viernes, 19 de agosto de 2016

HELL OR HIGH WATER... for better or good

Everyone of us has felt trapped in some moment. A time where seems like there is no way out but take an easy exit and usually those are not the best option, and by the best mean will be consequences. So what we should do? Should we just hold to it and wait till the end, accepting our faith that is mostly controlled by others?, and by others means corporations, institutions, governments , or any other that are above us because we are just normal people trying to serving, to make it day by day by our won resources but living in a capitalist world doesn't help much when comes to money, we need it and it will solve a lot of our problems. What can we do against all those circumstances? How can we fight back to those that are trying to take everything from us while we fight and struggle to keep things together? and by things mean our family, friends and our selves, because dealing with all this stuff bring a bunch of issues to deal with and some baggage that will stay with us for a long time but we need to man up, be strong for the sake of our beloved ones and fight for our family and our believes before they are also taken from us.

All this and more is "Hell or high water" (2016), a modern western and drama that serves well as a thriller as well taking us through a rough week for two texan brothers that happen to be in the middle of something, robbing banks, as if that could be possible in the new millennium where seems like we can't make a move without being watched in sort way, this story happen in rural Texas, where serving as an old kind of western, this two young guys are taking advantage of the circumstances at small banks located in very small towns where time seems to be stopped and what we see in big cities reminds of a future in those sic fiction movies. The movie works perfect in all ways as a modern western where we follow this bank robbers from one bank to the other while escaping in the middle of the desert and two Rangers trying to follow the clues that these guys are leaving trying to figure out their next move and the real intentions behind their actions so they can figure out who they are and catch them before is too late. But while we are caught between the action and tense moments we are also immerse in the drama that these characters have to deal with because to be able to take that step and plan these robberies needs a motivation and the director, David Mackenzie, has proved with his past films, he's able to take us through the human drama as much as the tension this one brings in any kind of scenario.  With an excellent cast, Chris Pine and Jeff Bridges doing their best, a perfect storyline and well done adaptation of it we are sumerge in a different face of North America that reminds more of any third country.

Toby is the youngest brother, a divorced man with two teenager sons that always had tried to do his best, living by the law, following the rules, trying to do his best, taking care of his mom, fighting to provide to his family all what needed but never is enough, reason why couldn't make his marriage to work, but that doesn't he doesn't care and wants the best for them. So when his mom gets sick and unfortunately passes away, he faces reality when needs to pay the bill from medicines and nurses forcing him to put her mom's property in mortgage and now if doesn't pay by the end of the week will lose it in hands of the bank. Tanner is the oldest brother, the opposite from his younger sibling, he is a rebel and lives against the rules, reason why has spent time in prison missing his last opportunity to spend time with his family and specially his mom, reason why when his brother came to him with a plan to save their mom's property, he'll be down for it, serving as a cover to this actions as he has nothing to lose, on the contrary from his brother that has a life and has no experience breaking the law, reason why they will take money only from the bank that is trying to take everything from them, so they can pay with their money their debt. But this two have history, they can be very different from each other but they love each other till death, willing to do whatever it takes for the best of the other, and that's one of the lines from the film, when we get inside this relationships that proves how deep brotherhood can go, and how even usually families take separate ways, the love they have for each other is one of the strongest connections that can bring anyone back home and make us fight and sacrifice for them. That's a kind of love that has no explanation or words to describe.

And talking about kinds of love, we get into another example with another kind of love and relationship when we get to know the two Rangers trying to follow this young guys, because they are doing things properly, all planned, but this two have a whole life experience, as one of them is about to retired, so he is facing his last case but also his last time with his partner. So while they are trying to figure out clues and mistakes to catch the guys, they are also enjoying the last of each others company. And their relationship is nothing but simple as one of them is a white guy, representing the new area from the colonizers that took this land and fade away all the natives building a new civilization full with corporations that now are taking over those values and principles that those white immigrants brought at the begging and tried to establish to the old indian natives, just as the ancestors of his partner, the other ranger that happens to be an indian-mexican mix, who is proud of his heritage and even has embrace this new era and civilization can't but bring to all white guys how they took over the natives and now history is repeating and others are taking over what they have built. But even all these racial and cultural differences, they share a connection, taking care of each other, having each other's back, that has taken them to solve some cases and love what they do becoming more a family than a friendship or a work relationship. Their conversations just pin point into some topics that don't need to be more explored because they just nail them to the core that can't be forgiven and make us feel and think about them as if the movie were about this instead of what it really is, is that not terrific?

What can justified to do something wrong in order to achieve something good? Is the fact that there are some people and corporations trying to take advantage of their power just because they can't, in order to just make more money and not caring about others lives. When do we lose the momentum of caring about others, of feeling regret or moral committed to the community and try to make it better? Do we have to leave with regrets for fighting for our families and break some rules in order to give them the best or is just a fact that not matter what we need to live under the law and accept the fact that we might be screwed by the more powerful and just et them rule our lives deciding our future? We as community should be united and fight for others ad our beloved ones but also we need to stand up and make a difference and show others that changes need to be made and when comes to family we need to stand up, stay together and come with a better plan in order to save them and bring the best for them, trying not to take others in the way but in a country where gun control is a topic of discussion, seems like the western is as live as ever, anyone has the power to change or end a life and some will use it for good and others for worse so when thing get complicated and time to fight and desperate measures are in need to be taken, the love from our family and friends needs to stand up to prove than vengeance and our own frustrations have to be deal at home and with no violence surrounded by the love and caring from ones we care the most. So many things to digest right? enjoy the movie...

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