lunes, 15 de agosto de 2016

INDIGNATION...don't be ashamed if you don't know nothing

When a movie starts wondering about things that took you to the moment you are now, about what made you take a decision that led you to somewhere and then the realization that we all are a sum of experiences and decisions made in the past, when things seemed in different way until we get to the present and we can see them in perspective realizing that what we didn't know back then is now consciously aware and only can but face the reality of who we are. So when at the first minutes of a movie take you to that place, we can assume we already know what is about to happen. Where this journey will take us to, but again not always things look in the same way when happen than when you look back to them a time after. So basically we don't know nothing and even we can sit and argue about all what we supposedly know about ourselves and about life, it will only be a matter of time to realize we know nothing or in case we were right about it, we might take or not the right decisions in base to that knowledge and then it will turn in to a cycle, the cycle of life. But when things don't happen the way we want, is hard to admit what we did wrong. Trying to blame others or punish ourselves so we can feel better and accept our destiny, wondering what if. But mostly feeling some guilt.

If that guilt turns into something stronger, will clash into others and we might find answers or might get lost in confusion but while figuring out we probably be out of our comfort zone and won't be a pleasant feeling but a kind of "Indignation" (2016), which is the name of a new independent film , an adaptation from the popular novel from also well known and awarded writer Philip Roth. A very difficult task since most of his adaptations to the big screen had suffered a misunderstood plot and getting lost in translation from paper to motion picture, but this one stands as his best so far. A coming to age complex story about growing up back in the 50's, when traditions and social expectations were different from now or at least were manage in different ways regarding topics and issues that have been since forever and they still are. But coming from director James Schamus, bringing a new perspective based in the writing from a young jewish college boy, performed by actor Logan Lerman in a break through performance that should give lot to talk about and reminds us he is someone to keep looking at, playing as a traditional neurotic and self centered guy that faces the fact to be away from home finally and for the first time, socializing with others and probably finding love in the wrong places but pursuing his ideals or at least what he thinks is the right thing to do for himself and for the best of his interests. 

The story follows Marcus, a young Jewish guy that after living very close to his parents to a point where is feeling more trapped than loved, so when comes the time to go to college and is accepted in a prestigious campus things show up as an escape. Pursuing law because he wants to do right and after working as a butcher in his father's business, able to see injustice , he just want to make things right. And he will, attending to classes, studying, following all the checklist a perfect student should be able to do but missing one little detail, embrace the college experience. Going out, socialize, meeting new friends, go on. Dates, mingle with girls, parties, all what young kids can't wait to do, but not him. He is ok being by himself. Until he meets a curios girl that seems interested in him and his arguments at class able to defend his point of view bringing all kind of evidence to support them, as any lawyer would do. But she is not as naive as he is, so she knows how to play the game and make him like her and even fall for her when she seems to fit in all what he wants for a decent girl. But not everything is the way it seems and when she goes further with him, getting him into a more intimate game, exposing her open minded side as a very sexual woman, he rejects the fact of being pushed out of his believes but at the same time he likes the fact of meeting someone as different and misunderstood as he feels. 

Trying to get some answers from his roommates, just to realize they are not like him and he is not like them, building a wall between them when they are so close literally, sleeping under the same roof, but they are not as sympathetic as they seem so when he gets out of control, so the situation and he chooses to switch rooms. Rejecting be part of a Jewish fraternity, and seeking the way to avoid going to the weekly mass, because he has no religion, he only believes in what is real for him, what he can prove or take as the real thing, missing all the opportunities that this options bring regarding the intention on make him a believer. So he finds himself in a lonely point that raises some concerns to the college Dean, in one of the most realistic yet funny scenes in recent cinema when this two individuals sit face to face and try to have a conversation that feels more like a therapy session where listening just talk and get into some points that will reveal the true nature of things from each other. Only to get to a point where after trying to defend himself, our perfectly behaved and wise ass character, comes to realize how close minded and structured he is, and how when he can't get away with what he wants or can handle, he just run away. He ran from a overwhelming home, from his rebel roommates, from his upfront girlfriend, because he can't deal with the fact of not being right or be flexible to accept others the way they are, meaning they might and should be different from what he thinks he is. And that feeling could take down anyone when reality hits you and there's no way to hide but face it and man up, coming to the point of getting to know yourself and start growing up .

How many times do we think we are always right? That things are supposed to be in certain way or other. When we face the fact that life is a mess and has great moments but others are not and some will stick for a while and you can make the best of any situation or not. How we can't just stay by ourselves, we all need from others in some point and alienating ourselves won't take us far but a rough path of desolation and loneliness that won't help to explore other sides and shades of our personality. Like for example, avoiding going on dates and meeting new people that we feel we like or have a connection with just based in the fact that we might get hurt and we don't want that, we prefer to avoid the experience rather than suffer the consequences, even if that means missing the good and fun part too. How many times do we felt ashamed and threatened just when things moved in an unexpected way or went in different direction from us. We need to accept the fact that there is more than what we see. We don't and won't know everything. Life is a learning process and an on going improvement or deterioration but will we be able to realize in time before one turn takes us to a trap or to our happy ending? When was the last time that you were able to face and accept a truth from yourself once was exposed to you or others and saw it as an opportunity rather than a threat? Never is too late to start but once the time is gone is no way back or second chances, all we have is today and we are a result of our past, so while we still have a future we better learn to value what and who we have around or whatever works better for you just realizing the side effects of that and its impact your future. Like it or not.  

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