But at this point young people doesn't play board games anymore. Video games have come to stay and make a change, so now every teenager is obsessed with this new type of games and because this particular game is nothing like you ever had seen before, realizes that, and so will evolve to reach it's target, so now hides in the shape of a video game and will come for his first victim leading it to vanish in an old basement for decades until in present time, a group of teenagers have to pay time in detention after school and will run into it, and who doesn't feel like playing a vintage video game right? Let's say that this group certainly is up for the challenge. But who are they? First we met Spencer, the geek of the group. A teenager that spends it's free time playing video games hiding from his unpopular life at school, where he is just another nerd that trying to connect with the popular guys helps them by doing their assessments so they might invite him to hang with them sometime. And such an attractive character couldn't be a better fit to be the leader of the group as most of the guys who play video games and board games feel like isolated from the rest, embracing their geekness and love for all the material that fiction brings to them, usually making them good at school but sadly as we all know, not so good when it comes to popularity. But he is not the only one, There is also Jeanette, another misfit, just that this one is proud of be different and out of the social context. She sees herself as a smart independent woman that goes to school to study, learn new things and prepare herself for a better future, reason why can't understand why she should mingle and socialize. She can do better and look better but it's matter of she putting herself out there and try, which is not the case here.
Even Spencer has noticed her but she really doesn't care. She hides this insecurity behind her desire to learn. That's why she couldn't be more different at first look than Bethany. The popular chic that spends hour either at her phone or at taking care of herself. Representing all what being a millennial means for the new generations worrying more about the likes and looks of their Instagram account that actually having a life or real interactions with other people if it's not through their phone, making her look just as beautiful as she wants to be with all the filters possible but not because people actually notice her when she is around, giving to popularity a new meaning and proving that these days without a phone you are no one. And last we have Blain, the jock and nemesis of Spencer, that only uses him to get his homework done and not having to worry about it focusing in chasing girls and play sports, which could be all the stereotype of what a jock does, but he's not that popular either, just because of what we just mentioned, and he tries to, but in a sense of enjoying the feeling of being admire by others and why not?, have the girls making a line after you. But none of them would ever be friends of the other because of their own agenda being so different from each other, even they actually can be of some sort of help with what the other is missing. But social status always matters as it seems, and especially in high school. Some things will never change. But never is too late to get into a life changing adventure that will turn things out and re discover yourself while having some fun and get to know other people that might be too different from you to hang with but at some circumstances you might discover things in common and as they say, opposites attract.
And if all that wouldn't be enough, we get a short appearance of sex symbol turned singer (or maybe the other way), Nick Jonas, for the eye candy, playing the role that made the late Robin Williams a classic in the original movie, as the first victim from the game that got trapped for years inside the game trying to find a way out. But now that all the players are in, is time for them to finish this game as they advance from level to level (instead of moving pieces on the board), and things get more and more complicated. It's when they finally realized that helping each other and putting their differences on the side might get them win. Each one has their avatars skills, which are very different from real life and while for some this might be a dream came true, for others might be their worst nightmare, but maybe that is the only way to put yourself in perspective and realize that you can actually be whatever you want, you just need to own it, and put all those labels on the side so you can actually look through without any filter or camera but as real and transparent as it is. And how many times do we just settle expecting things to happen instead of trying as if would be another opportunity like a video game where you can have an extra life or keep playing endless. In real life we only get one life and it's what we do with it what matters and there is no time to waste but putting it to a test and keep trying, because we'll fail but there is no game over until is over. We should be better keep trying rather than sit and watch it go by just wondering what it could be, playing mind games. Life is already a game that won't stop or wait for us to realize, so if you get to end in the jungle to feel alive and get you out of your phone and social labels even for two hours, it might be worth the trip as we just have one life and one time to be the avatar we've always wanted to be.
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