viernes, 15 de diciembre de 2017


One of humanity most challenging conflicts has been dealing with time. Is one of those factors in life that we all share and is always there, defining every moment of our lives, yet we can't control it and hardly understand it. Time lines had always fascinated scientist and nerds equally. So many theories of how to break them and make it through different ones but as of now, till no answers or at least nothing that has gone public. We all have a past, share a present and look for a future. We all stand at the same time, the right now, even if at different locations and we all come from the same past, that's why learning and understanding it helps to understand where we come from and where are we going to. But what if you could control it? This would give you a big advantage over anyone not to mention the fact that you can change things. Would you ever wished been able to change a situation, moment, time in your life where things happened that shaped the rest of it? Specially tragic circumstances, we'd love to make them right so we don't have to go through them, even some of them are challenges that we need to become stronger and be able to face whatever is in stock for us in the future, but who wants to lose someone or go through a terrible accident? But what if instead of just changing your life or the one of someone you love, you need to change the curse of humanity in order to save them all? What would you do if you have the chance to travel in time and be able to change the curse of things? Would you like to know what the future looks like for you or would you rather go back in time and change what is done to it make right or better? Well, just because this year is about to end and in order to get in the holiday mood, the perfect time for everyone to come with new resolutions about their past looking forward a better future, seems like the the right time to binge a couple of new shows that are all about their timing.

Let's start with the past, the all time fascination to explore history through traveling in time and be present when all these great moments happened and changed the curse of human kind.  "Timeless" (2016-current), is a new show from network NBC that has brought back that old feeling from mid century XX, when traveling in time was trending. This time we are back to basic  through an actual time machine, and everything starts once a mysterious criminal steals a government time machine that happens to be a secret of state, so with no clues other than the random stops in time that he's doing push the team to find a solution to stop him and get him back before he changes the present as we know it. Reason why they recruit a soldier, a scientist, and a history professor to travel in time and find this guy and stop him before all the time line is affected by his actions. But as we know travel time can be a very sensitive matter. Any detail, the most minimum fact, that is changed can carry a domino effect that could change big time the future. And this is the most fun part about this show, as every episode turns into a new quest through the major passages in history, where this trio will make jumps to find themselves in such relevant moments in the USA history like the assassination of Lincoln and Jesse James, The Alamo's battle, meeting Al Capone, Bonnie & Clyde, among others, all of them , kind of related to these characters that are not only facing this mission but their own agenda. Like Logan, the soldier, the one in charge of the security, and figuring out how to keep them out in trouble is the first one looking for a specific kind of trouble trying to make a stop in time and change the past so he can safe his wife from being murdered.

Even that he knows that this won't change this between his wife and him, he still feels guilty about what happened  to her so he needs to do that but soon he'll realize he can't change the past  and neither can do it by himself so will need some help from his new friends. And all of them also will learn that you can change this that easily, things happen for a reason, something that science still can't explain, but even if one event is changed, it will find a way to find to make it happen at the end, so maybe destiny exists or the real purpose is to figure out why it happened the first time. But because this is more a fun show than a deep drama things get complicated once they start making jumps in time to a point where the lives of these three characters start to be affected, specially for the professor, a young woman that now has lost her sister when trying to save her mother, so as they say, you can’t have it all. But the thief doesn’t know that so he’ll keep try to change things in the past for his own agenda even now the whole government agency is trying to catch him but now he also has made some allies that are helping him to get away with it. So if you a fan of time traveling and adventures while going through popular passages in time that would live it up their time to play with theories and ideas about different time settings and their influence in modern day as we all a consequence from all the actions that our ancestors made in the past. So nothing more exciting that a cat and mouse chase through time while the clock is ticking to avoid a major repercussion and while exploring different eras, also will take you to an introspective about your current life and how and why you ended in that place.

On the other hand we have a new series from the streaming network Hulu, “Future man” (2017-current), a comedy produced by actor Seth Rogen and his creative team, bringing up this sci fi comedy that serves as a parody as well to make fun of different cultural aspects of our era by using time traveling as a metaphor that will bring a new perspective for the audience following the mid ventures of a young man stuck in his life with no big plans for his future. Josh, played by actor Josh Hutcherson, is a  janitor by day and video gamer by night, reason why when finishing his favorite video game gets visited by two strangers from the future. The reason? That video game is actually used as a trainer for possible warriors able to save humanity in the future where thanks to a pandemic is now living in dystopian circumstances where a group of ciborgs are trying to end with humanity so the few left are working together as a resistance finding that the only solution is to go back in time to the point where everything started and prevent it from happen. Only thing is that now the future of human kind holds in hands of a man that has no clue about life much less about how to fight. But actually this clash of eras, work well to help each other to remind the other what they have forgotten because in the future they’ve been trying to survive that forgot to live and be human, missing every aspect of what makes us different from any other living kind, Love, kindness, laugh, purpose, compassion, friendship, among others and once they are stuck in this mission will realized what they are capable while still trying to stay true to themselves and the ones they left behind. But don’t forget this is a comedy, so behind all that deep thought hides a parody for every situation that will make you laugh while shake you a bit with some sarcasm and some political incorrect jokes that feel just like a slap in the face.

So while we care and get to like and know this two young soldiers from the future, we can’t forget that the story line is centered and about Josh, a loser that needs to prove to himself and everyone around him that he can do better. That he is here for something bigger than what he has now. He is just lost in the cover or a very supportive family that won’t push him hard enough so they can still have him living around them and with no major motivations other than what any other teenager could dream about, such as play video games and jerk off, he doesn’t see any potential for his own future. Until meeting these crazy guys from the future that keep trying to push him to help them to save human kind but as he keeps failure and they start losing faith in him he starts to feel more confident about himself and his own skills that actually might be the one able to save the day but not before getting into real problems and change the curse of history in different ways. And by this point we all know the basic rules about time traveling and how this show let himself to play with them while breaking and skipping some in service of a story that tries to be as funny as humanity sense of humor can be exposing all our flaws that while trying to reach a point in the future where technology over come us we are losing some qualities that define us while getting new flaws for the coming generations using science as an excuse for it so while at this point we can’t travel through time still we definitely can change the future by using our present to set the course in different directions that will take us to a better tomorrow not just for a few but the whole human kind and that is something that doesn’t need a fight for but a small change in everyone’s actions for a possibility and hope for the best because we all deserve better and we are here for more than what we are right now, a work in progress looking to explode it’s true potential. And that is the future.

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