lunes, 2 de noviembre de 2015

OUR BRAND IS CRISIS...and how to sell a lie...

At this point we already know that politics are a circus. Politics campaigns are more a strategy to merchandize a candidate selling ideas and hope to the people, more than actually a fight to prove who's the best at leadership or willing to help the country and take it to a better place. We've seen before and recently movies and tv shows trying to explore and expose all these world from inside giving to all viewers a new perspective about the real deal behind any party or candidate, no matter if its left or right hand, blue or red, or whatever their strategy is, they are all the same people seeking a goal and that goal is to win and there are no second places here. It's all of nothing and when power is on stake the rules get higher to hit or cheat.

So what could be new under the table worth to see related to this people that seems lacking of any morals or values in order to win and play with a whole country or town ideas and needs so they can achieve the biggest power that gives leading a whole nation and carry it under your arms for better or worse? Well, this time we get Sandra Bullock, an actress that has prove either talents as a comedian or getting serious in some dramas. And she brings us Jane, finally a woman in charge in this men world, and she's as smart and focus as dedicated and hungry for winning as any other man in the room. But what she really gets this time is her own brand and that is "Our brand is crisis" (2015), a film that fails finding its own definition:, feels too funny to be a drama but takes itself too serious to be a comedy, so while moving in between just lacks of the best of both sides while rings a pure and accretive entertainment that will make it accesible to all masses, a fair point that maybe other films failed to and finally a majority can be part of the show and see the truth behind the curtains.

While lacking of sharp and poignant points of view that will make it a great political film, its writing take us to that point of view to understand that human need for power and how powerless a single man can be once gets to the higher point. And feels so refreshing that the setting moves to the so called third world , this time Bolivia, in South America. The story, supposed to be based in real events, take a group of strategist from DC to this country where they should help a candidate to win while looking for a re election which has him point below his competitors. Not just the fact that he is not a popular man in his country and fails to connect with the people but the fact that things work different in countries that need food, education, technology, money more than better infrastructure will feel so strange to all those who grew up in countries from the first world where basics are all set, looking to just get better from there. It's still unbelievable that at 21st century there are countries that are missing all basic needs and their way of living is so low standard that more than connect will make you wonder and root for a better world for them.

Once we can get to know all this characters that make a living from promises and turn their public lives into a show business trying to connect with a nation that sees them as a hope for a batter future just to realize that at the end everything is a lie, we can't but jump from admiration for all the hard work they are doing and their ability to create a way to play with others feelings and ideas, using their dreams and needs as a key for hope that end in a broken heart. But can't deny they are humans as well trying to find their way in a world where they seems more like puppets in front the cameras following what different groups tell them what to do, but still have their own issues, challenges and baggage to deal with while trying to show their best and become a kind of celebrity for the public eye but as flawless as any other one. They still love and suffer but also have learned how to deal with a life of tough decisions and high expectations that will mark them forever. A high price to pay for the love of a job or become part of history and how it will turn it's all on you, like turning crisis into a strategy to win a campaign or a economic-politic status for the country.

As the film quotes, it's all part of the game and you have to learn to live with it because it's all a lie, no matter how willing any candidate would be to really make a change and care for his country, it's all the people and money invest behind him that will determine the way to go, no matters who will win. And so politics are no more than other industry seeking for power as for money and no better way to get that than being in charge of  all resources and look out for your won good. And when laws and regulations are not so strict , more range to play with them, but how long can you live in a lie? how blind can we all be to live in darkness and not fight for a change? how much weight can you carry to lead a whole nation on your shoulders and be able to respond for all it needs and how can you relate to others in normal lives when you so up from them? That's the real crisis and it's happening out there so you can either laugh or cry at the end of this movie but what would you do to change what you didn't like of it?

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