Well for all those hard core fans of reality shows the bad news is that there's no much reality on them but the fact that these people are mostly no actors but definitely possess something that the industry would love: a perfect body, a unique personality or a big connection behind. Using as an example to get deep into these type of shows and deconstruct the whole from them, we get "Unreal" (2015), the big surprise of the summer that has got raving reviews thanks to it's original perspective of reality tv and real life behind reality.

As we were saying, using as an example for this propose, the show is based on another type of reality shows, those ones where a group of young, and very attractive but not too smart people, try to find love (ahem all those bachelors and bachelorettes contestants). So for anyone that haven't seen those shows or those fans of them, we get to flip the coin and see how it works behind the camera. A group of young, attractive, professional girls and guys compete to win the heart of one man or women that happens to be in his/her own quest to find love, while following their own agenda and get to make out with a group of very sexy singles while traveling around and getting breath taking dates, romance is in the air, but while the main objective is to sell love and the idea that everybody can fall in love while rooting for others to find it, what really hook us up is all the drama behind, those villains that are playing with others hearts, or fantasied with those amazing dates.
So that's what all this reality is about, we buy the idea of what we are watching, as we feel related with these strangers, just for the fact that they are no actors and as ordinary people get to experience love and adventures. We relate to their stories full of drama and passion in lack of that in ours but thats just a marketing effect. What really is happening behind is a full scripted show where all strings are pulled in order to give us what we want to see. So we follow this show through the eyes of the puppet master, Quinn, the creator and producer, whose live moves around the industry, the show and her own ambitious, and Rachel, her assistance and problem solver who knows how to manipulate people in the right ways just to get away with what she needs.
In the center of the reality show inside the show is the bachelor, a hunky royal british that trying to get his own fame by his own, away from her family brand, Adam, a womanizer that supposedly is looking for love that translated to his own words involves sex with any woman and we also have two guy to play with our girls, main producer of the show, Chet, a married man that has been using Queen as his mistress just to keep her along the run of the show in order to get the best results from it and be able to just sit and enjoy the ride while taking all the benefits of being the one in charge and get away with it and Jeremy, a camera man and ex boyfriend of Rachel, that still has feelings for her just doesn't like the woman she has turn thanks to the show so got involve in a new relationship to work close to his ex and get a constant comparison of what he had vs what he has now, while keeping himself as one of the sane ones in a crazy show.
With these pieces set in the table we have the perfect drama out of the reality show, now adding the young girls as contestants to win Adam's heart, the real drama begins. So when we watch the show buy the idea of what is happening is real life, and they are actually finally falling in love and these connections are happening in real time, we get a splash of reality per se, these guys are single for one reason and the fact of being on a show meant to be to find love doesn't mean they are actually following the book. everyone has their own agenda and with a clash of personalities, previously selected to bring something to the table, we get a drama that no needs script but direction. So behind the curtain we have all these self called producers that work as best friends of the contestants just to try to show them the way they need to go, if someone needs to start they will push him deeper if needs to go, something would happen that will make their elimination easier.
So maybe this won't sound shocking as we speak but when real feeling start to mix with manipulations and people trying to control others using anything in their lives just to make them do what their need, or selling themselves as a product for the better goal putting who they really are on the side, makes anyone wonder how far this can go, how desperate we can be to follow rules, and be part of this culture where love matters, money buys and people screw others taking any advantage as a game. When we have some power over others, is it right to use it in order of purse a common goal or right thing to do is just let things happen the way should be and don't mess more than we can handle. How desperate we are for fame and attention, just to feel important that will be able to expose ourselves not exactly in our best but getting for sure more popularity by being someone others can hate or love than just be normal or ordinary.
Created by one of the actual formers of those reality shows, these unreality takes all the steps to the extreme just to expose that face of reality, the one that hurst and leads to love. A love that has a better agenda than a happily ever after. Where business are involve, an opportunity for better contract, fame, fans, be someone through tv history. But what happens when real feelings or real things start to happen? When that lack of scripts turns the face on us just to prove we are no perfect but we are also no god to play dictate others behavior, and try to get away with a happy ending for ourselves after making feel everybody else miserable. Playing nice doesn't always pays well but theres nothing wrong on be someone common and simple, but sadly that one no one cares and won't make anyone to change the cannel for, so who would be the real author of these shows, those monsters behind the camera or us, a dysfunctional society watching them moving their strings in front of the tv?
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