What about if love is all the above and none of it at the same time. Where do our feelings, fears, insecurities, goals, ideals, fit in all the process? We can't forget that a relationship is made of two, so we need to be ready and open to fall in love for the right person otherwise we will just fill one empty space to create a dysfunctional relation that will turn either into a disaster or a happy scary ending. Being ourselves and getting us out there just will be 50% of the process of that connection, thats why its been called finding your other half for centuries, as the idea is to find someone to complement you instead of someone to fix you or help you become who you are.

Based on the romantic novel, "FAR FROM MADDING CROWD" (2015), is a story of a young woman that has grown up by herself in an old fashion country land, in ancient times where woman where treated more as objects than person. A time where woman had no voice, less power, and when their highest goal would be been chosen to get married so they have to be prepare for the best bachelor. Bathsheba, our beautiful girl, is an independent and strong woman that has fought against all this standards, making it be her own, so when she heritages her uncles farm, she gets to the high society club and as a farmer and owner has to prove other what she is made of.
But before that, when she was still no one, she get to know another farmer, a hunky noble one that sees the courage and brave heart she posses so as they lives close by started spending time till he out of the blue proposes her with the promise of a bright future as he now owns a hundreds of sheep that will give him the chance of a better future. Sadly events turned bad for him and better for her switching places, so now she hires him as her farmer and any chance of romance is gone as their relationship is pure business now.
As a woman in charge of people, she gets the courage to bring the farm up and make ir profitable. Once she puts her name out in the market, she earns respect from others businessman, and her position now is more one like a man than what a victorian woman will do. So eyes started turning to her, but not the ones she was expecting. Her new neighbor, a rich, educated, attractive, well known farmer, that can bring her stability in business and life, so she flirts like a shy woman knows, but its until she stops that he gets interested just to get her rejection as she realizes she has no feelings for him, it was just her mind trying to convince her, he was a good option.
Then she crosses paths with a soldier that has been broken hearted and seduces her, showing her all what passion means for a virgin woman with lack of experience with men, never been kissed before. This passion blinds her turning her into what she never wants for herself, become a trophy wife, a property for a man. Even the noble hunky farmer warned her, she realizes this late, just to be aware that other than passion there is no more for her now husband.
With all this confusion and turn of events what this movie and its novel based, really brings to the table is the process she goes through as a woman and person to experience love and get to know herself as a grown up woman, her sexuality and her feelings, crashing with her goals and ideals. She gets caught in this relationships, all very different from the other but each one represents one of the main things everyone seeks for, attraction, passion, stability, loyalty, chemistry, challenge, and he realization that is hard to find them all together in the same person, but sometimes the ones we cherish for more will evolve and develop others, but each one will be a lesson that will lead us to a personal introspection about ourselves, who we are and what we really like and want.
When we are able to realize that someone that has been there for us, maybe not in the way we expected but under the surface has been challenging us to bring the best of us, because they can see it even better than ourselves, or are as loyal to stand at our side when no one does, or help us in difficult times and even been honest saying the truth even when thats not what we want to hear, if we are able to embrace that, then passion and romance might turn on and as a test to success, just then we will acknowledge what we really are and what we really want to become a better version of us, like a fairy tale turning a pumpkin into a beautiful carriage.
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