just to feel frustrated of seeking some kind of opportunity that seems to fit better to others, prettier, more talented, better dressed, with better connections, so even she seems to be doing great performing as has been told, is exhausting to look at yourself rejected one after other, feeling like you are not enough and that your dream might never come true. And actress Emma Stone will make you feel all the sadness and joy of someone fighting to own her place in an industry that is very wanted for many but just a fe can actually get in, just to prove that dreams might come true but at a cost and life is not a cheering song without going into some darker places and been pulled down just to find the way to re start and find a better and new way, but realizing sometimes we need from others to get inspired again and get some strength to keep going and pursue that dream, and maybe get some new ideas about how to, as she will just to crash again but into a new wall that after closing a door will open a window that might be the answer if she is willing to pay the price of jumping into it.

While music will keep you on the edge of your seat, the perfect score a mix of jazz and modern musicals, makes this story the perfect fit to revive a genre that is also dying just like jazz and also in a time where movies seem to be going on a way down due to an increase of quality in tv, where shows have overtaken the industry and the attention of everybody, specially new generations that prefer to binge at home or their phone that spend some time in theaters where is crowded, dirty and people talk while the show, so with jazz and cinema almost dying these two characters can't represent better the two sides of their own fight to bring them back while expose their beauty. The fact that movies can inspire and influence anyone's life transforming pop culture and sticking in your mind for generations and music can inspire and awake feeling you might not know having or simply to keep fighting for whatever your dream or cause is. Mixing the magic of movies and the power of music you get a musical that while exposes itself inspiring new generations to understand their own beauty and embrace them as a unique opportunity that feels like falling in love and while it might not be perfect for sure will change or transform you life in ways that you can't imagine, understanding that something no need words but simple images, sounds, corporal language can say more than thousand words. so are you ready to dance and give it a chance?
Well if you do, then you won't missed the part that the preview was hiding. The story of love is just the cover of a major storyline, the one that defines us in more ways than music and art does, the story of life, it's power to takes us through different paths and how sometimes or most of them we miss their signals, when trying to say something, because as music or dancing, not always will be too straight forward or clear but more smooth, forcing us to understand a secret message hiding behind it's actions. We'll get clues and opportunity, and every person that we cross paths with has a reason for, a meaning behind a simple chit chat or encounter. Life will surprise you if you give a chance but nothing can be stronger than your will to make things happen, to fight for your dreams but as said before, everything will come at a cost, we can't ave it all, at least not all together or at the same time, so sometimes you'll have to choose between love or dreams, happiness or satisfaction, or maybe one will lead to the other, but relationships are not as simple and magic as the happy ending movies, even that we can make peace with our decisions, and that will make us happy, we will have to face the fact that for every major decision we do, will be another possibility that we might be missing or letting go and that one could be better than the chosen one, but won't know till later, when we are able to have a different perspective. Music is made of from a composition of tones and high's low's, so is life, and cinema is made from different kinds of art, all mixed together, and they have different tones and acts, perspectives and storylines, so does life, so be ready to immerse in a journey that you might already tried but need to awake and start enjoying and here some tunes and steps to do it better, cause never felt better to have a feel love and hope among difficult times, this might be just a bump. La la la...
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