viernes, 1 de diciembre de 2017

THE DISASTER ARTIST...ready to create a master piece?

How many times have you stopped of doing something because someone told you you are not good about it or about anything?. Or just you don't feel talented enough to pursue a dream. How many times you wish someone would be at your side to encourage you to do better and push you to take a risk and remind you, you are able to do whatever you want. In reality is not about how good we are at it but how capable we feel to make it happen. How many successful stories are right now out there from different people with different upbringings and backgrounds and they are not necessarily the best at what they do, but in some way they found the way to make it through it, like a secret recipe, sometimes all you just need is to be at the right time in the right place, or meet the right connections, to get that opportunity that might change everything and will let you prove your talent or your potential. And because success is not about being the best but being able to make your dreams come true, even if by the end wasn't what you expected to be, this is a tribute to all those who had the nerve to stand up and take that risk and chase that dream: tragicomedy "The Disaster Artist" (2017) is that movie based on another movie, using the based on a true story line to make the whole process of making a movie, a movie by itself, and the best part of it, is that the original movie is considered one of the worst movies in history ever made. That bad that is used in cinematography classes as an example of all the wrongs and not to checklist in filmmaking that first thing that might come to your mind is why should it deserve to become a story behind the story?, and actually what we get at the end is a funny, deep, unconventional tribute to friendship and courage for you to go out and chase your dreams. One that will make you uncomfortable while entertain you as an opera singer performing in the shower trying to prove what is true art.

First of all, we have to understand that being an artist is a risk, Not talking about mainstream celebrities that are used and produce as an image to sell to the masses. Real artist that are trying to find a spot a to expose their vision and make a living from it. Painters, sculptors, singers, dancers, actors, photographers, film makers, among others, all trying to bring a vision of what they call art and that can be interpreted in so many ways making them unique and some times devoted. So, find that spot where your art or product will stand up from the others and be admire for many, is a hard mix to find. So no wonder why writer, actor, director, producer James Franco, would find this story worth to tell and transform one of the worst movies ever made into one of the best stories of the year. With the talent and support of a crew full of his friends, Franco embraces the character of Tommy Wiseau, the real character behind and in front the camera that in the early 2000's presented the the greatest bad movie ever made. But fun fact, the actual story is not about Tommy, besides being charmingly and over the top performed by Franco, and of whom no one knows much about hi, where's he from?, How old is he?but of his friend Greg, the one that sold the story of the making of that movie and who was the missing piece that put all that situation in order to happen. Performed by Franco's little brother, Dave, Greg is also a young man trying to be an actor but at the acting school he only gets bad critics from his teachers because his lack of personality and driven to loose it up and embrace the character, and because he is a good looking guy seems like a lost puppy.

Reason why, one time after class he approaches Tommy, and proposes him to be partners for the next assignment, why? he asks. Well both offer something the other has. For Greg, he is a role model, someone to learn from, how to be more brave, and extrovert, not caring what people think or say, because that's Tommy Mojo's, live his live in a very unique way, being his own persona, but deep inside him he actually cares what others might think or say about him, but mostly because he feels lonely, he wants to be accepted, and that's what Greg offers to him without even noticing it, a true friendship. So once the two of them start bounding, Tommy gets more attached to Greg, as the only person that seems to care and like him the way he is. But Greg just wants to pursue his dream of being an actor, and for that reason both move together to Los Angeles, to Tommy's place, so they can go on auditions and get an agent and chase that dream, Greg's dream, and Tommy wants to please him. Even Greg is tying to have a normal life, getting a girlfriend, which puts Tommy on the side, so the next move will be make a movie for both since no one cast them, and that is how "The Room" (2013) started production. Under Tommy's own script, a story that no one knows what's about, if reflects part of his life or is just a mere excuse to pretend to b a writer and produce a movie where he'll direct and play with obviously no reason of how to do it but with money and hiring the right people everything can happen.

While we go through all the process of this production, the more we get to see about this two very different characters, and how do they perform in and out the camera. While Greg is excited about being in a major role in a movie and be part through the whole process, Tommy exposes more and more those flaws that he tries to overshadow with an eccentric personality and a very weird look. Greg becomes this friendly guy in the set that tries to help everyone and make the experience an awesome experience for the whole crew, while Tommy can't hide more his anger for all the rumors about him taking them out with the crew and acting like a spoiled brat even when he had no clue what his doing and he can't even remember his lines, more less to act or give them the punctuation needed. But he made a promise to his friend and they had been through a lot already trying to make it in an industry that just don't want them or has too many like them already. But how ca you be someone's friend if you can't be your own fan? We can relay to someone just to a limit where you are still your by own and even if sharing a dream, there always will be two different stars looking to shine in the same sky. But being an artist is hard and find your own voice is harder, specially when have no sense of direction or someone to guide you but your own spirit and willing to make it big time. Entertainment industry is a tough cookie to swallow. It will take your essence and use it for it's convenience. You might get lost in transition or you can be on top one day and go down the next day. You need to relay on yourself and people who really care about you to not let it take you to a breaking point, but how many people you have around that can call a true friend, and more importantly, do you know what a real friend means?

When trying to pursue a dream and follow your passion, things will get bad and also great moments will come but part of the package will be the attention and response to your own vision. You are you own, unique self. And in order to stand up from the rest, you have to prove it. But not everybody will recognize it and follow it. Every piece of art and everyone gets recognition and rejection. Once you put yourself out there, you'll be judge by others for better or worse. Some will follow you, other will want to destroy, for many possible reasons. But the only way to keep going and being able to shut down all that noise is to truly believe in yourself and be surrounded by people that knows you and believe in you, willing to prove that they will stand next to you no matter what and push you to succeed and help you when failure knocks your door. Because for every 10 criticism we get, we need at least one cheer so we can face up and move on. And he have a misconception of success as a synonym of popularity, wealthiness, satisfaction, that can't be more wrong that the fact of succeeding comes from the fact of accomplishment. You be rich, you can be satisfied, and you can be devoted but that won't bring happiness and recognition as the fact of being passionate about something and truth to your believes that will make you fight for what you like no matter how good you are at it, and at the end matters more if you do something that everybody know and talk about, for good or not, than something that might be remembered just for five minutes, and that as well, is what a real friend is, a true friend that makes an impact on you, shakes you, takes you out of your comfort zone while cares to about you, make you feel special and even if not always at your side, his presence will stick with you for a lifetime, and that my dear audience is a truly masterpiece.

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