viernes, 26 de agosto de 2016

DON'T BREATHE... Don't move, don't blink

We use to judge things and people by the cover. Assuming that what meets the eye is the truth about everything, but sometimes we forget that for mostly everything there can be two sides of a story or different perspectives depend on what side you looking at. So we keep crossing paths with people and making impact in all of them but how many of those times we let some of their judgments affect us or ours affect them. Sometimes with words, others with actions, but at the end the fact that we try to influence or affect others lives by our judgments might turn a simple situation into a real drama or a scary situation because in reality we don't know nothing about them or even about us. We just expect things will happen the way we expect because we fight hard of them or because we deserve so, but life is more complicated than that. We need to realize that we can't control everything and we should keep our distance from getting in trouble with others by their reactions or our moves. specially sometimes when circumstances play an important role in our life and decisions so there will be lessons to learn and some will hurt others will be nice and easy to go trough but we can be tested to the limit and we'll need to prove what are we really made of, and maybe finally get to know a part of us that we didn't know about.

For the record, me as a big fan of horror movies, wouldn't be fair to get so excited about the new horror movie playing out there, but specially because i love the genre and can be very picky and selective about what represents a good scary movie, a slash film or a gore one from a horror classic, so me sitting at the edge of the seat, breaking my knuckles, holding my breath as the perfect irony of what im looking at, "Don't breathe" (2016), comes as a refreshing proposal for the genre and even is more a fun one than a scary one, can't deny would be moments that will make you jump from your seat but mostly you will be feeling your pulse going higher and be sumerge in it's story and twists that only will keep shocking you every ten seconds and make you wonder what would be the faith of its characters. But what makes it so good that critics are raving about it and it just opened at the top #1 of the box office? Well, let's say that horror got tired with spooky themes and paranormal activities that might or not actually happen but after seen it twice you are very use to it. Also serial killers and slashing teenagers as if were living in a slaughter house, feels familiar. There's nothing new under the sun when watching an indestructible man or thing killing people as if they were flies and the screen gets red and all kind of body parts start flying all around the place.

So we are into a story that resonates for most of the rest of a country than other than some big cities suffers from a lack of economy and that can also feel familiar for other countries that are living in hard times when every day is a fight to find a good opportunity that will take us away from home and to a better place, or just being able to bring to our family all what they need to have a decent live. So when a young single mother, unites with two friends as a burglar and robbing houses to get some money out of their jobs and trying to give her daughter a better life than the one she currently has living with her withe trashy family suffering from all kind of bullying from his alcoholic mother. And things are working out for this peculiar group of friends. They know what to take, how to do it, so won't lead any clues to the police, but unfortunately the money they are getting is not enough and starts to feel not worthy the risk, until one of them gets the tip of a place where an old blind mind lives, and supposedly he saves somewhere in there, a big sum of money that got from his family. So in theory sounds like a too good to be true deal, and hard to resist even one of them is not that confident about this but ends being loyal and doing it mostly to help his friends and also having a crush for our last in distress/single mom/main girl.

So one they do their usual research of the property they are reading to go for it. And everything seems to go as planed, finding their way to get into the house, getting riddle of the dog, and putting to sleep the old man while they can do their job and keep searching the place looking for the money. But as said before, we can't assume things just in base of what we see at first sight. Because this man definitely is blind but as he lose one sense got another, and he can hear very well, so once he realizes what's going on will chase this guys, knowing they came for the money. At first things will be more superficial as they will be fighting for the money, some to take it others to protect it, but as things start getting more and more complicated, like not knowing how to get out of a very well protected house, locked on every door and window, things will become more and more personal, realizing that real truth about this old man, that happens to be a war veteran, with all technique to fight one on one and with guns, putting this naive kids in trouble trying to find their way out of that place and avoiding to be killed or founded by a man that can't see but knows by memory his house so at the end he is not the one with a disadvantage.

Telling what happen next will ruin completely this cinematic experience but is enough by saying that from then things will be creepy, scary, shocking, complicated, bloody and mostly will be a race for survival. But this is not a blood bath or gore fest neither a paranormal invasion. This is just a group of human beings fighting for their personal motives and trying get away with them. Just happens to be a game of life and death. And yes, maybe the young ones seem like victims in this cat and mouse chase but they were the ones getting into it. They decided to do something bad and wrong and now are paying the consequences and maybe the old man is not a role model but he didn't went after them, they came in, and trespass his territory. We can't point at any as the good and bad guys. they all have their motives and are just suffering the consequences of their actions and decisions and when different personalities collide or our intentions clash with others, it can turn into war or as in this case, into murder and robbery, among other things. So when you realize things like this are happening out there and some lives suffer of a series of bad decisions, then is when things start to get scary, and when you definitely won't be able to sleep, but i can asure you, this ride you will enjoy and as personal note, it's being a while since the last time i was breathing so fast that had to realize that actually should be not breathing and stay still just waiting to the credits to come, but reality can be scary as hell and movies can still be fun.

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