In it's first season the show got a warm audience last summer from all those fans of that genre where animals or monsters or any kind of treat start attacking and killing humans as a countdown for the best and worst killer scene. But critics and readers from the original novel didn't love it that much specially for the non sense plot of having another species that have been as today, proved to not been as racial as humans, so that make it so unreal that was hard to relate. But reading all those reviews sounds more like people simply just don't like the fact of being taken out of the main spot and feel like they are not on top of the chain anymore. How sure can we be that theres nothing out there that can beat us in other fields? Maybe that's why we love and rely so much into those extraterrestrial invasions as the only justified source to feel less superior with the obvios excuse that they are from other planet letting us be the top one specie in this planet still.
But if we can take our egos and be more eco friendly, we should realize with any need of a metaphor as a story to tell the idea of how damage we've been doing to the planet not to mention to animals. The way we hunt whales, seals, sharks, elephants is just barbarian, and the way we treat animals in some zoo's, keeping them in small cages or limited areas just to entertain the masses coming to see them just feels unnatural and not fair. So when we can immerse in this idea, that we have seen in other forms at movies, we can totally relate to whats happening on the show and feel torn between our own specie and to others that are suffering consequences of being dominated. Like monkeys, rats, cats, dogs, that are being used for experiments and testings. Who gave us the privilege to use them and their lives over us? So the show starts when a couple of animal attacks happen in Africa and the United States, bringing together a group of people trying to find answers just to come across a series of events that lead them to a theory where humans are the real cause of this.

Visually the show improves bringing real animals to the screen, skipping the usual FX, so even that the attacks won't seem as brutal as we are used to in the movies, the fact that we can watch a real bear acting and pretending to eat a woman is totally worthy. On the other side, the script based most of its plot as a thriller, taking us around the world to solve a new theory and presence another random attack, that lacks of the real drama of the humans involve and all this changes in society making it more a guilty pleasure than an award winner show but don't get me wrong, that doesn't mean necessarily a bad thing, as for all looking for a different show, with enough action, suspense, romance and full of conspiracy theories will be more than pleased and for all of those that want to bring a conversation to the table, this will give enough reasons as how cruel animals can be specially after witness human cruelty agains them, when we are supposed to be the civilized ones and the racional ones. What else do we need to stop acting as caveman and proving we are stronger and smarter killing just for sport or fun, and treating others in a way we wouldn't like to be treated? How long till we realize we are not that special and start paying for all those selfish actions against the planet ? If shows like this can help to educate people and realize that we are not as smart as we though definitely this will be my favorite show ever.
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