lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2015

Friendships are forever so.... MISS YOU ALREADY

They say friendships are forever, but is not about the fact of being friends as an easy way to escape our problems or get us some company for future events. As any other relationship it all goes to find a connection that will evolve into something bigger, better, stronger. Is all about love. Because love has different shades and ways to express itself. Finding someone that shares our crazy ideas, that accept us the way we are, challenging us to be better against all other challenges in our life, from our own family to other relationships, no judging and respecting us, because that's what love is for. A way o acceptance and respect that will let us enjoy life in the bad and good. And as we have said before, we are not meant to be alone, we are social. Human beings ned validation and acceptance from others so finding people that will love us of what we are and be there to have fun at our side while show us a the best and worst of us is a truthful kind of love.

While we go through life, we meet people, someones are meant to stay others are just momentarily but at the end they all have a propose in our lives, lessons to be learn. But when someone stays around and is able to share those moments that mark our lives like episodes in a tv show, those are the people that we get to call friends. "Miss you already" (2015) is a story about friendship. But not the kind of friendships that goes all around looking for fun and sharing moments that will impact for the rest of our lives. Is the kind of friendship that reflects it as the relationship it is, with bumps in the road and with highs that feed it to keep going. is the story of two girls, very different from each other, that found that connection that made them stay together and love each other through the years, being at their sides at every moment in their lives, from graduations to weddings, from death to birth, evolving into a new family by choice, being able to have each other when needed from joy to sadness.

Milly is the narcissist and selfish one, always needed from attention, is a successful woman with a career and a lovely family, a young and attractive husband and two spoiled kids. But we met her just when this perfect picture is about to fade. She's being diagnosed with breast cancer so needs to deal with the fact of fighting against it while going through changes that this will bring. What could be worst: the fact that you will deal with a desease and death or the fact that the process will change you and all what you know? For someone that screams validation and appearances are the most important in life every step of the way from this journey will be a challenge that will either destroy her or bring the best of her. With the love of her family and specially from her best friend, she's able to go through chemo and surgery, but not even love can save her from herself and the fact that she looks different and she's not the same woman overtime she looks at herself in the mirror. Pity is not what she's looking for, the lack of the look of admiration as a strong successful woman from others is draining her down and all what she has, including all her relationships and she can not longer love if she has no love for herself.

Jess is nice, down to earth one. She's just in an opposite direction from her best friend, living with her husband in a boat and working in a non profit fighting to save our environment. We meet her when she's facing the fact that she can't get pregnant, and even that's not a problem for her marriage, the desire of both to build a family makes them fight for it till finally they get it. But facing her best friends illness, she decides to keep the good news for herself trying to be strong and be there for her friend facing death while she faces birth. But when enough is enough? how long can we put other first before us to be a good friend or a good person? How much can any relationship can take if one of the involved is not the one we used to know. Can we make it work or we also grow apart from them, being love not strong enough to evolve the same way facts are doing? How can happiness face sadness and overcome it? Is it love able to give hope and bring people back when something is broken?

At this point you might be thinking that all of this sounds like a perfect cliche for a hallmark cancer drama made for old women willing to get emotional but fortunately the movie manages all the cliches of the kind. Yeah we have emotional moments that try to manipulate our own feeling and get some empathy to this two women and their journey and the soundtrack, some cheesy scenes and corny lines will not help, but once we can put all that aside we are able to see a movie that either can be seen as a personal journey agains a desease, and a story of love and friendship with two well lined characters that will show us the flaws in any relationship making us wonder about all those good moments versus all the bad ones we've been sharing with all those people we call friends and be able to be proud of having them and value their love for us and with the movie twists finally realize why they say friends are the family by choice and how things can be put on a test even when you think you have shared everything already.

People take friendship for granted. As something that we deserve. That meeting people and sharing fun times will make it enough to call them your friends, giving them the ability to listen and deal with you when needed, but as any other kind of love should this be earned and builded from both sides? Why do we expect to be popular and make new friends if we are not even a good friend ourselves at the first place, meaning we are able to give what we are expecting for. To be able to enjoy those great fun moments we need to be able to share and open on the not so good ones, learn to give before expect to get, open ourselves so others can see us, get to know us, respect and then love us. Like any audition will be failures but will be success and even there's no dating or romance involve the pure fact of have someone you can lean on is as exciting as any other i love you you can hear or get.

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