lunes, 29 de agosto de 2016

Want to do better in life?...SUITS

Summer is not only the time for blockbusters at the movies but also we get some fun tv shows to entertain us while those hot days when we just want to be inside close to our A/C relaxing and home. And by fun not always has to be trashy fun but a well made show that will caught you enough to be willing to follow episode by episode instead of a beach day or going hiking with friends. This might be the case of "Suits" (2012-current). A legal drama that actually moves more in between the lines of comedy than dramedy but it's their sharp and clever dialogue that stands against other legal dramas quoting pop culture while navigating through the waters of law and it's cons and perks. And while not as intense and political charged as their competitors, definitely more fun and accessible for those looking to have a scoop of law while having a good time. Yet it's lightness have made it a success for it's network and a favorite of audiences, while won't win any award or have been nominated yet, it's fan base is bigger than others acclaimed legal dramas or comedies currently in tv, and that uniqueness makes it a charm a worth to watch summer entertainment, even that summer it's almost over.

The story follows Mike Ross, a young guy that is having a hard time figuring out what to do with his life. Became orphan at a young age, living under his grandmother care, but this missing piece made him alienate himself from the rest only finding some connections through his best friend and his girlfriend. So while living in the in legal spectrum got expelled from college and now trying to make some money to survive helping his friends with some risky business that my coincidence led him to meet lawyer Harvey Specter, a popular and well known lawyer in the city, best known as a closer because his talent to close any case no matter how impossible it might look. This talent have made him a bit of a cocky jerk unable to be humble enough to find an assistant to help him as a new partner in the firm he works at. Until by accident Mike crashes into his interviewing process and challenges him for a chance to be hired . Only detail, Mike has no degree as was expelled from college but he knows all the law and bars by memory but still can't be hired as one policy of the firm is to hire only graduates from Harvard. 

Impressed by the young guy talent and driven personality, Harvey decides to give him a chance hiring him and faking all needed to pretend he is the right candidate and so the two will became partners at work and friends out of it, a Batman for his Robin. Even the relationship won't cross some private lines, but he as his mentor will push him to decide to take a leap of faith moving forward his last life, leaving old friendships that are not good influence for him and baiting all he has into this job. And as he gets deeper into it, he will prove his own talent able of photograph memory will help him to solve cases and face other well prepared and experienced lawyers. And here is where the show loses the reality line to become more of a parody in the law concept. When things are happening in a way that in reality they won't we start feeling like this is more a super hero tale than a legal drama but we are able to move forward those facts like this young guy talent to memorize almost everything making him able to practice law fooling everyone around him, and this two lawyers pairing up to become a dream team able to deal and close almost every case in town, it's just hard to believe but can't deny the journey is hilarious and a hell of a fun ride as their charisma and chemistry will make you root for them and want see them get away with whatever they want.

But then we are taken back to real stuff when this two men have to deal with their lives out of the firm. The young Mike trying to find love between old lovers and girlfriends while trying to make things happen with a co worker with whom happened to have a strong connection and working together long hours is not helping to fade it away so either their are trapped in this game or they are meant for each other even somethings things work in mysterious ways. Specially when he faces as any other young professional the point of deciding between your job and your personal life. Having to choose between what you feel passionate about or the passion of love and live is not an easy call that most of us have to face in certain point as the road to success in any career will make you choose what is that you looking for in a long term run and specially what will make you happy, being successful in your field or building a life with someone, family, friends, partner.

And that's a reminder that our other charming lawyer has to face everyday. Even he is living the life he always wanted for himself and is not only one of the most eligible bachelors in town, able to have any woman he wants as he is not only successful but easy to the eye, but he has paid the price. He lives by himself in his luxury apartment committed to the life and job he dreamed of. But as law can be a shark tank where everybody stab you in the back and it's all about power and winning, he likes to look fashionable staying calm, wearing his high quality suits and moving into dark waters confident and arrogant as he can to intimidate and read others intentions so he can figure out what's hiding behind the case and will bring the clue to win. So when we see these two trying to survive against others envy and challenges of a city like NYC, we can't buy recall of our hopes and deans of a better life doing what we always wanted to. What would we need to do to fight and achieve that dream job that will give us the opportunity of make a difference and do what we feel we are the best at. But mostly that will help us to figure out what we are made of, what are we capable of and discover any of the talents that make us unique and we all have but just a few had noticed and that's the key to build a thicker skin and face the world proving we are not only a pretty face or a hot body but also a mind full of talent and a personality with many shades able to surprise and charm anyone while defining what success means for each one and realize that we become a different person day by day and that actually suits us well.

viernes, 26 de agosto de 2016

DON'T BREATHE... Don't move, don't blink

We use to judge things and people by the cover. Assuming that what meets the eye is the truth about everything, but sometimes we forget that for mostly everything there can be two sides of a story or different perspectives depend on what side you looking at. So we keep crossing paths with people and making impact in all of them but how many of those times we let some of their judgments affect us or ours affect them. Sometimes with words, others with actions, but at the end the fact that we try to influence or affect others lives by our judgments might turn a simple situation into a real drama or a scary situation because in reality we don't know nothing about them or even about us. We just expect things will happen the way we expect because we fight hard of them or because we deserve so, but life is more complicated than that. We need to realize that we can't control everything and we should keep our distance from getting in trouble with others by their reactions or our moves. specially sometimes when circumstances play an important role in our life and decisions so there will be lessons to learn and some will hurt others will be nice and easy to go trough but we can be tested to the limit and we'll need to prove what are we really made of, and maybe finally get to know a part of us that we didn't know about.

For the record, me as a big fan of horror movies, wouldn't be fair to get so excited about the new horror movie playing out there, but specially because i love the genre and can be very picky and selective about what represents a good scary movie, a slash film or a gore one from a horror classic, so me sitting at the edge of the seat, breaking my knuckles, holding my breath as the perfect irony of what im looking at, "Don't breathe" (2016), comes as a refreshing proposal for the genre and even is more a fun one than a scary one, can't deny would be moments that will make you jump from your seat but mostly you will be feeling your pulse going higher and be sumerge in it's story and twists that only will keep shocking you every ten seconds and make you wonder what would be the faith of its characters. But what makes it so good that critics are raving about it and it just opened at the top #1 of the box office? Well, let's say that horror got tired with spooky themes and paranormal activities that might or not actually happen but after seen it twice you are very use to it. Also serial killers and slashing teenagers as if were living in a slaughter house, feels familiar. There's nothing new under the sun when watching an indestructible man or thing killing people as if they were flies and the screen gets red and all kind of body parts start flying all around the place.

So we are into a story that resonates for most of the rest of a country than other than some big cities suffers from a lack of economy and that can also feel familiar for other countries that are living in hard times when every day is a fight to find a good opportunity that will take us away from home and to a better place, or just being able to bring to our family all what they need to have a decent live. So when a young single mother, unites with two friends as a burglar and robbing houses to get some money out of their jobs and trying to give her daughter a better life than the one she currently has living with her withe trashy family suffering from all kind of bullying from his alcoholic mother. And things are working out for this peculiar group of friends. They know what to take, how to do it, so won't lead any clues to the police, but unfortunately the money they are getting is not enough and starts to feel not worthy the risk, until one of them gets the tip of a place where an old blind mind lives, and supposedly he saves somewhere in there, a big sum of money that got from his family. So in theory sounds like a too good to be true deal, and hard to resist even one of them is not that confident about this but ends being loyal and doing it mostly to help his friends and also having a crush for our last in distress/single mom/main girl.

So one they do their usual research of the property they are reading to go for it. And everything seems to go as planed, finding their way to get into the house, getting riddle of the dog, and putting to sleep the old man while they can do their job and keep searching the place looking for the money. But as said before, we can't assume things just in base of what we see at first sight. Because this man definitely is blind but as he lose one sense got another, and he can hear very well, so once he realizes what's going on will chase this guys, knowing they came for the money. At first things will be more superficial as they will be fighting for the money, some to take it others to protect it, but as things start getting more and more complicated, like not knowing how to get out of a very well protected house, locked on every door and window, things will become more and more personal, realizing that real truth about this old man, that happens to be a war veteran, with all technique to fight one on one and with guns, putting this naive kids in trouble trying to find their way out of that place and avoiding to be killed or founded by a man that can't see but knows by memory his house so at the end he is not the one with a disadvantage.

Telling what happen next will ruin completely this cinematic experience but is enough by saying that from then things will be creepy, scary, shocking, complicated, bloody and mostly will be a race for survival. But this is not a blood bath or gore fest neither a paranormal invasion. This is just a group of human beings fighting for their personal motives and trying get away with them. Just happens to be a game of life and death. And yes, maybe the young ones seem like victims in this cat and mouse chase but they were the ones getting into it. They decided to do something bad and wrong and now are paying the consequences and maybe the old man is not a role model but he didn't went after them, they came in, and trespass his territory. We can't point at any as the good and bad guys. they all have their motives and are just suffering the consequences of their actions and decisions and when different personalities collide or our intentions clash with others, it can turn into war or as in this case, into murder and robbery, among other things. So when you realize things like this are happening out there and some lives suffer of a series of bad decisions, then is when things start to get scary, and when you definitely won't be able to sleep, but i can asure you, this ride you will enjoy and as personal note, it's being a while since the last time i was breathing so fast that had to realize that actually should be not breathing and stay still just waiting to the credits to come, but reality can be scary as hell and movies can still be fun.

lunes, 22 de agosto de 2016

KUBO AND THE TWO STRINGS... and a story worth to tell

Animation has become one of the most popular genres in cinematography. Even it's origins come from early last century it's now that has expanded into a tool to tell stories that otherwise couldn't be hard to tell. And the more technical advance it gets, the darker and diverse it becomes. So as now, there are distributors that dominate the market with must see proposals as Pixar from Disney, with family oriented tales and all heartbreaking and shiny, colorful stories and characters that are now part of the new pop culture. Following them are others like Dreamworks and Illumination, that are fighting for their own spot in digital animation, but there's a new interesting new one in the house, following a more traditional technique, stop motion, using poppets plus the new technology to bring darker interesting ideas that are slowly trying to find their spot in the audience hearts, his name to follow, Laika studios, with only three films are now well know for their different work and stories, so this summer they are ready to bring their fourth child to the screens and prove finally a different face of talent in a time where seems anyone can make animation and sometimes is more about the details than the story, getting closer to a cartoon than a motion picture but others, maybe a few ones, their stories can become as powerful as any drama, comedy or action picture, and sometimes, all the above.

If so, will definitely be a must see event, like "Kubo and the two strings" (2016), a story that follows a boy's journey to find the truth behind his family in order to figure out who he really is and why all this is happening to him. With total influence from Japanese culture and folklore, this film is full of symbolism and metaphors that serve a story that sometimes feels like an anime cartoon, full of adventures and exciting fight scenes and other like a drama from other talented and deeper directors that emulate cinematography language with images and long shots and double meanings immerse into a human story full of emotions and feelings. So is the case of our little hero Kubo, that since newly born, was attached by his grandfathers and aunts, all of them witches and sorceress that in revenge to his mom for choosing a man, a warrior one, over her family, deserve to be dead, so one eye is taken from him before they could escape, so now a witch hunting is about to start and he and his mom need to find a place to hide. Fortunately they do, in a small island, but not before a storm hits them, throwing them to the the ocean ad hurting his mom in the head, turning her into a kind of mental illness, forcing Kubo to take care of her.

And so he does. Learning to be a story teller, basing the facts in all the stories his mom tells him in her lucid moments, and using his own little powers playing the guitar and using origami as pieces and characters from the stories, had earned the heart and sympathy from everybody in town as he has become part of this small society, trying to fit even he has no clue how to be part of something when he doesn't even know where he is coming from, specially when missing his father, as a present figure and only having a mental concept of him through the eyes of his mom. But this is a story about family, and a journey of growing up, when you accept your destiny and are able to fight your own demons, specially those ones that came as part of a package brought by heritage or as a gift or course from wherever you are from. So once the witches realize the location of their nephew and her sister they go after them only making mom to use all her last power to save him again leaving him in hands of a sort of nanny that will guide him, protect him and mostly, advice him so he won't get lost in transition, all things that any mother would do for her kids, so they can face the world without this beating them. But who didn't see their moms as someone annoying trying to give a speech at anytime or without reason, or got annoyed by her advices just to realize later how true they are.

So now our young hero has to find his father armor's so he can protect himself from the upcoming danger. And before you start thinking, I've seen this before or this sounds familiar, using this plot is a mere excuse to get more into the boy's journey than the really fact of an adventure or quest seeking the missing pieces. And the plot is so brilliantly written that not only will be funny and exciting but also will go deep trying to understand why sometimes life seems unfair and has to take in order to give, and how love can change things, specially the one coming from the people that loves us the most and we mostly forget about that. And so, with some extra help, they will have to figure out missing clues that only serve as keys to solve the puzzle of anyone's existence. Who am i?, why i can do all this things?, why i'm good at this and bad at that? why do i need to leave the nest in order to face the world and when this will hit harder the only thing we need to, is to go back home and feel protected and loved. Why can we have it all? Why when losing things in our lives serves to get us stronger?

If you are expecting that answers will come easily just by sitting and watch the movie, sadly have to say they won't. You will be part of this journey and as key witness you'll have to solve the puzzle and figure out all the possible meaning behind this clues, characters, symbols and mostly you'll have to start your own journey that will include fun times, laughs, adventures, fights, travels and lots of drama, but that's just how life is and director Travis Knight has all the tools to make you have a great time while not without taking you to deeper waters and some twist to make it as unpredictable as life as but also as touching and exciting as any kid's story should be because when young, the world seems like a vast place, ready to be explored and full of questions and desire to know more, anyone can face their darkest secret and become a hero of their own story, but not before understanding all the consequences and realizing that there's nothing new under the roof, but even tho, will be fascinating and interesting, and unique in our own ways. Full with an impressive technique, a dark, different but colorful and detailed writing will rise among others standing as a unique film that sadly is not making the box office it deserve thanks to a bad distribution timing at the end of a summer that gave other animation proposals the benefit of being first but sometimes the last is not the least but the best and if you don't feel exactly like that for yourself, then even with more rush you should hurry and see this interesting and dazzling proposal that either will blow your mind or give you a great time at the movies and definitely worth to watch in it's original sound because has one of the most talented cast in recent times.

viernes, 19 de agosto de 2016

HELL OR HIGH WATER... for better or good

Everyone of us has felt trapped in some moment. A time where seems like there is no way out but take an easy exit and usually those are not the best option, and by the best mean will be consequences. So what we should do? Should we just hold to it and wait till the end, accepting our faith that is mostly controlled by others?, and by others means corporations, institutions, governments , or any other that are above us because we are just normal people trying to serving, to make it day by day by our won resources but living in a capitalist world doesn't help much when comes to money, we need it and it will solve a lot of our problems. What can we do against all those circumstances? How can we fight back to those that are trying to take everything from us while we fight and struggle to keep things together? and by things mean our family, friends and our selves, because dealing with all this stuff bring a bunch of issues to deal with and some baggage that will stay with us for a long time but we need to man up, be strong for the sake of our beloved ones and fight for our family and our believes before they are also taken from us.

All this and more is "Hell or high water" (2016), a modern western and drama that serves well as a thriller as well taking us through a rough week for two texan brothers that happen to be in the middle of something, robbing banks, as if that could be possible in the new millennium where seems like we can't make a move without being watched in sort way, this story happen in rural Texas, where serving as an old kind of western, this two young guys are taking advantage of the circumstances at small banks located in very small towns where time seems to be stopped and what we see in big cities reminds of a future in those sic fiction movies. The movie works perfect in all ways as a modern western where we follow this bank robbers from one bank to the other while escaping in the middle of the desert and two Rangers trying to follow the clues that these guys are leaving trying to figure out their next move and the real intentions behind their actions so they can figure out who they are and catch them before is too late. But while we are caught between the action and tense moments we are also immerse in the drama that these characters have to deal with because to be able to take that step and plan these robberies needs a motivation and the director, David Mackenzie, has proved with his past films, he's able to take us through the human drama as much as the tension this one brings in any kind of scenario.  With an excellent cast, Chris Pine and Jeff Bridges doing their best, a perfect storyline and well done adaptation of it we are sumerge in a different face of North America that reminds more of any third country.

Toby is the youngest brother, a divorced man with two teenager sons that always had tried to do his best, living by the law, following the rules, trying to do his best, taking care of his mom, fighting to provide to his family all what needed but never is enough, reason why couldn't make his marriage to work, but that doesn't he doesn't care and wants the best for them. So when his mom gets sick and unfortunately passes away, he faces reality when needs to pay the bill from medicines and nurses forcing him to put her mom's property in mortgage and now if doesn't pay by the end of the week will lose it in hands of the bank. Tanner is the oldest brother, the opposite from his younger sibling, he is a rebel and lives against the rules, reason why has spent time in prison missing his last opportunity to spend time with his family and specially his mom, reason why when his brother came to him with a plan to save their mom's property, he'll be down for it, serving as a cover to this actions as he has nothing to lose, on the contrary from his brother that has a life and has no experience breaking the law, reason why they will take money only from the bank that is trying to take everything from them, so they can pay with their money their debt. But this two have history, they can be very different from each other but they love each other till death, willing to do whatever it takes for the best of the other, and that's one of the lines from the film, when we get inside this relationships that proves how deep brotherhood can go, and how even usually families take separate ways, the love they have for each other is one of the strongest connections that can bring anyone back home and make us fight and sacrifice for them. That's a kind of love that has no explanation or words to describe.

And talking about kinds of love, we get into another example with another kind of love and relationship when we get to know the two Rangers trying to follow this young guys, because they are doing things properly, all planned, but this two have a whole life experience, as one of them is about to retired, so he is facing his last case but also his last time with his partner. So while they are trying to figure out clues and mistakes to catch the guys, they are also enjoying the last of each others company. And their relationship is nothing but simple as one of them is a white guy, representing the new area from the colonizers that took this land and fade away all the natives building a new civilization full with corporations that now are taking over those values and principles that those white immigrants brought at the begging and tried to establish to the old indian natives, just as the ancestors of his partner, the other ranger that happens to be an indian-mexican mix, who is proud of his heritage and even has embrace this new era and civilization can't but bring to all white guys how they took over the natives and now history is repeating and others are taking over what they have built. But even all these racial and cultural differences, they share a connection, taking care of each other, having each other's back, that has taken them to solve some cases and love what they do becoming more a family than a friendship or a work relationship. Their conversations just pin point into some topics that don't need to be more explored because they just nail them to the core that can't be forgiven and make us feel and think about them as if the movie were about this instead of what it really is, is that not terrific?

What can justified to do something wrong in order to achieve something good? Is the fact that there are some people and corporations trying to take advantage of their power just because they can't, in order to just make more money and not caring about others lives. When do we lose the momentum of caring about others, of feeling regret or moral committed to the community and try to make it better? Do we have to leave with regrets for fighting for our families and break some rules in order to give them the best or is just a fact that not matter what we need to live under the law and accept the fact that we might be screwed by the more powerful and just et them rule our lives deciding our future? We as community should be united and fight for others ad our beloved ones but also we need to stand up and make a difference and show others that changes need to be made and when comes to family we need to stand up, stay together and come with a better plan in order to save them and bring the best for them, trying not to take others in the way but in a country where gun control is a topic of discussion, seems like the western is as live as ever, anyone has the power to change or end a life and some will use it for good and others for worse so when thing get complicated and time to fight and desperate measures are in need to be taken, the love from our family and friends needs to stand up to prove than vengeance and our own frustrations have to be deal at home and with no violence surrounded by the love and caring from ones we care the most. So many things to digest right? enjoy the movie...

lunes, 15 de agosto de 2016

INDIGNATION...don't be ashamed if you don't know nothing

When a movie starts wondering about things that took you to the moment you are now, about what made you take a decision that led you to somewhere and then the realization that we all are a sum of experiences and decisions made in the past, when things seemed in different way until we get to the present and we can see them in perspective realizing that what we didn't know back then is now consciously aware and only can but face the reality of who we are. So when at the first minutes of a movie take you to that place, we can assume we already know what is about to happen. Where this journey will take us to, but again not always things look in the same way when happen than when you look back to them a time after. So basically we don't know nothing and even we can sit and argue about all what we supposedly know about ourselves and about life, it will only be a matter of time to realize we know nothing or in case we were right about it, we might take or not the right decisions in base to that knowledge and then it will turn in to a cycle, the cycle of life. But when things don't happen the way we want, is hard to admit what we did wrong. Trying to blame others or punish ourselves so we can feel better and accept our destiny, wondering what if. But mostly feeling some guilt.

If that guilt turns into something stronger, will clash into others and we might find answers or might get lost in confusion but while figuring out we probably be out of our comfort zone and won't be a pleasant feeling but a kind of "Indignation" (2016), which is the name of a new independent film , an adaptation from the popular novel from also well known and awarded writer Philip Roth. A very difficult task since most of his adaptations to the big screen had suffered a misunderstood plot and getting lost in translation from paper to motion picture, but this one stands as his best so far. A coming to age complex story about growing up back in the 50's, when traditions and social expectations were different from now or at least were manage in different ways regarding topics and issues that have been since forever and they still are. But coming from director James Schamus, bringing a new perspective based in the writing from a young jewish college boy, performed by actor Logan Lerman in a break through performance that should give lot to talk about and reminds us he is someone to keep looking at, playing as a traditional neurotic and self centered guy that faces the fact to be away from home finally and for the first time, socializing with others and probably finding love in the wrong places but pursuing his ideals or at least what he thinks is the right thing to do for himself and for the best of his interests. 

The story follows Marcus, a young Jewish guy that after living very close to his parents to a point where is feeling more trapped than loved, so when comes the time to go to college and is accepted in a prestigious campus things show up as an escape. Pursuing law because he wants to do right and after working as a butcher in his father's business, able to see injustice , he just want to make things right. And he will, attending to classes, studying, following all the checklist a perfect student should be able to do but missing one little detail, embrace the college experience. Going out, socialize, meeting new friends, go on. Dates, mingle with girls, parties, all what young kids can't wait to do, but not him. He is ok being by himself. Until he meets a curios girl that seems interested in him and his arguments at class able to defend his point of view bringing all kind of evidence to support them, as any lawyer would do. But she is not as naive as he is, so she knows how to play the game and make him like her and even fall for her when she seems to fit in all what he wants for a decent girl. But not everything is the way it seems and when she goes further with him, getting him into a more intimate game, exposing her open minded side as a very sexual woman, he rejects the fact of being pushed out of his believes but at the same time he likes the fact of meeting someone as different and misunderstood as he feels. 

Trying to get some answers from his roommates, just to realize they are not like him and he is not like them, building a wall between them when they are so close literally, sleeping under the same roof, but they are not as sympathetic as they seem so when he gets out of control, so the situation and he chooses to switch rooms. Rejecting be part of a Jewish fraternity, and seeking the way to avoid going to the weekly mass, because he has no religion, he only believes in what is real for him, what he can prove or take as the real thing, missing all the opportunities that this options bring regarding the intention on make him a believer. So he finds himself in a lonely point that raises some concerns to the college Dean, in one of the most realistic yet funny scenes in recent cinema when this two individuals sit face to face and try to have a conversation that feels more like a therapy session where listening just talk and get into some points that will reveal the true nature of things from each other. Only to get to a point where after trying to defend himself, our perfectly behaved and wise ass character, comes to realize how close minded and structured he is, and how when he can't get away with what he wants or can handle, he just run away. He ran from a overwhelming home, from his rebel roommates, from his upfront girlfriend, because he can't deal with the fact of not being right or be flexible to accept others the way they are, meaning they might and should be different from what he thinks he is. And that feeling could take down anyone when reality hits you and there's no way to hide but face it and man up, coming to the point of getting to know yourself and start growing up .

How many times do we think we are always right? That things are supposed to be in certain way or other. When we face the fact that life is a mess and has great moments but others are not and some will stick for a while and you can make the best of any situation or not. How we can't just stay by ourselves, we all need from others in some point and alienating ourselves won't take us far but a rough path of desolation and loneliness that won't help to explore other sides and shades of our personality. Like for example, avoiding going on dates and meeting new people that we feel we like or have a connection with just based in the fact that we might get hurt and we don't want that, we prefer to avoid the experience rather than suffer the consequences, even if that means missing the good and fun part too. How many times do we felt ashamed and threatened just when things moved in an unexpected way or went in different direction from us. We need to accept the fact that there is more than what we see. We don't and won't know everything. Life is a learning process and an on going improvement or deterioration but will we be able to realize in time before one turn takes us to a trap or to our happy ending? When was the last time that you were able to face and accept a truth from yourself once was exposed to you or others and saw it as an opportunity rather than a threat? Never is too late to start but once the time is gone is no way back or second chances, all we have is today and we are a result of our past, so while we still have a future we better learn to value what and who we have around or whatever works better for you just realizing the side effects of that and its impact your future. Like it or not.  

viernes, 12 de agosto de 2016

FLORENCE FOSTER JERKINS...too bad that feels good

Have you ever love something that much that makes you happy and strong enough to fight your every day? Something you are too passionate about that no one or nothing can stop you until you get it? Do you live your life embracing what you are and what you love the most about it or you just prefer to sit and watch other fight and make their dreams come true while you keep dreaming about yours? If your answer is yes, good for you, and if not, shame on you, would say "Florence Foster Jenkins" (2016), the new film of the multi nominated and awarded actress Meryl Streep, with another of their unique and charming performances that will touch you as much as make you laugh while having a fun time discovering the life of someone who's only talent was being fierce and brave enough to do what she likes to do the most. This a story of not very well know artist, if we can call it that way, a wealthy woman that with all the power that money can buy, she only desires to use for one purpose, keep music alive through difficult times, like those back during World War 2, when all the boys were fighting for their country, so back home the only reasonably thing to do is to support and keep inspiring the families that are losing their sons or living in a breaking point because the situation, so bringing music to New York City and preserve it in such hard times, was her only wish, because as she said, she lives for music, and music is the only thing she knows.

And she knows it very well. She can appreciate an opera, She knows every song played by the orchestra and she used to play piano so can identify a great pianist from a wanna be. But aside of her knowledge is her lack of talent. She loves the attention and she is such a social buff that becomes a character for all her acquaintances, so at any opportunity she will perform as an actress or singer. But no one wants to tell her the truth and break her dream and joy of performing but happens that when she sings, she is terrible, or not terrible but just the worst singer on earth as the New York Post published once. But there is a reason why her closest friends, specially her lovely husband, that adores her, try to keep her living this dream of fame and perfection, and is because she is a survivor. After suffering a deathly desease when was really young, she got better, with no possible explanation from the doctors, she just can't play the piano anymore but she is alive and other than some side effects she is ok, and living and loving it. And she is doing no harm, on te contrary she is trying to change the world and keep is full of music, the thing she feels passionate about, so as wealthy woman, she will perform as a opera singer with the little fact that she has any technique or knowledge or talent about it, she just will go for it and try to entertain others.

The films focuses on the last days of her life, moving the writing in a way that feels more like those classic movies from the golden era of cinema, and with a talented cast and direction that will take the audience through the path of a woman that seems spoiled while doing whatever she wants and the side story of a man that adores her passion and conviction but also realizes his sacrifices in order to help and love her so needs to make a life on his own, finding another love that will nurture him too. And a third character is introduce along the way, the new pianist that will take her on this last journey having the opportunity to get involve with this peculiar family and become someone worth to see, now living out of the shadows and realizing what life has waiting for him. And so, with such warm and lovely characters the story and this film in particular will move to very serious waters, under a direction that seeks more for the truth behind what everybody saw on that woman than what actually is happening in her life. Such a colorful character deserves to be navigated through all kinds of shades to expose the whole her and realize how many layers are in there. The music and score is delightful, magical as a new classic, edited as an old timed film but is the cast who makes it a delightful comedy, turning this drama that otherwise would be as intense as listening one of her ridiculous performances, is the terrific performances that make the audience to connect with this characters and care about them, after understanding their intentions.

But definitely, listening this woman sing is as absurd as watching any parrot trying to speak or a little poppy trying to bark. It's horrendous and only someone as talented as Mrs. Streep is capable to turn such lack of talent into something funny and lovely at the time. Because the story stars after she realizes that wants to sing again because she had heard the most beautiful voice at her last assistance to the opera, and again, remember, she loves music, so she gives a special concert for a few people, very intimate. But as always, even most of her friends applaud her, everybody agrees she is terrible at singing, but not her husband that will manipulate whoever is necessary so she gets the best reviews and so she will, moving her to record and album that will end at the radio and some marines will love, inspiring her to make a bigger performance for free to the marines and inspire them as gratitud for their service to the country. But is then when she will face the truth about her life and her, talented voice. And not even her husband will save the day. But she is happy to die doing what she loves and prefer to think she did it rather that she couldn't. So is it ok to encourage someone that you love to pursue it's dreams even knowing is not good at it? Or hiding the truth could be a good thing depending circumstances rather than be honest and tell things the way they are with the possibility of making people change or try to improve? Is it ok to try to do something good when you are really bad at it? Or why we keep listening others opinion when if not doing any harm and trying to be inspiring, have to give up for judgement of others, instead of getting love, support and cheers just for trying? We love to discourage others in base to our own judgment even we are or not qualified for it.

But also we get to see the fight and perspective of two men. One old man, with the usual charm of actor Hugh Grant, making a come back to the big screen and embracing his new look as a senior man, that tries to make a life of his own, cheating on her wife that he adores but is consuming him, so his love has evolve into something bigger, having an affair that is more a commitment to another woman while keeps trying to make happy to her wife and standing at her side, since he met her, when was a young actor seeking for an opportunity until he realized he is not destined to be a great actor, and he made peace with that, and thats when you take out of you ambition and start living, and he does, and seems happy about it so tries to share this with his new friend and companion in this musical joiner, the young and talented pianist that is fighting to build a name and a career as a musician, because seems like nobody understands musicians and are underrated, so even he is having a great opportunity, by performing in places he would never imagines and meeting famous people from the high society of NY, he will learn a new lesson about the other face of love and money and his career that only experiencing the other side, the dark one, the one everybody tries to avoid, the one that has no success, no talent, that will knock you out while fighting for something that no one sees, but everybody criticize, is that you will learn about your self, about your true nature and what you capable of, because in those moments are when your skin gets thicker and experience will make you grow up and face the world being just you and not being what others expect you to be and that is high note hard to achieve but if you do, putting ambition on the side, letting yourself free, will be ready to live and fight for what really maters for you and that at the end will inspire others more than anything.

lunes, 8 de agosto de 2016

EASTSIDERS... have you found love?

Is it love long lasting? Could we still believe love is forever? Or simple assume that in reality love fades away with time? We've been focused on finding love that first of all, sometimes we don't take the time to find the right one, falling into desperation to be loved and find that right person for each one of us that we forget to take care of ourselves, being ready for falling in love and be emotional stable and open to find and create a connection, and second, we focus too much energy on searching that love that if you lucky, once you find it, don't know what to do to keep it alive and make it last. We are bombed by stories about the quest of finding love and that other half to complement our lives and will make us better and blah, blah, blah, but how many times or stories have we listened about after the happy ending, what happen when things get real and we need to deal with the other side of that excitement and those big plans are crashed by routine and bills need to be paid, and we have bad days, and get cranky and we get fired or stressed out. When we wake up next to someone and w need to make things happen and its not sunshine and rainbows anymore but is another ay, same as the ones we used to deal with by ourselves just that now we have to deal with them having someone at our side and that might be refreshing and exciting to hear for most people but if you not in the same page or synchronized, it can turned into a living hell, complicating the most simple decision into a big fight and dilema, just turning everything into a snowball that keeps growing till will crash in your face.

Welcome to the world of "EastSiders" (2012-current), a tv show from Logo TV and now showing in Netflix, targeting the LGBT community, but having some topics that will impact anyone, as these days we are all connected and as they tried to imitate straights traditions now the tables had turned and those conservative families and looking to them trying to open their minds and traditions, willing to explore more and have more fun before settling and committing. Because now feels like long time ago those days when gay culture was criticized and exposed as a myth and most straight's were wondering how works for them but now it's all the same way for everybody. Girls love to have a gay friend and gays are getting married and having children, straight guys can go and party with drag queens and lesbians are ruling corporations. It's a new era in terms of acceptance and diversity but seems like instead of going forward in terms of relationships and emotional balance that we are going backwards as we still can see how many gays are just looking and open for casual sex, doing drugs, bitching others as part of their own insecurity in behalf of defending their own person, and now all these chaos moved to the other side, where girls now as part of the feminist movement also demand to have as many sex as guys, they don't want to settle right away, they want to build a career and guys of course are enjoying these, as they can have fun without commitment so now the run unleashed and we are seeing more single parents, more divorced couples and more single people over their 40's. Is it like a sexual revolution that is taking over traditional values and putting love on the side? Or is it true that love is overrated and why to find one when you can have plenty?

Surprisingly this show is a new and fresh taking over the usual one person seeking for love thing, this goes further, following a young couple of guys, Thom and Cal, played by the creator and screenwriter. These guys have been together for 5 years already and after sharing deep moments like meeting each others parents, some family loses, moving together, career bumps, among others, now they face their biggest treat: infidelity. And the reason why is this in the picture puts a big question on their table: is their love over?, are they done with each other? what happen with all those moments they spent together and all what they have been through together? It all goes to the toilet because one of them is feeling confused and met someone that is attractive to him and is giving him that spark that is missing back home. Also it's not helping that Cal, is also suffering of substance abuse, drinking a lot and getting drunk and waisted every day, and not only at parties or social events but by himself at home. So once Cal realizes Thom's infidelity, he approaches it facing both of them to figure out who's that new guy and why is stealing his boyfriend from him, but all this process will just make him realize  all what he has been doing or missing that has been pushing Thom away from him, so when he hooks up with Thom's lover, he would realize what is missing in his own relationship and wat his boyfriend saw in him, but still the connection they have built in all these years is stronger and worth to fight for. So a realization comes to their world, they need to evolve because they are not the same people they use to be and that love has evolve to so is moving forward or die, so they go for opening the relationship and explore together new terms of sex, and spice things for both, with good communication and respect for each other, like the team they use to be.

But as said, this is not only a show for the LGBT community as it targets universal topics and while we can see how this couple fights to keep their love alive and evolve as a couple and as individuals, we also get to know other characters, mostly their friends and lovers, that some are struggling to find love in times of social media, where al depends on what you can offer by a profile, some sexy pics and successful job, and when are millions out there looking for the same. But also are others that already met a nice person that is willing to commit and spend time, getting to know you, and make it work, because they actually like you, but you are too afraid of commitment which is no more than a reflection of your fears and insecurities, that make you not emotional available, just like Kathy, Cal's bets friend, a girl that start seeing Ian, an actually nice guy, totally emotional stable and a good catch that happens to be very attracted to Kathy, and also because he is very attracted to asian girls, so that helps, but is struggling to make her open up and trust him, as she keeps finding excuses to break up with him, or make a drama scene so she can push him away, when this is all what she's been wanting, meet a nice guy and feel loved but now it's there seems scary and makes her vulnerable and she's not ready to get hurt.

So in terms of love and relationships, there is no playbook or anything written on stone as we all different and we have different personalities and ideals, but we also share the fact to be all humans and be affected by the same things, so sometimes is for a big help to listen other's stories and try to find answers to our own issues by understanding other's journeys. But definitely the first step is to get to know ourselves so we can learn and identify what motivates us, what scares us, what do we want and what we don't, so when the time comes to find or meet a possible match we don't rush into anything and take it slow, letting us enjoy the fact of getting to know someone and see potential red flags or realize if we are a good match, specially having in mind that we won't be the same we are now in five or ten years and we don't want to grow apart because we fall into an excitement trap, that will hit us when the dust fades out and realizing wasn't the right person for a long run but just the one for a moment or to satisfy a need. The fact that are shows out there trying to show that everything is possible and that we need to get our shit together before asking for something or wishing to be loved before loving ourselves, or trying to feel accepted when we judge our similar, or hiding behind casual sex or instant pleasure to avoid facing our fears and insecurities won't get us far and will only destroy us more and more and this will be a reflection for the next generations and our society sons human and imperfect we can be we also need to fight to be racional and civilized and even some rules were made to broken there are others that exist for a reason and that reason might be make us work together, get us in line and give us some structure away from our animal instinct and only following that we can build a structure called relationship, friendship, marriage, community, or society. love exist and is real but as part of a human emotion, will evolve the same way we do so we can't expect to  settle down and wait that things will stay the same forever, we need to keep building all around us the same way we are moving other wise the next time we turn the tv on, we will see the story of wat could have been if, and that's a story that has no way back.

viernes, 5 de agosto de 2016

JARED LETO....American Dream

Hay actores que siempre quisieron ser actores y otros que se encontraron o llegaron ahi por hazares del destino, y mientras unos hacen lo posible por mantenerse, otros buscan expandirse y buscar su mera realización profesional en la industria del entretenimiento o lejos de ella. El caso de Jared Joseph Leto, quien nació un Diciembre 26 de 1971 en Luisiana, quien creció junto a su madre, hermano mayor  y sus abuelos maternos una vez que sus padres se divorcian, siendo ella quien introduce a sus hijos al mundo artístico al unirse a un grupo hippie que los lleva a crecer rodeados de música y arte, siendo esto lo que lo inspiro a estudiar arte en Filadelfia y luego artes visuales en NY que culminaría con el dirigiendo su primer filme corto, logro que lo llevo a mudarse a Los Angeles en 1992 y obtener varios papales menores en television, primero en varios shows y luego debuta en cintas para tv como "Cool and the Crazy" (1994) a lado de Alicia Silverstone o "The Last of High Kings" (1996) a lado de Cristina Ricci. Tan solo meses después debuta en la pantalla grande y no por la puerta grande con un rol secundario en la cinta "Switchback" (1997), a lado de Denis Quaid, un triller que fue un fracaso en taquilla dado su compleja trama.

Meses después protagoniza su primer cinta, una biografía titulada "Prefontaine" (1997), la historia del corredor Steve Prefontaine, un atleta olímpico que muere a los 24 años, mas la cinta tuvo una corrida limitada y ni la critica la alabo tanto que no causo mucho ruido fuera de los festivales donde compitió, pero lo mas rescatable y comentado de la cinta fue la actuación del joven actor que daba señalas de ser un estrella del mañana. Y así en 1998 protagonizó la cinta de época "Basil" (1998), un filme de época sobre un adinerado joven que gusta involucrarse con las jóvenes de clase baja. La cinta fue una producción británica con corrida comercial pero fallo en exhibirse en Norte America. Pero esto no fue impedimento para que su carrera continuara en ascenso y así se cuela en la entrada de la mayoría de las estrellas de Hollywood, una película de terror. En su caso, "Urban Leyend" (1998), una historia sobre un asesino serial en un campus que esta siguiendo a la letra varias leyendas urbanas para acabar con los estudiantes siendo Leto un joven estudiante de periodismo quien parece estar detrás de descubrir al asesino. La cinta obviamente fue aplastada por la critica pero fue un éxito de taquilla, razón suficiente para poner al actor bajo los reflectores.

Gozando de un poco de fama, se cuela en la cinta "The thin Red Line" (1998), el nuevo proyecto el director terrence Malick, una historia de guerra sobre una de las multiples batallas de la segunda Guerra Mundial y que con elenco multi estelar encabezado por Sean Penn, Adrien Brody, George Clooney entre otros, la puso en multiples nominaciones y varios premios, entre ellos el premio de la Academia, lo que la llevo a ser un éxito en critica y taquilla, a pesar de la peculiar vision del director. Continuando probando el cine experimental y alejándose un poco del cine comercial ahora que puedo darse el lujo de escoger proyectos, opta por formar parte de otro ensamble, "Black and White" (1998), una cinta sobre un hombre problemático en el mundo del rap, donde mantiene otros negocios legales e ilegales y que sera el tema de un documental producido por una pareja homosexual. Obviamente lo bizarro de la trama no fue atractivo superior a su elenco que ademas de Leto figura Robert Downey Jr., Scott Caan, Elijah Wood, entre otros y resulto en un fracaso. Este mismo año forma su banda 30 seconds to mars, con la cual incursiona en la escena musical.

Sin importarle esto mucho, forma parte de "The fight Club" (1999), otra cinta obscura pero con mayor presupuesto, protagonizada por Brad Pitt y Edward Norton, sobre un hombre atrapado en su vida aburrida y monótona que termina por unirse al club del titulo para calentar las cosas en su vida un poco. La cinta dirigida por un novato David Fincher fue une éxito en taquilla y critica y es a la fecha considerada una cinta de culto. Esta decision le trajo buena suerte pues su siguiente proyecto "Girl, Interrumpted" (1999), a lado de Angelina Jolie y Wynona Ryder sobre dos jóvenes atrapadas en el sistema psiquiátrico y poniendo en tela de juicio la linea tenue entre cordura y locura fue otra grata sorpresa que genero varias nominaciones y premios, especialmente para sus protagonistas pero siendo Leto una de las pocas caras masculinas de la historia logro poner su marca. Lo mismo se repite con "American Psycho" (2000), su siguiente proyecto, basado en la popular novela homónima y que pone en la lupa la vida de los yuppies new yorkinos en plena entrada del nuevo milenio, y aunque su papel es secundario, como el mejor amigo y primer víctima del protagonista, su interpretación es tan memorable como tan corta y el hecho que la cinta fue un éxito no dolió mucho.

Continuando demostrando su particular gusto por proyectos no tan comerciales pero obscuros y con temas humanos en visiones mas únicas y artísticas que meramente comerciales, protagoniza al lado de Ellen Burstyn y Jennifer Connelly el drama psicológico "Requiem for a dream" (2000), una peculiar historia sobre las adicciones atreves de cuatro personajes que brindan una perspectiva diferente. Nuevamente y curiosamente la cinta es un éxito moderado en taquilla mientras los críticos la amaron pero esto la llevo a ser ahora otro ya clásico de la época. Tratando de mezclar su gusto por la música con la actuación se involucra en "Sunset strip" (2000), un melodrama sobre la vida de un grupo de jóvenes a lo largo de 24 horas en Los Angeles y como la ocupación de cada uno hara una diferencia de por vida en sus vidas. El actor interpreta a una estrella de música country. La cinta se exhibió limitadamente por lo cual no resonó mucho. Esto no lo detuvo para involucrarse en otro drama independiente, "Highway" (2002), a lado de un joven Jack Gyllenhaal y Selma Blair, en una historia de dos jóvenes amigos, un traficante de drogas y un limpiador de piscinas que deciden mudarse a Seattle encontrando varios percances en el camino. Con mezcladas criticas y un mediano éxito, impulso la carrera de los actores involucrados.

Regresando a las manos del director David Fincher, se une a la cinta "Panic Room" (2002), sobre una madre y su hija viéndose atrapadas en su propia casa cuando un grupo de delincuentes trata de robarles, siendo Leto el líder de este grupo de bandidos en un thriller cargado de suspenso y vueltas de tuerca que lo llevo a ser un éxito en todos sentidos. Poniéndose en manos de otro talentoso director , Oliver Stone, en la nueva adaptación de Alejandro el Magno, "Alexander" (2004), donde aprovechando su cara bonita funge como un griego que figura como una tentación para el protagonista, viéndose atrapado entre este su amante y su manipuladora madre interpretada por la actriz Angelina Jolie. La cinta tuvo mucha especulación por su carga erotica, elenco y promesa de ser un nuevo blockbuster pero el resultado final carece de todo esto, lo cual la llevo a no ser el éxito esperado ni en taquilla ni para la critica especializada. Siguiendo codeándose con el cine comercial pero buscando propuestas interesantes, participa en "Lord of War" (2005), cinta que expone la industria del armamento y su manipulación en los gobiernos y la sociedad para crear guerras y justificar su existencia. No fue un gran éxito pero tuvo una mediana recepción tanto en taquilla como por parte de la critica gracias a la particular vision del director Andrew Niccol.

Su siguiente proyecto es una decision rara o diferente, una cinta titulda "Lonely Hearts" (2007), basada en la verdadera historia de una pareja de asesinos en los años 40's. Con un peculiar reparto que incluye ademas de Leto a Salma Hayek, John Travolta y Laura Dern, la cinta corrio con malas criticas que la llevaron a una muy limitada exhibición. Buscando un reto como actor forma parte de "Chapter 27" (2007), donde gana 30kg para interpretar al asesino del cantante John Lennon, Mark David Chapman, y tras ser exhibida en el festival de Sundance de ese año, recibe criticas polarizadas que la llevan a una limitada corrida, opacado por completo el trabajo del actor. Caso contrario sucede con "Mr. Nobody" (2009), un drama de ciencia ficción donde el actor interpreta a un hombre de 118 años y siendo el ultimo mortal en la faz de la tierra cuando la humanidad a alcanzado la inmortalidad. La cinta correo mas por festivales que comercialmente pero los críticos la alabaron. Manteniendo una vida vegan y apoyando movimientos politicos y de caridad así como fungiendo en los negocios con su banda y el lanzamiento de una administración para la misma via social media, el actor busca hacer una diferencia como artista mas que encasillarse como actor.

Pero en 2013 regresa tras una larga ausencia a la actuación, donde se dedico a la música y su banda, mas lo hace por la puerta grande interpretando a un trasvesti con Sida en la cinta "Buyers Dallas Club", una cinta que retrata los hechos de principios de los 80's cuando la enfermedad explota en Norte America y un hombre de esas busca la manera de proveer medicina para los infectados y para si mismo. La cinta fue un gran éxito que la llevo a varias nominaciones y premios, entre ellos el Oscar, como mejor actor de reparto y que para muchos es la interpretación que se roba la película. Nuevamente haciendo uso de su cara bonita al interpretar a un trasvesti atrapado entre la vida, la muerte y su sexualidad en una vida solitaria. Gozando de las mieles del triunfo su siguiente proyecto debiera ser bien escogido para volver a sorprender a aquellos que lo han apoyado y por ello este mes aparece en "Suicide Squad" (2016), la adaptación fílmica del comic y donde el actor interpreta al famoso villano de los comics, The Joker, un papel iconico y que tras sus excelentes previas interpretaciones representa un reto para satisfacer a todos los fans, mas a la fecha, suena mas a una decepción que sorpresa, la ventaja a su favor es que esta historia de un grupo de villanos buscando salvar al mundo es mas un desastre que va mas allá de la interpretación del actor. Por ende ahora la mayor interrogante es que sigue ahora para este actor que en definitiva ha forjado una carrera mas orientada al arte y al cine de calidad y versátil que al glamour y entretenimiento, probando su talento y gusto por proyectos arriesgados, lo que aumenta la incertidumbre para sus siguientes proyectos.

lunes, 1 de agosto de 2016

BAD MOMS... the mother of all movies

There is no playbook to be a parent as we talked in our previous post, fatherhood comes with great responsibility as playing as role model, supportive figure and trying to inspire and be a leader for your kids that might see you as a hero, but when comes to the real deal about education and raising the kids, mom is the one to blame. She is supposed to be in charge of all the house. Take care of the cleaning, cooking, groceries, pick up the kids from school, attend to school meetings, socialize with neighbors, clean and fold clothing, and the list goes on, but things have changed and if now fathers can raise and take care of the kids, is also time for moms to get out and put themselves out there and build a career and why not? have some fun. It's time to break social and cultural stereotypes about women be signed to home and take care of all chores from it, they deserve to have a life as their spouses and their children. They say being mom is one of the hardest jobs and the one without a paycheck but the satisfaction of seeing your family together and your children become grown ups and turned into good, nice, decent people because the love a mom has for them is nothing to compare with, so it's about time to give them some credit and also a break.

Coming from this new feminist wave supporting new roles of women in modern society and trying to prove that girls just want to have fun, "Bad Moms" (2016), come as a comic relief and a hilarious parody of what supposed to be being  mom from this century when kids are not anymore those well behave-sit on the corner-play nice kids from the XX century. fortunately the result is a must watch comedy of the summer, full of laughs and heart, that without avoiding the cliches from the genre and sometimes trying to imitate other male ranch comedies, the one finally finds it's our tone and voice to stand as it's own, a perfect one of this time line when women are as open as any man and they can mess around and bring down the house with and without class. Mention apart deserve the perfect cast that works and serves perfect to the story and bounds as any buddy comedy and the jokes and lines feel like a fresh air when we though we've seen it all. But mostly is it's message that without preaching or feeling force gets deep to anyones who can relate to the fact that we are who we are thanks to all those moments that we used to hate when kids and dealing with mom while we were trying to get riddle of her but at the end she is home and we never felt safer and more loved than surrounded by her. It's just that person that knows us better and will be ready to do whatever it takes for us and what is best for us.

The story follows Amy, a perfect mom, with a part time job, that basically works thanks to her and her hard work, surrounded by young people that has no clue about what they are doing and an arrogant boss that just owns the title for being also the owner of a coffee company. She also has the perfect family, two adorable teenagers and a husband working in the finance market. But there's no thing as perfection as she will realize when catches her childish husband cheating her online, leaving her to become a single mom and try to survive the daily routine without any help. And kids are of no help but demanding and stress out as if deserving more that what they can give. All this new situation will take her to a breaking point in front of all the other moms from school to start a personal war against the wanna be perfectionist leader mom of school. But also will get her two new friends that are against all those rules as well, and while getting together they will realize they need to make some changes in their lives. Kiki is a submissive mom taking care of her 4 toddlers while husband play his macho role of just providing while avoiding any kind of involvement into raising and taking care of his children. She definitely needs a break from all the chores and have a social live and some fun and most important to stand up for herself to her husband. And the third card come from Carla, a single mom that tries to rise her teenage son while having wild fun, flirting with all the husbands and trying to avoid realization that she's single and lonely and raising a kid is hard and can be a tougher if not having anyone at her side for some support.

The new karma for this ladies is to realize that there's no playbook when comes to be a parent so it's ok to make mistakes and accept the fact that  they are not perfect and they will never be. They have to stop being so supportive and protective to their kids anklet them make their own mistakes ad try things by themselves instead of trying to provide them with everything. Just treating them as equals will bring the best of them and always remember them how much they love them and believe in them, giving them that kind of support they need to face the world and accept that not always will be mom and dad to solve their problems but that dent mean they don't love them. But also accept the fact that they are humans and they deserve to have some fun, a life, friends, a break, some me time, to just sit and do nothing, sleep in and watch tv. And they need to find romance and feel loved as anyone to brig the best of them. to prove that they are smart enough not just to solve any problem at home but at any work place and build a career that will bring some satisfactions and an extra income and a better experience than just cooking and cleaning because these days we all deserve the same opportunities and if someone has the heart to be willing to risk her life for her children, how come would they not have the brain to lead a company or a more?

But trying to change things and break past behaviors won't be easy and we've learned that there will be someone opposed to it, afraid of it or in a comfort zone living from it so this group of friends will face the challenge of prove to their fellow mothers at school that this new philosophy is ok and that al are going through same and different stuff, from dealing with crisis at home, problematic children or abusive husbands but only together will give them the courage to face it and the wisdom to know they are not alone because this is not happening only at a community like a regional school but countries where woman are marginalized and abused lacking of rights or opportunities as if were less than men or any race. We all come from a woman and most of us had the luck to be raised and loved by a mom, so it's time to show some respect and gratitud to others as they have to us and not to look women just as mom, sister and others but as all equals and give the same unconditional love. It's a great time for women and it's the perfect timing for some recognition to all moms and not just in a serious way but also giving them the opportunity to laugh, love, make mistakes, get waisted, dance and even have some wild sex (noticing that no one wants to know their moms sexual details) but this movie will make you realize how well deserve all this comes to them and how much we love them as much as we criticized when were young and most important how grateful we should be for all the sacrificed they did in order to make the best of us, even if that meant wearing  mom bra and being threw up, punched in the tits, or even stayed up all night not by choice, sounds fun? you should try it and don't miss it.