Cuando vamos al cine, una de dos, o buscamos adentrarnos en una experiencia que nos haga reflexionar, sentir, emocionarnos, profundizar, alabar este abaratado arte para recordarnos su magia y apreciar la mezcla de sus elementos por los cuales se le ha denominado el séptimo arte, o vamos en busca de tan solo un medio de distracción, la oportunidad de pasar dos horas de nuestra vida, riéndonos de la vida de otros o sumergiéndonos en mundos fantásticos que nos permitan mediante un desfile de efectos especiales, poner nuestro cerebro en reposo para al salir continuar con el verdadero drama y suspenso de nuestras propias vidas. Cualquiera sea el caso, en muchas ocasiones ambos, por el cual cualquiera de ustedes acudan a las salas de cine, se preguntaran, entonces por que es aun así posible que muchas de las veces las cosas simplemente no funcionan y por muy altas o bajas sean nuestras expectativas, simplemente salimos decepcionados sin haber encontrado ni una ni otra.
La industria fílmica se he convertido en una maquina capitalista que genera millones en ganancias por lo cual cada día surgen mas distribuidoras dispuestas a producir mas y mas películas y como todo exceso es malo, obviamente de todo ese puñado de opciones algunas serán un producto meramente hecho con la intención de tratar de alcanzar una audiencia especifica y sacar el mejor jugo de la misma. Es así como cada día encontramos mas y nuevos generos, estamos bombardeados de nuevas estrellas y supuestos actores, todos movidos bajo una maquinaria que ha dejado a un lado el arte por el dinero. Mas no se impacienten, no todo es malo, aun existe esperanza, ya que gracias a esta misma saturación, la gente se ha vuelto mas selectiva al momento de elegir que ver forzando a los estudios a seleccionar mejor sus propuestas y volteando a los círculos de críticos como la opción fiable para escuchar la referencia sobre que ver y que evitar.
Asi, es cuando esta semana se concluye el verano fílmico y con ello decimos adios a otra temporada saturada de blockbusters y sorpresivamente de pequeñas sorpresas independientes para dar la entrada a lo que sera la próxima temporada de premios y con ellos todas las películas que buscaran entrar e competencia, podemos hacer recapitulación de lo visto y encontramos que dentro de las sorpresas hubo decepciones mayores (siendo el remake de cintas de super heroes los mas sonados), pero dentro de las otras opciones que quedaran en el intento de pudo ser mejor y abrir paso a una franquicia esta "El Agente de CIPOL" ("The man from U.N.C.L.E." (2015), una cinta basada en una popular serie televisiva de los 60's y que tenia todo para convertirse un éxito y al menos en su país natal no lo logro.
Entonces que paso? La cinta contaba con un elenco promisorio: Henry Cavill, actor ingles ahora famoso por su reciente interpretación como el hombre de acero, Superman, y Armie Hammer, quien gano carisma por su interpretación del famoso llanero solitario, en otra adaptación homónima de una serie de television muy popular. Un director con una vision conocida en el genero para sus secuencias de acción, Guy Ritchie, ex esposo de Madonna, una historia de detectives que normalmente gozan de una audiencia amplia y sedienta por este tipo de peliculas, una distribuidora mayor con un presupuesto digno de cualquier blockbuster, que pudo salir mal?
Digamos que la formula era la indicada para un éxito pero los ingredientes fueron imitaciones de otros mas originales y por ende el resultado fue un pastel a medio hornear. Y como mencionamos previamente, no quiere decir que es una película mala, en comparación con las citadas referencias, pero tampoco es sobresaliente y se queda en el olvido de la mediocridad y la nula taquilla. El mencionado elenco podrá resultar atractivo al ojo mas su carisma es nulo y su química como dupla y equipo, siendo su elenco de reparto quien rescata la cinta. Su director se repite tal como en otras cintas, con una falta de originalidad para esta entrega sientendose que hemos visto esto antes , lo cual ya cansa y poco emociona. Podría estar basada en una serie popular pero dicha generación no paga un boleto por ver un remake con actores ajenos a su entorno y las nuevas generaciones poco conocen de dicha serie, y aunque la historia entretiene tampoco aporta nada nuevo y carece de un desarrollo de personajes por dar mayor pie a la acción.
Entonces que tiene de bueno? después de habérnosla acabado poco podremos decir en su favor pero vale la pena destacar su producción, excelentes locaciones europeas y una ambientacion sesentara que le da un toque elegante con un sentido del humor mas sofisticado que se agradece ante la nueva ola de simpleza o vulgaridad. Los giros de tuerca aunque se ven venir a distancia al momento de ejecutarlos resultan frescos y mantienen a la audiencia interesada en vez de mandarlos a dormir y con este nuevo equipo de espías americanos y rusos que en plena guerra fría se unen para enfrentar a otros terroristas en el resto del mundo y descifrar sus malévolos planes, es que encontramos un nuevo aire para un genero que se ha sentido gastado con agentes británicos capaces de salvar al mundo con un dedo o misiones imposibles que en realidad suenan mas factibles que un juego de mesa, quedando perfectamente claro como inclusive en las películas, donde hay un guión y un proceso para reflejar la vida misma, las cosas aun pueden ser impredecibles y no siempre hay formula para el éxito.
Esto se aplica perfectamente a la vida diaria, en días donde nuestras vidas están regidas por sistemas digitales que analizan datos y nos ofrecen estadísticas y formulas a seguir para alcanzar el éxito y la felicidad, tratando de hacer mas simple y accesible nuestra vida a largo plazo, la realidad es que la vida en si es impredecible, hay giros de tuerca que podemos ver venir y muchos otros que no y nos sacuden mandándonos en direcciones inesperadas. para poder madurar y aprender, debemos cometer errores, por mucho que se nos advierta de ellos, no es sino hasta que lo experimentamos que podemos encontrar la manera de movernos y salir adelante. Por mas que planeamos el futuro y hagamos una lista de pasos a seguir para alcanzarlo, la verdadera respuesta esta en el proceso, en como lo llevamos a cabo ya que de ahi dependerá el resultado.
Seremos felices si disfrutamos el trayecto en vez de esperarnos a alcanzar una felicidad que nunca llegara si seguimos formulandola en vez de sentirla y sufrirla o gozarla. Y asi como no hay una totalidad de bondad o maldad en el mundo, tampoco habra una felicidad completa sino se ve el sufrimiento que esta conlleva o los sacrificios hechos para despertar ese reconocimiento. No hay formula general sino la propia para seguir y figurar nuestro destino mas que un manual de como vivir el día a día y estar conscientes que no siempre saldrá como esperábamos y tal vez sea ahi donde encontremos la nueva clave para revaluar la formula y tal vez si somos lo maduros o abiertos posibles para entenderlo o apreciarlo es que encontraremos ese éxito o simplemente continuaremos en una eterna búsqueda que a fin de cuentas es el objetivo de cada uno, y tal como en las películas, calvez habra final feliz o un simple continuara para una franquicia que pudo ser o sera un éxito
domingo, 30 de agosto de 2015
domingo, 23 de agosto de 2015
The mean, horrible, funny....JENNIFER ANNISTON

A pesar de que el show la llevo a ganar $1M de dólares por episodio en sus dos ultimas temporadas, su inquietud por incursionar en la pantalla grande se incremento, tras haber protagonizado una película de terror de bajo presupuesto, mucho antes de su ahora exitoso programa. Así, flirteando con el cine mientras construye su carrera televisiva, aparece en un rol secundario en "She's the one" (1996), un melodrama dirigido por el entonces promisorio actor y director Edward Burns, y co protagoniza con una novata Cameron Diaz, en la historia de dos hermanos irlandeses y sus travesías de amor, traición y familia. Tras el fracaso de la misma, la apuesta segura seria la comedia romántica, la cual por su papel televisivo, parece sentarle bien, llevándola a "El retrato perfecto" ("Picture Perfcet", 1997), un rom-com sobre una mujer que crea una relación ficticia con el mensajero de su agencia de publicidad para abrirse camino en su carrera. La cinta refleja perfectamente la situación de la actriz en su momento y logra un éxito modesto.
El siguiente año la lleva a un proyecto independiente y mas arriesgado protagonizando la cinta "El objeto de mi afecto" ("The Object of my Affection, 1998), interpretando a una joven que tras una relación disfuncional termina involucrandose sentimentalmente con su amigo y roommate gay, logrando reflejar en pantalla una historia poco convencional y novedosa para la época, traduciendose en otro éxito moderado pero encasillandola en ese tipo de roles. Para 1999, participa en "Office Space", una comedia independiente sobre la vida de un grupo de técnicos que pasan sus días y horas tras un escritorio. Desafortunadamente esta se torno en un fracaso por la falta de actores de renombre. Ese mismo año, presta su voz en la aclamada cinta animada del director Brad Bird "The Iron Giant", otro fracaso.

Tras las mieles del éxito, regresa a los grandes proyectos con la comedia del verano "Bruce Almighty" (2003), comedia protagonizada por Jim Carrey sobre un hombre enojado con la vida que tras una charla con Dios logra el puesto del mismo por unos días, llevándolo obviamente a situaciones tan inverosímiles como risorias. A pesar de lo absurdo de la trama, la cinta fue un éxito en taquilla mas no en critica, obviamente. El 2004 lo inicia con otra comedia "Along became Polly", interpretando a la joven del titulo, una mujer mas liberal y alegre que sienta perfecto a un hombre que ha sido engañado en plena luna de miel. Co protagonizando con otro famoso comediante, Ben Stiller, la cinta fue otro gran éxito en taquilla y para la ascendente carrera de la actriz, mas cuando esta por terminar la décima y ultima temporada de su popular programa televisivo.

Tratando de repetir la formula que la ha brindado éxito, participa ahora en la comedia "The break up" (2006) sobre una pareja que tras divorciarse acuerda seguir viviendo juntos y tratar de llevar una relación amistosa, la cual obviamente culminara en romance y situaciones embarazosas. El carisma de la actriz influencio en el éxito de la misma mas nuevamente no con la critica por lo que tratando de reivindicarse con la misma, participa y produce en "Friends with money" (2006), una cinta independiente sobre una mujer soltera que envidia la vida de sus amigas casadas, exponiendo un poco la situación actual de la actriz así como la perspectiva de los matrimonios de edad media de la época y sus preocupaciones y nuevos giros. Esta si fue del agrado de los críticos mas no de sus fans. Por ello 2007 lo dedica a su faceta altruista, donde aprovechando su fama y siendo reportada en Forbes como una de las mujeres mejores pagadas de la industria, decide apoyar la buena causa y su apoyo se torna publico como su apoyo a casas hogar, hospitales para niños, asociaciones en la lucha contra el cancer, apoyando causas como la de la comunidad gay, donando dinero a países afectados por fuerzas naturales, entre otras mas que a la par de su creciente fama la colocan como una de las mas humildes y sencillas actrices de la industria, muy a diferencia de la mayoría, con su mismo status.
Para finales de 2008 regresa con la cinta familiar "Marley & me", basada en la popular novela, contando la peculiar historia de una familia a través de los años con su fiel perro. La cinta fue un éxito ademas de quedar en el gusto popular tras arrancar mas de una lagrima a los espectadores que gustan o desconocen el amor a un amigo y mascota. Meses después forma parte del ensamble multi estelar de otra novela adaptada a la pantalla grande, "He's not that into you" (2009), este vez un libro de superación personal que relata las historias de varios jóvenes y sus desventuras amorosas para aleccionarnos cuando la relación no esta funcionando, o es ya disfuncional, o simplemente no le gustas tanto como tu quisieras. Su estreno en San Valentin le aseguro en éxito entre tantos corazones empedernidos y románticos de corazón.
Continuando con su racha de comedias romanticas, mezclando su humor con un poco mas de acción, estelariza al lado de Gerard Butler, "The Bounty Hunter" (2010), sobre un cazador de recompensas cuya siguiente misión y víctima es su propia ex esposa. Sobra decir en que terminara esta divertida persecución, nada nuevo bajo el sol, mas que el disfrutar los encantos de esta atractiva y carismática dupla. Y no conforme, estelariza ese mismo año al lado de otro comediante, Jason Bateman, la cinta "The switch", otra comedia romántica donde ahora es la víctima de su mejor amigo, quien cambia el esperma del donador anónimo por el propio para inseminar a su hermosa amiga de quien esta enamorado. Tal vez suene romántico para unos pero otros pensaron suena mas asustante, lo que genero una no muy buena respuesta en taquilla, o tal vez sus fans empezaron a cansarse de los roles de la actriz en tantas comedias románticas que aunque le sientan bien le impiden quitarse la sombra de su mas famoso rol a la fecha, el de Rachel, en la popular serie televisiva que la catapulto a la fama.
Continuando con su trabajo pro ecológico y filantropico, apoyo la campaña viral de agua "smartwater" y estrena "Just go with it" (2011), ahora a lado del comediante Adam Sandler, cuyas películas carecen de buenas criticas pero alto man taquillero y esta no fue la excepción, basada en la obra de teatro homónima cuanta las peripecias de un hombre plantado en el altar que usa su anillo de matrimonio para fingir su estatus de casado que atrae mas mujeres que estando soltero. La actriz funge ser la esposa a cambio de unas vacaciones pagadas para seguir la mentira y mantener la relación de su jefe con una exuberante joven. Sin comentarios. Pero buenos y simpáticos momentos hasta eso. Ese mismo verano estrena "Horrible Bosses", una sorpresa en taquilla y critica compartiendo créditos con Kevin Spacey y Colin Farrell, y representando por primera vez a una mujer no precisamente buena, sino una mala jefe, adicta al sexo y acosando a su ingenuo y casado asistente.
Le siguió una pequeña joya, "Wanderlust" (2012), una comedia que a falta de gran marketing no logro atraer al publico que se perdió de una de sus mas originales comedias donde finalmente representa a una mujer que junto a su esposo, repitiendo créditos con el actor Paul Rudd, terminan en una comunidad hippie, que les enseña a vivir sin reglas y valorar su relación por el amor mas que por el compromiso o la costumbre. Y después, otra inesperada sorpresa, "We are the millers" (2012), que se convirtió en la comedia del verano gracias a una novedosa historia de un grupo de perdedores, que se juntan para aparentar ser una familia y servir de mulas para traficar mariguana al país y de paso madurar un poco y afrontar sus propios problemas gracias al apoyo y aceptación de ese grupo que llamamos familia. La actriz se quita la ropa al interpretar a una bailarina exotica y mostrar el porque ha sido nombrada la mujer mas sexy del año y de paso sentar cabeza tras varios años de relaciones fallidas, cuando hace oficial su relación con el actor Justin Theroux, con quien actualmente esta comprometida.
Finalmente en 2014 la vimos en "Life of crime", la cual protagoniza y produce, comedia sobre un par de ex convictos que secuestran a una socialite que para su sorpresa el millonario marido se niega a pagar la recompensa dejándolos al borde con la peculiar mujer. La cinta tuvo una corrida limitada que se vio reflejada en su pobre taquilla mas gozo de mezcladas criticas. Y mas recientemente en la secuela "Horrible bosses 2" reinterpretando a la adicta sexual favorita en una historia tan pobre como la recepcion que logro la cinta a pesar de repetir la formula que tanto gusto y con un elenco estelar que agrego caras como Chris Pine y Christopher Waltz. Y regresando a la escena independiente la vimos en "Cake" (2015), un drama que se volvió favorito en el pasado festival de Toronto del 2014 y que ha traido grandes criticas para la interpretacion de la actriz sobre una mujer que se fascina por el suicidio de otra mujer de su grupo de auto ayuda, tratando de resolver lo que hay detrás del mismo para enfrentar en el camino sus propios demonios y exponer las piedras que los humanos cargamos a lo largo de la vida y aveces somos incapaces de superar o enfrentar y terminan por definirnos.
Para este mes la veremos en "She's funny that way" (2015), un melodrama donde interpretara la terapista de una joven ex prostituta convertida en estrella de Broadway y lo que esto conllevara, tratando de exponer un poco los valores y precios de dicha industria y la vida en general. Y finalmente "Mean Moms" (TBD), una comedia de una madre de dos adolescentes que al mudarse a un pequeño poblado, traerá la hiper actividad y competitividad a la cual esta acostumbrada en las grandes urbes y que busca causar el mismo impacto que su hermana novela "Mean Girls" (2004) logro sobre la conducta de los adolescentes en esta época del nuevo milenio, pero ahora enfocado en sus madres. Ya veremos si el papel le sienta bien a la actriz que aun luce lejos de ser mama y sigue mas en la faceta de mamacita, inclusive ahora que se estrena esposo tras haber contraído nupcias ha inicios de mes con Justin Theroux, pero esto tal vez si sea el parte aguas para romper el estigma de "Friends" y finalmente brillar con luz propia ademas de establecer su ya aclamada imagen publica apoyando las causas y dando un ejemplo de humanidad a las demás celebridades estrelladas en su fama.
domingo, 16 de agosto de 2015
The Diary of a Teenage Girl....let's talk about sex
Ok, it is very true that recently we've been talking, a lot, about stories of coming to age, teenagers and young adults finding their way to explore love, life, friendships, relationships, family, but this time we'll get hard core, and let's open our minds and put them out there for the one and only thing we really care and can think about when we are teenagers: SEX. Exploring our first sexual exploits it's a big deal and has a big impact in the rest of our lives. Its part of our human nature to embrace sexuality s part of ourselves and be ok with it, not to repress or feel a moral baggage, it's just what it is but that doesn't mean has no rules or should be natural, its a process and a search that we all have to learn and go through in order to experience it and enjoy as the orgasmic pleasure it can be. But there is so much around the topic that is hard to bring it on without sound too offensive for the traditional values or too open that might sound like a porn movie, instead just keep it simple and point as one of the most important things in anyones life.Again we are in front of a novel adaptation, the author self experience back in the 70's, here based in Minnie.

Our lovely teenager, in hands of a newcomer actress that brings a fresh performance with lot of expression through her unique eyes and imagination that take us to her particular world, one surrounded of hippies, thanks to her liberal mom, that spends most of the night drinking and smoking weed with her friends and boyfriend, and other, Minnie's creative cartoons, where she expresses all this thoughts, insecurities, adventures,etc. So the story begins when she finally had sex, she walks happy, smiling, feeling like a different person, close to a woman, more mature, as no longer a virgin, and she loved it. This experience meant for her the world. Clashing with traditional values where women are supposed to repress those feeling and sex at all in order to wait till marriage or the right man, she exposes why this shouldn't be like that. She wants to learn about the meaning of what she just did and be better at it. But as we all know, sex gets a different meaning for guys than girls.
They experience it in different ways. While guys can be more unattached and physical about it, girls are usually more emotional at it, so is Minnie's who can stop thinking about that someone that might love her, and been able to bring him such intimate pleasure, would love her more. But things don't work that way. As any teenage she has insecurities about her body, feeling pretty, looking for validation as a person, as someone at school, but she is mostly a loner, other than her best friend, with whom share all this new experiences and start new ones, like drinking, drugs, parties, all as part of shutting down the voices inside and just feel loved or needed. As she says "finding someone that loves you that much that would die without you", that feeling e all experienced while growing up, as an own need of feeling loved and accepted in a way that our lack of maturity can only express in a dramatic way. Usually confused as being a rebel, teenagers are dealing with so many stuff that is hard to follow but as her cartoons, translating it to something.
But things start to get complicated as this hunger to learn more about sex and explore it, plus finding that guy, turns her crush that she has for her mothers boyfriend into a flare where basically she turns into his mistress, using him equally for pleasure as for that feeling of having someone looking up for her, when in her mind she fantasies that she loves her, putting his relationship with her own mother on the side or out of the picture. This will influence as well into her other relationships with guys of her age as she feels more mature than them, scaring them for her intensity. Of course the result is more about her journey to discover her own sexuality. She opens her mind in a way that just a few people are capable for, in order to know herself, to try new things, new sensations, figuring out what love really means and how this is connected with sex and friendships. What really means sex? that act where two people connect in a more intimate way. How expose and vulnerable we get once naked and no mask to hide. Then we get to realize that we might idealize others by the image we get from them out there but that can't last forever and true colors are surf up.
She even falls in to a relationship with a girl in order to explore those growing feelings and need of be someone's sweetheart. Unfortunately her party mom, is too involve in her own journey trying to move on from young to become a real adult in her 30's that she is not having any communication with her daughter, only being a provider, a big mistake as she would try to find that kind of advice with others that will mislead her, falling into wrong turns, things that happen a lot with teenagers, sometimes getting lost in that process.
At the end, this journey of growing up, feels more real as all taboos are taken apart, to show how things work for everybody. We all had insecurities at that age, lots of questions, searching for reassurance and validation, acceptance, hormones were like crazy so our emotions were a rollercoaster and we were horny 90% of the time. trying to find a meaning for love, family and friendship we might find our true meaning in life, what we really like, how good or bad can we really be, how selfish or big hearted we truly are, or simply answers like maybe we don't need to look up for love in others, we might be meant to be single and be happy that way, connecting with lots of people to finally realize how worthy we are and love ourselves, but you never know as thats just a hell of life's phase, there are many more to come but we would never forget those days as a glory age when we have the whole world in front of us, and we had a lot of first times and exploring never felt so dumb and fun at the same time. OH those days!

Our lovely teenager, in hands of a newcomer actress that brings a fresh performance with lot of expression through her unique eyes and imagination that take us to her particular world, one surrounded of hippies, thanks to her liberal mom, that spends most of the night drinking and smoking weed with her friends and boyfriend, and other, Minnie's creative cartoons, where she expresses all this thoughts, insecurities, adventures,etc. So the story begins when she finally had sex, she walks happy, smiling, feeling like a different person, close to a woman, more mature, as no longer a virgin, and she loved it. This experience meant for her the world. Clashing with traditional values where women are supposed to repress those feeling and sex at all in order to wait till marriage or the right man, she exposes why this shouldn't be like that. She wants to learn about the meaning of what she just did and be better at it. But as we all know, sex gets a different meaning for guys than girls.
They experience it in different ways. While guys can be more unattached and physical about it, girls are usually more emotional at it, so is Minnie's who can stop thinking about that someone that might love her, and been able to bring him such intimate pleasure, would love her more. But things don't work that way. As any teenage she has insecurities about her body, feeling pretty, looking for validation as a person, as someone at school, but she is mostly a loner, other than her best friend, with whom share all this new experiences and start new ones, like drinking, drugs, parties, all as part of shutting down the voices inside and just feel loved or needed. As she says "finding someone that loves you that much that would die without you", that feeling e all experienced while growing up, as an own need of feeling loved and accepted in a way that our lack of maturity can only express in a dramatic way. Usually confused as being a rebel, teenagers are dealing with so many stuff that is hard to follow but as her cartoons, translating it to something.
But things start to get complicated as this hunger to learn more about sex and explore it, plus finding that guy, turns her crush that she has for her mothers boyfriend into a flare where basically she turns into his mistress, using him equally for pleasure as for that feeling of having someone looking up for her, when in her mind she fantasies that she loves her, putting his relationship with her own mother on the side or out of the picture. This will influence as well into her other relationships with guys of her age as she feels more mature than them, scaring them for her intensity. Of course the result is more about her journey to discover her own sexuality. She opens her mind in a way that just a few people are capable for, in order to know herself, to try new things, new sensations, figuring out what love really means and how this is connected with sex and friendships. What really means sex? that act where two people connect in a more intimate way. How expose and vulnerable we get once naked and no mask to hide. Then we get to realize that we might idealize others by the image we get from them out there but that can't last forever and true colors are surf up.
She even falls in to a relationship with a girl in order to explore those growing feelings and need of be someone's sweetheart. Unfortunately her party mom, is too involve in her own journey trying to move on from young to become a real adult in her 30's that she is not having any communication with her daughter, only being a provider, a big mistake as she would try to find that kind of advice with others that will mislead her, falling into wrong turns, things that happen a lot with teenagers, sometimes getting lost in that process.
At the end, this journey of growing up, feels more real as all taboos are taken apart, to show how things work for everybody. We all had insecurities at that age, lots of questions, searching for reassurance and validation, acceptance, hormones were like crazy so our emotions were a rollercoaster and we were horny 90% of the time. trying to find a meaning for love, family and friendship we might find our true meaning in life, what we really like, how good or bad can we really be, how selfish or big hearted we truly are, or simply answers like maybe we don't need to look up for love in others, we might be meant to be single and be happy that way, connecting with lots of people to finally realize how worthy we are and love ourselves, but you never know as thats just a hell of life's phase, there are many more to come but we would never forget those days as a glory age when we have the whole world in front of us, and we had a lot of first times and exploring never felt so dumb and fun at the same time. OH those days!
domingo, 9 de agosto de 2015
UNREAL....a script for reality

Well for all those hard core fans of reality shows the bad news is that there's no much reality on them but the fact that these people are mostly no actors but definitely possess something that the industry would love: a perfect body, a unique personality or a big connection behind. Using as an example to get deep into these type of shows and deconstruct the whole from them, we get "Unreal" (2015), the big surprise of the summer that has got raving reviews thanks to it's original perspective of reality tv and real life behind reality.

As we were saying, using as an example for this propose, the show is based on another type of reality shows, those ones where a group of young, and very attractive but not too smart people, try to find love (ahem all those bachelors and bachelorettes contestants). So for anyone that haven't seen those shows or those fans of them, we get to flip the coin and see how it works behind the camera. A group of young, attractive, professional girls and guys compete to win the heart of one man or women that happens to be in his/her own quest to find love, while following their own agenda and get to make out with a group of very sexy singles while traveling around and getting breath taking dates, romance is in the air, but while the main objective is to sell love and the idea that everybody can fall in love while rooting for others to find it, what really hook us up is all the drama behind, those villains that are playing with others hearts, or fantasied with those amazing dates.
So that's what all this reality is about, we buy the idea of what we are watching, as we feel related with these strangers, just for the fact that they are no actors and as ordinary people get to experience love and adventures. We relate to their stories full of drama and passion in lack of that in ours but thats just a marketing effect. What really is happening behind is a full scripted show where all strings are pulled in order to give us what we want to see. So we follow this show through the eyes of the puppet master, Quinn, the creator and producer, whose live moves around the industry, the show and her own ambitious, and Rachel, her assistance and problem solver who knows how to manipulate people in the right ways just to get away with what she needs.
In the center of the reality show inside the show is the bachelor, a hunky royal british that trying to get his own fame by his own, away from her family brand, Adam, a womanizer that supposedly is looking for love that translated to his own words involves sex with any woman and we also have two guy to play with our girls, main producer of the show, Chet, a married man that has been using Queen as his mistress just to keep her along the run of the show in order to get the best results from it and be able to just sit and enjoy the ride while taking all the benefits of being the one in charge and get away with it and Jeremy, a camera man and ex boyfriend of Rachel, that still has feelings for her just doesn't like the woman she has turn thanks to the show so got involve in a new relationship to work close to his ex and get a constant comparison of what he had vs what he has now, while keeping himself as one of the sane ones in a crazy show.
With these pieces set in the table we have the perfect drama out of the reality show, now adding the young girls as contestants to win Adam's heart, the real drama begins. So when we watch the show buy the idea of what is happening is real life, and they are actually finally falling in love and these connections are happening in real time, we get a splash of reality per se, these guys are single for one reason and the fact of being on a show meant to be to find love doesn't mean they are actually following the book. everyone has their own agenda and with a clash of personalities, previously selected to bring something to the table, we get a drama that no needs script but direction. So behind the curtain we have all these self called producers that work as best friends of the contestants just to try to show them the way they need to go, if someone needs to start they will push him deeper if needs to go, something would happen that will make their elimination easier.
So maybe this won't sound shocking as we speak but when real feeling start to mix with manipulations and people trying to control others using anything in their lives just to make them do what their need, or selling themselves as a product for the better goal putting who they really are on the side, makes anyone wonder how far this can go, how desperate we can be to follow rules, and be part of this culture where love matters, money buys and people screw others taking any advantage as a game. When we have some power over others, is it right to use it in order of purse a common goal or right thing to do is just let things happen the way should be and don't mess more than we can handle. How desperate we are for fame and attention, just to feel important that will be able to expose ourselves not exactly in our best but getting for sure more popularity by being someone others can hate or love than just be normal or ordinary.
Created by one of the actual formers of those reality shows, these unreality takes all the steps to the extreme just to expose that face of reality, the one that hurst and leads to love. A love that has a better agenda than a happily ever after. Where business are involve, an opportunity for better contract, fame, fans, be someone through tv history. But what happens when real feelings or real things start to happen? When that lack of scripts turns the face on us just to prove we are no perfect but we are also no god to play dictate others behavior, and try to get away with a happy ending for ourselves after making feel everybody else miserable. Playing nice doesn't always pays well but theres nothing wrong on be someone common and simple, but sadly that one no one cares and won't make anyone to change the cannel for, so who would be the real author of these shows, those monsters behind the camera or us, a dysfunctional society watching them moving their strings in front of the tv?
domingo, 2 de agosto de 2015
The End of the Tour ... or a turn in the road

"The end of the tour" (2015), its an american independent film that goes around the last interview to author David Foster Dallas when on his last book tour by a journalist from the Rolling Stone magazine. And as we've seen in other interviews based movies, its not about the interview but the two people in the room, all what the represent and can be told from their answers, their actions, their reactions, is what made this process more human. And that's the essence of this movie in particular. David, the author is an first sight, what everybody would call a hippie, a free soul, a man with ideals as complex as the books he writes, enjoying public recognition and popularity after his last book of more than a 1,000 pages that has inspired the young generations.
But as with fame comes gossips and random acquaintances that will help or complicate everything. The journalist, a young man trapped in a place where he can't explore his ideals finds here the opportunity to move forward and try something more serious, hiding his own agenda, that once he starts getting to know the author, envy comes to the surface as he desires what the other has, not just cause fame but the fact that his words have an impact and are being taken by others. What's the feeling of a writer if have no idea of the impact of his papers? what would be the point to write if no one reads? and if they are, is there a side effect or happen to be meaningless?
So, as a magazine journalist the initial goal from his magazine is to get into the dirty stuff, all those gossips about the authors drugs addiction but once he starts to hang out with him and getting to know him that starts going out of context. He starts to know the real person behind the spotlight. Why is he acting in that way leading all these myths and ideas that people has created around him? Is he just trying to play a character for social acceptance or public relations or is he the consequence of a sum of events? how much can anyone be a liar or full honest when put themselves out there? In this case what we see is a troubled past in the authors lives that has made the man we see, standing there and trying t make a difference while being honest with his interviewer. Is he been honest in return?
So when all this facts that were assumed or created just happen to be consequences from a very different start, what you get at the end? the real story that you were chasing? As in his own words, he is not trying to reach a specific target, they happen to chose him, but he definitely was seeking to make a difference and start a change, thats why young males follow him, they are idealistic. He has only one addiction, tv, thats why he has no one in his house. He looks like a hippie cause he realized thats the outfit that fits him better for travels in different weathers. This all means just one thing, we tend to read the book by it's cover and we are far from reading the real context, to see through reality, and it's only once you get to know someone and you open yourself being honest with others that they can read you.
Behind all his philosophy and long conversations, the author starts getting the sense f the real person behind the tape recorder. He might not being interviewed but when sharing we shows the kind of guy he is, that's why we feels his ambition and his desire to get the attention he's getting on this tour, he wants all this by his ow but real thing is not about that, but about their passion for writing, to make their thoughts loud, he just need to be a good boy, the one he sees, but he is not being one. He's acting like a hungry journalist trying to get info by all means and follow his own agenda. So this personal fight represent his writing? At the end, the final product is about a theme, a person, a fact, a story, and as a journalist, should be seeking the truth and reflect the best of any of the above, but as an author is to create and share, to seduce and captivate other with thoughts, words, ideas that can be read not as imagines than can be seen.
And if not all of this is reason enough to run and watch this emotional movie or start writing anything just as an excuse to expose ourselves, the fun fact about it is that the real theme in the movie is not the person that is based on, or the one who discovered it by interviewing him and joining him through a short weekend trip, but the what they both represent, the human condition of being able to express ourselves, to make a difference, to stand by our own and make our voice listened by turning our thoughts into a way to express them, affecting others, and as the movie per se, connects with our human condition embracing life not as these two characters can make us feel related to but as we as humans as well are able to be part of a dance of life, a fight through a career and a world over populated, seeking for a difference that makes unique, just to realize that its already there, just waiting to be discovered.
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