Our lovely teenager, in hands of a newcomer actress that brings a fresh performance with lot of expression through her unique eyes and imagination that take us to her particular world, one surrounded of hippies, thanks to her liberal mom, that spends most of the night drinking and smoking weed with her friends and boyfriend, and other, Minnie's creative cartoons, where she expresses all this thoughts, insecurities, adventures,etc. So the story begins when she finally had sex, she walks happy, smiling, feeling like a different person, close to a woman, more mature, as no longer a virgin, and she loved it. This experience meant for her the world. Clashing with traditional values where women are supposed to repress those feeling and sex at all in order to wait till marriage or the right man, she exposes why this shouldn't be like that. She wants to learn about the meaning of what she just did and be better at it. But as we all know, sex gets a different meaning for guys than girls.
They experience it in different ways. While guys can be more unattached and physical about it, girls are usually more emotional at it, so is Minnie's who can stop thinking about that someone that might love her, and been able to bring him such intimate pleasure, would love her more. But things don't work that way. As any teenage she has insecurities about her body, feeling pretty, looking for validation as a person, as someone at school, but she is mostly a loner, other than her best friend, with whom share all this new experiences and start new ones, like drinking, drugs, parties, all as part of shutting down the voices inside and just feel loved or needed. As she says "finding someone that loves you that much that would die without you", that feeling e all experienced while growing up, as an own need of feeling loved and accepted in a way that our lack of maturity can only express in a dramatic way. Usually confused as being a rebel, teenagers are dealing with so many stuff that is hard to follow but as her cartoons, translating it to something.
But things start to get complicated as this hunger to learn more about sex and explore it, plus finding that guy, turns her crush that she has for her mothers boyfriend into a flare where basically she turns into his mistress, using him equally for pleasure as for that feeling of having someone looking up for her, when in her mind she fantasies that she loves her, putting his relationship with her own mother on the side or out of the picture. This will influence as well into her other relationships with guys of her age as she feels more mature than them, scaring them for her intensity. Of course the result is more about her journey to discover her own sexuality. She opens her mind in a way that just a few people are capable for, in order to know herself, to try new things, new sensations, figuring out what love really means and how this is connected with sex and friendships. What really means sex? that act where two people connect in a more intimate way. How expose and vulnerable we get once naked and no mask to hide. Then we get to realize that we might idealize others by the image we get from them out there but that can't last forever and true colors are surf up.
She even falls in to a relationship with a girl in order to explore those growing feelings and need of be someone's sweetheart. Unfortunately her party mom, is too involve in her own journey trying to move on from young to become a real adult in her 30's that she is not having any communication with her daughter, only being a provider, a big mistake as she would try to find that kind of advice with others that will mislead her, falling into wrong turns, things that happen a lot with teenagers, sometimes getting lost in that process.
At the end, this journey of growing up, feels more real as all taboos are taken apart, to show how things work for everybody. We all had insecurities at that age, lots of questions, searching for reassurance and validation, acceptance, hormones were like crazy so our emotions were a rollercoaster and we were horny 90% of the time. trying to find a meaning for love, family and friendship we might find our true meaning in life, what we really like, how good or bad can we really be, how selfish or big hearted we truly are, or simply answers like maybe we don't need to look up for love in others, we might be meant to be single and be happy that way, connecting with lots of people to finally realize how worthy we are and love ourselves, but you never know as thats just a hell of life's phase, there are many more to come but we would never forget those days as a glory age when we have the whole world in front of us, and we had a lot of first times and exploring never felt so dumb and fun at the same time. OH those days!
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