viernes, 15 de mayo de 2015

SLOW WEST side of a FURY ROAD...

This weekend two very different movies opened sharing great reviews from critics and good grades from audiences but thats not only things they shared, a story of survival and a message of hope set up in two very different timings with stories as lose and opposite than make anyone wonder if this was just a marketing plan or just a random coincidence. While one is playing worldwide the other found its way in limited realize through acclaimed festivals circuit, so what's all about their buzz that has everybody raving about them?

Well, starting with the small, independent "Slow West" (2015), a new western that opposite to other classics from the same genre where horses ridings and train chances, while famous 1-1 gun fire encounters happen, this one takes the same timing as its title, going slow. The movie takes its time to tell the story of a young man that after been separated from his first love, Rose, thanks to social differences and family drama back in his home country, Scotland, moves to America, deep to the west, in search of his sweet heart that hides somewhere in this new undiscovered land where cowboys are fighting to annihilate an old raze, tradition and culture, the american indians.

The young boy lack of experience and maturity but with fierce and courage to face the challenges get him in trouble, specially in the middle of this national battle until he crosses path with an outlaw with his own agenda that gets caught by the ideal of the guy and his sad love story. A fallen angel and a raising demon start a journey together, trying to survive in different ways, hope and redemption of past mistakes and a promise of a better life in the future that might involve a reward of a bounty hunter will bring them in a share quest for a personal introspection and a common goal.

Actor Michael Fassbender, also produces, brings a performance as deep, tough as charming as an outlaw looking for redemption through a young, innocent soul. Helping him and bringing him to safe as a reminder of a promise of a better good of himself. As a young boy, just moved by love and that idea of his true love, blinds him bringing the man a chance to guide him to this new land that as their habitants is suffering of battles, changes and a promise of a better life for everybody who is down to pay the price, meaning killing, stealing, lying but sharing the idea of justa promise as clash of different cultures to create a new erasing the old ones, but love as death are universal.

And with death comes revenge and anger and fury, so we take a leap in time from past to future. But in contrary as history and past has been written, no one nows what future awaits for us, as human race, so an imaginative post apocalyptic era reins the world, with lack of natural resources, the one able to have access to them will bring power and when power comes to the table, a new society raises and new rules are dictated, yes, that's exactly what history has tough us. This is the world of "Mad Max: Fury Road" (2015), an adrenaline tale of survival and hope, again? yes!, again.

When a small village set in this new future, is ruled by a crazy man, called himself Immortal, as trying to survive his own fight with death, the lack of water and control of others as warriors for his own, turns this place into a marginated place where people are no longer treated like that, theres is no better plan than survive day by day but become a better version of themselves pops like an opportunity, lead by a warrior that seeks for redemption (sounds familiar?). In this case a woman called herself, Imperator Furiosa, but her own agenda, is to steal other women used as objects just to bring new children for the ruler, like ancient times in middle east, where women where used more as objects for procreation than human beings.

Tom Hardy, takes place of the famous character, Max, because this is the fourth entry in the series, bringing with his own energy a new perspective of this man, that lost his family and now hangs around this world as a warrior, fighting and avoiding being chased, but once he is captive gets caught in the race to track the fugitive women. This women are running away in search of a better place, fighting and doing what it takes to not go back to that horrible place that turned them, so when this mad man crosses their path and finds an opportunity to help them in order to forgive himself from the fact of let his family been murdered, a ghost that has been chasing him since then. He is no super hero but an outlaw with skills and driven by revenge and anger, a mix that can create miracles and lots of explosions.

And in this case, there will be blood, and lots of explosions, it's a summer blockbuster, packed with action sequences and unique scenarios, all of them with a metaphor of a world that was consumed by it's own habitants and their own hunger of power and insecurities. We'll jump to the action from the very first beginning and it will last for the next two hours and the car chases will blow your mind non stop. From all kind of weapons to kamikazes bands, to bikes, cars, buses, and new human races, only thing will keep your feet down to earth are this characters and those few moments when even the story goes nowhere, is their real search of being a better place and be better version of themselves that will resonate as an explosion of hope that future still can be shape in the best image we have for it.

Because now, back to the present, we all are fighting for our own goals and ideals, motivated by love or driven by our career expectations but always looking to develop new experiences and social circles. Unconsciously all this, works in a way to bring the best of each of us and there is hope t find love and being loved, feeling part of a family or a whole, find the way to survive through all challenges that means be part of the 21st century, a timing where identity is hard to explore and be unique is hard to find but always keeping in the back of our minds the idea of a better tomorrow than what the past we been through.

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