viernes, 1 de mayo de 2015

AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON....a new super hero era

In recent days has been a big discussion regarding this new super hero genre that has become more popular among the audience, bringing more box office than any award winning film. Directors and critics that are into serious films, dramas or deep stories that give cinema a real meaning of art, well created when able to develop and show human condition, meanwhile super heroes are creation of fiction, something that won't happen in real life and no real drama to evolve in what defines to be human. But should fiction imitate reality as art does, and in that case the best way to perform and get into the human condition would be since a different perspective that aloud to bring a different perspective like a metaphor?

In that way maybe super heroes won't perform as family portrait in the most traditional way or bring a dramatic and intense movie experience whit long shots and a cinematic language as trying to please their fans and embracing their own perspective. The comic label Marvel has been developing a graphic novel narrative with a series of movies than all connected created a new universe where super heroes clash into others in order to bring a bigger plan, pursuing a great finale. Under this scenario we get a new mash up of some of the most popular superheroes from the Marvel Universe: Captain America, Thor, The Hulk, Iron Man among others and new additions like the mutants Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver.

After breaking all records and becoming the first cinematic experience where we can see a group of our favorite super heroes fighting all together, it was meant to be to bring a sequel, that comes under the surname "Avengers: Age of Ultron" (2015), based on one of the most popular and biggest enemy of the group, a robot that poses A.I. turning his power into something as dangerous as all the world wide web. A treat that can mobilize all around the globe and can manipulate all technology available this days sounds scary and hard to catch. But the real thing about this sequel is the evolution of our beloved heroes.

We've been following them through their own movies, each one of them giving and creating clues to follow this path that will lead us to a big major event but now that we finally have them fighting together for a second time, what would be novelty compering to their last time? And will that be enough to please critics and fans like they did previously?. The answer is a big maybe that just will bring more material to the table for a bigger discussion about this type of movies and their popularity among entertainment or pure art.  True fact, this movies start to feel tired, there are not many surprises or wow factor anymore, even that every time things get messier and we can see more about our heroes kicking asses, the more we see the more expectations we create and that's a hard line to catch and to please everybody.

And yes, there are a lot of action sequences that will blow your mind and make you feel like a kid again, but a said, we have seen that before, so now the group of heroes feel more confortable hanging with each other the same way their actors feel as performing them, we get a few deep moments as a fun ones where they try to hang together more like a group of friends when the phase of connecting and bounding has broke the ice. And right there, is where we can gave a glimpse of what this kind of movies can make for a real cinematic experience.

These heroes are humans. What's going on after/before their fights? Some are soldiers, others scientists, that under different circumstances got some kind of power they've been using in order to save people or do the right thing. But as they start fighting more, the inside battle also becomes bigger and deeper. They need to deal with the fact of sacrifice their own lives or ideals in order to achieve something bigger, or dealing with consequences from their acts after trying to do something good but things are never as simple as good or bad or right or wrong. So they start fighting against their own feelings and frustrations. Like Iron Man, under his alter ego, Tony Stark, a scientist that has been focusing on his own ideals and expanding his industry, now seeks doing good for all human kind, trying to emend what has done wrong to others, so in his mind hides the unconscious idea of trying to do always what it takes to save and protect others even that sometimes consequences will be bad or even worst than the damage that was done before. How can a simple human with a great mind and lots of money can fight against its own fears and battles to take back the damage he had made?.

Same story with the other scientist of the group, The Hulk a.k.a Bruce Banner, a mastermind in bio physics  that because an accident ends turning him into a big green monster with lacks of control, capable to destroy cities and hurt people, creating an insecurity of his own, running and pushing away the ones that care about him to avoid hurting them while trying to help others in need while not able  to trust himself. Reason blocks feelings. How many stories we have been of smart people with poor social skills, fighting to find their own and accept themselves while let others get closer?

On the other side we get soldiers, like the mighty Thor or the nice and genuine Captain American or the fierce and wise Black Widow, the type of fighters that make a move under a code, thinking about the team and the bigger picture, trying to lead and protect their own, always thinking about their team or their own battle. But as they improve their skills and become stronger in body and mind, the lonely they turn, the more sacrifices knock to their door, accepting their own destiny and figuring out what they are made of and their real purpose, blocking their own feelings turning into an iceberg moved by logic and reason more than propose and feelings. How many stories do we know about people fighting their own battles, realizing their own skills, and taking the wrong decision in order to achieve something good, or help their significant others, not knowing what the future holds for them.

Everybody has a power, skills or a great body or mind that will make them unique and capable to help or hurt others. We all have daily battles to accept the way we are, trying to make our own a better place even if sometimes luck and destiny seems to be against us, trying to accept ourselves the way we are and changing what we are capable of. Analyzing our actions and consequences so we can become a better one or simply to get what we want the most, no matter what it takes. We might no need to face a group of evil soldiers or robots trying to destroy our town but if we don't look deep to our actions and the effect we have in to others, would create a thin line that will turn us into a hero or villain. And thats where this kind of movies bring inspiration and a difference for everybody who needs to see things from a different perspective to realize what is right or wrong, and who is evil or not, but only bringing that hero inside of us, off to the surface and enjoy two hours of fiction, heroes smashing bad guys and accepting their destiny that we will embrace ours and that is a piece of art as real as life.

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