"The end of the tour" (2015), its an american independent film that goes around the last interview to author David Foster Dallas when on his last book tour by a journalist from the Rolling Stone magazine. And as we've seen in other interviews based movies, its not about the interview but the two people in the room, all what the represent and can be told from their answers, their actions, their reactions, is what made this process more human. And that's the essence of this movie in particular. David, the author is an first sight, what everybody would call a hippie, a free soul, a man with ideals as complex as the books he writes, enjoying public recognition and popularity after his last book of more than a 1,000 pages that has inspired the young generations.
But as with fame comes gossips and random acquaintances that will help or complicate everything. The journalist, a young man trapped in a place where he can't explore his ideals finds here the opportunity to move forward and try something more serious, hiding his own agenda, that once he starts getting to know the author, envy comes to the surface as he desires what the other has, not just cause fame but the fact that his words have an impact and are being taken by others. What's the feeling of a writer if have no idea of the impact of his papers? what would be the point to write if no one reads? and if they are, is there a side effect or happen to be meaningless?
So, as a magazine journalist the initial goal from his magazine is to get into the dirty stuff, all those gossips about the authors drugs addiction but once he starts to hang out with him and getting to know him that starts going out of context. He starts to know the real person behind the spotlight. Why is he acting in that way leading all these myths and ideas that people has created around him? Is he just trying to play a character for social acceptance or public relations or is he the consequence of a sum of events? how much can anyone be a liar or full honest when put themselves out there? In this case what we see is a troubled past in the authors lives that has made the man we see, standing there and trying t make a difference while being honest with his interviewer. Is he been honest in return?
So when all this facts that were assumed or created just happen to be consequences from a very different start, what you get at the end? the real story that you were chasing? As in his own words, he is not trying to reach a specific target, they happen to chose him, but he definitely was seeking to make a difference and start a change, thats why young males follow him, they are idealistic. He has only one addiction, tv, thats why he has no one in his house. He looks like a hippie cause he realized thats the outfit that fits him better for travels in different weathers. This all means just one thing, we tend to read the book by it's cover and we are far from reading the real context, to see through reality, and it's only once you get to know someone and you open yourself being honest with others that they can read you.
Behind all his philosophy and long conversations, the author starts getting the sense f the real person behind the tape recorder. He might not being interviewed but when sharing we shows the kind of guy he is, that's why we feels his ambition and his desire to get the attention he's getting on this tour, he wants all this by his ow but real thing is not about that, but about their passion for writing, to make their thoughts loud, he just need to be a good boy, the one he sees, but he is not being one. He's acting like a hungry journalist trying to get info by all means and follow his own agenda. So this personal fight represent his writing? At the end, the final product is about a theme, a person, a fact, a story, and as a journalist, should be seeking the truth and reflect the best of any of the above, but as an author is to create and share, to seduce and captivate other with thoughts, words, ideas that can be read not as imagines than can be seen.
And if not all of this is reason enough to run and watch this emotional movie or start writing anything just as an excuse to expose ourselves, the fun fact about it is that the real theme in the movie is not the person that is based on, or the one who discovered it by interviewing him and joining him through a short weekend trip, but the what they both represent, the human condition of being able to express ourselves, to make a difference, to stand by our own and make our voice listened by turning our thoughts into a way to express them, affecting others, and as the movie per se, connects with our human condition embracing life not as these two characters can make us feel related to but as we as humans as well are able to be part of a dance of life, a fight through a career and a world over populated, seeking for a difference that makes unique, just to realize that its already there, just waiting to be discovered.
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