sábado, 8 de noviembre de 2014

Big Hero....Big Heart

And again the Disney house gets away with another movie that will turn into a classic thanks to the new fusion between the mouse label and the comic books label: Marvel, which as a result brings "Big Hero 6" ("GRANDES HEROES", 2014), a new animation experience that breaks all the stereotypes of the classical fairytales that they had us used to.

Sadly sometime feels like they are trying to copy or imitate a past success from the same owner, Pixar Studios, where we already saw a super heroes-movie called "The Incredibles" (2004), but this time is not about being super but just being a truly, unique hero.

Hiro, is an orphan teenager that happens to be a genius for his age. With full knowledge for technology, his big brother encourages him to sign up for a program in one of the most important research centers at the fictional city of San Fransokio (a fusion of the american and asian cultures represented on those two main cities). In order to get into the program he needs to develop a new discovery/invention that let the judges impressed by his capacity. And so he does, but that also leads to the appearance of a new villain to the picture and big changes in his personal life, that will include his personal journey to become a man and save the city.

This coming to age journey will be sponsored by a nurse robot that brings the comic relief at first, but actually turns to be the more real character in the movie, serving as a comparison between being a human and a robot. He might not have feelings but we are about to meet the one who will make bring all of them to the surface for any human being, and even without them you still can have a moral to pursue the right thing to do. The one that will help others go through pain.

And thats the big metaphor of the movie. As everyone goes from different kind of pain along their lives, not just physical but emotional, which most of the time doesn't know how to deal with them and just turns into other feelings/emotions in order to learn how to manage it and take it out. Thats where family and friends come to the page. Being surrounded by those people that care about us is important to learn how to get up on difficult times and how to enjoy the good ones.

And its not till some challenges knock to our doors, that we'll learn how mature we've become and whats the right thing to do. Thats what makes a real hero. Everyone is a hero, just that nobody knows it yet. Expecting any kind of super powers that make them different or invencible to others is not the real thing. In real life our knowledge, personality, how we deal with problems, how we turn into adults or better persons, following the right thing to do, thats what makes us heroes.

We have battles to fight everyday. At home, at school, at the next corner. Its all about how we fight them that will show to everybody else if we are a good heart or blind enough to be seemed as a villain. Anger, insecurities, revenge, envy, all of those blind our conscious, taking anyone into a path that will make whatever it takes in order to be capable of try to feel better, or not feel anymore, but thats not the answer. That will just grow more and more till gets to a point where is hard to turn back, but if not, there's always a way to learn of how to.

So be prepare to another unique experience, where you will be back in touch with that child inside of you, and have a remembrance of all your emotions, and imagination, as if you were a kid again just to remind you all that journey we been through and maybe if after the movie, you are able to realize what have you done with them, maybe next time you see yourself at the mirror, or surrounded by all those people in your life, you'll see the next origin hero story about to turn a motion picture event.

NOTE: Don't miss the short film previous the motion picture as at the beginning will look as a cute story but after the movie you'll realize was just a warm up for what you were about to experience. the perfect appetizer for a great meal.

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