viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2015

Because we always have each other....THE NIGHT BEFORE

Since we've been talking and discussing about friendships, we get another movie related to the topic and going even deeper with the holidays mood, but this time the story won't be all about friends and the power of friendships but it's influence and how it influences in our lives and ourself. What's stronger after family, the connections we build with other people, friends come to serve as a family by choice but that choice comes from the fact of love and support and joy they bring to our lives that we are able to be truth to them and open ourselves in order to be know as we really are for some strangers that are willing to stand at our side and show us how to enjoy life and go through it in an easier way.

But what if... we are stuck in a moment, unable to move on, incapable to grow up and keep going with life in a way that is expected, specially when everybody around us is doing so, are we justified if something unfortunate happened to us, or we were part of a tragedy? and is everybody supposed to accept and respect this, understanding our justification as a valid one let us be and stay there for when needed? But how about the fact that friends are suppose to be honest and straight forward, being able to tell when things are getting bad for us. Is there an easy way to say it and help others without hurt their feelings specially when friendships are supposed to last forever or is there a time to grow apart? Nothing better than the cheerful and sometimes hated holiday season to make a stop and deep breath while trying to figure out where are we standing and where are we going.

"The night before" (2015) is a comedy surprisingly funny and with lot of heart. Following the tale of three friends, tres amigos, that after the lost of one of them family, they created a tradition spending the holidays together as a new kind of family, going from traditional moments to crazy ones as three duds can get into, but when two of them start moving in different directions like marriage and a successfully career, what is left for the third that keeps accumulating failures in his relationships and keep on hold a career making excuses for all them as a way to hide from his own fears and trying to keep this family together but with what end but making a long time loss into an eternal stop that just seems to turn us into a grinch or boy trapped in a man's world.

The story follow this friends through their last night together before moving on as grown ups, but not tonight. The night before christmas will be a party that no one will forget, exploring the city of New York this friends will learn not about the spirit of the festivities but the real soul inside of them and their own fears and expectations from their own lives. When marriage is not a chain but a journey that is helping us to explore and be better, how about parenthood? The fear of become parent and be a good one, counting that a new life will be in our hands, would that be reason enough to freak out? How can we manage that kind of stress that no one has tough us about but everybody goes through? Well as any cliche in american comedies, drugs seem to be the solution to release stress and chill enjoying ourselves. So talking about cliches, the movie is full of them, trying to make fun of religion and some of their stereotypes by all this goofy and stupid jokes, but in its favor have to say that they work for good making them believable for this characters that as a blast their having their struggling with their life turns.

How much does our career can define us or change us for better or worse? Sometimes we fall pursuing success that we forgot who we are and what do we believe in. Our live becomes a reflection of our job and if it's going well we can become cocky and self centered, getting surrounded by new friends and co workers that more than sharing a connection with are part of a deal that was not suppose to happen, so our true friends will be able to see that and still able to see the real you or are just as distracted as ourselves? So is this valid or won't be a excuse to use our success to become a different person and not a better one? Then who can be able to bring our feet back to the ground? The movie moves between those moments when we as humans try to enjoy life and have a blast, taking advantage of the opportunity of a night out with friends, including whatever cross in front of us and putting all responsibilities on the side and as kids be able to just have fun, maybe thats why alcohol and drugs become an option to have fun, letting us loose ourselves and forget the rules for a moment that can turn into a forever.

So when you turn back and are able to see people that let down, how we let love get out of us and fear is driving us, what do we need to man up and challenge our selves and start moving on. Is it letting others get in the only way to let others go? Are we able to heal and pursue dreams when things are about to change and expectation are in the air or just believing that we turned in the worst version of us is motive enough to start a new journey to bring now the best? The movie takes in all this journeys while people get crazy, high, horny, loud and irreverent just as an excuse to expose the best and worst we all have. Sometimes the most ridiculous things need to happen in order to see what is seriously happening inside. In order to grew up we need to act like stupid kids. If we want to succeed we need to fail, only making fun of us, we won't be able to take thing so serious and move on, trying the unexpected and letting changes come so we can move on and always keeping those who truly believe in us and are willing to  be stupid and serious with us in a way only people that loves and know us can do, and always after the night the sun will come up.

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