viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014

The Skeletons of a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day

We've been talking a lot about family and it's impact in everyones life, from the way they define us in character and growing up, affecting and molding our personality to the fact that when become adults it shows up in all ways from our insecurities to our fault in commitment. But also family becomes part of our process of growing up as a circle where either we can feel safe or treated. Mostly finding there our roots to feel capable to go out and define ourselves against the outside world knowing that we belong somewhere.

Thats why in this case we'll talk about two movies that in different ways and opposite directions talk about those effects of family or as they quote, family issues. Being the first one, the film "ALEXANDER AND THE TERRIBLE, HORRIBLE, NO GOOD, VERY BAD DAY" (2014, and remarkably his spanish title finally gets its literal translation, also the same long). This movie shows a friendly and family oriented version of the impact of growing up surrounded by those people that most days are annoying but at night we happily call family. Of course coming from the house Disney, we are about to see another book adaptation, where kids are shown as role models, educated, friendly even in the worst situations and every resolution feels like a guide of how to be a good son class. But kids as humans are complex as well, specially getting all this information from the outside and figuring out.

The story follows Alexander, the third of four siblings, that happens to suffer of a very bad luck in his daily activities, from being humiliated by his classmates to just react in very goofy- awkward situations that make him feel like misunderstood and shy kid. But thanks to a role model family where everybody is successful and enjoying the great things about life, looking to best perspective of them or at least thats what they think, he won't give up. Until one day, when finally things switch and all the family members start to experience the worst day of their lives when everything goes wrong for them and our young Alexander turns into the hero as the only one capable to understand how feels to be in that situation and can help all of them to get through.

All this might sound kind of simple and silly, but actually who hast a bad day now and then? we all have experienced the cruelty of destiny when no matter how focus we are things just don't go the way we expected or want to, or simply as hard as we try we can't achieve whats expected. so the story of this family turns actually into a very entertainment show and the cast does a great job making us laugh out loud and relating with all those circumstances either as a parent or a teenager trying to save our world, one called family.

And the most satisfying moment is the resolution of those days when we realized that at the worst circumstances is when we get the best of us and we are able to recognize the best of all those whom circle around us. The fact that we know things need to be done and we need to get through that awful day, brings the best of us, forge our character and really unite our relationships when we are able to work as team or let other to help us, even when some other times seem like they want to bring us down.

That is where our second film picks up. The story of two twins that on paper seem to have everything. They grew together, supported and raised by their lovely father and a strict, cold mother. But not even when everything looks in the right way to become a great adult person, something turns in other direction and the consequences of our acts and decisions happen. Complexity.

This is "The Skeleton Twins" (2014), a more obscure dramedy where we can meet Milo and Maggie. While growing together and very close the last ten years they haven't spoke with each other until Milo attempt to commit suicide so ends at the hospital and the call from the doctors stop Maggie to do the same. While she looks like having all what she wants and needs: a career, a nice place in her hometown, a lovely man that adores her, she feels so empty and bored that ended taking all kind of classes from dancing to scuba diving, just to hook up with all her teachers. She feels so lonely that goes from secrets to bad decisions that will ruin her relationship and life but for everybody else she is still the town sweet heart's.

On the other side Milo, is going from a bad break up to re connect with the guy that abuse of him when a teenager, and as a gay guy he feels like a misunderstood and a failure comparing with all the expectations that he has for himself at high school and his class mates which are enjoying a happy life. But fortunately his sense of humor and love for life and hope to find that love that he deserves brings the best of him and matches with the sadness of his twin, complementing each other in all ways that make everything sense of their departure and need to re unite.

They are the only ones capable of speak truthfully and straight forward to each other cause they know each other really well but also can make them laugh and bring the best of them when everything seems lost because they both are already messed up thanks to all those wrong decisions that the only way to get back on track is to see a light that shows us the path. Have you feel about this with someone in your family even when deep inside you sounds like a bad idea?

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