Yes, sounds like a formula or part of a physics experiment, and as any scientist will agree, life and all it's origins are base in actions and reactions so in certain way we live our lives as a pattern that deserves to be watched and analyzed at every step, like a thesis, or work in progress, getting to get tested and prove as a fact, a unique journey called our own law.
That's exactly the purpose of "THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING" (2014), and it is for certain a strong candidate in the soon to start, awards season race, as best movie and best performances from both of it's leading actors, based on the novel wrote by Jane Hawking about her life with the professor and astrophysicist Stephen Hawking, best known these days for his research and theories about time and black holes, relating all of them to the origin of life that had brought a couple of novels where physics meet daily life.
He was gifted with an extraordinary mind that made him get known over the rest of his class, get the recognition of teachers and colleagues and be admired for scientist and readers from around the globe. His mind was capable to bring as much theories and meanings to his life and the ones around him plus a very smart and witty send of humor than won the hearts of all his friends and his first and true love: Jane.
So when life gives him a neurological desease that will leave him without any control of his muscles, doctors only gave him around 2 years of life. But as physics, rules can be break and theres more in game than just a pair of elements, reactions by other components can bring unexpected results. That's the greatness achievement of this man that never stopped fighting even as every day things got harder for him as his family.
At first, love brought him a new inspiration, like a fuel that without explanation kept him on his own feet for more time. He got married and capable to start a family, that at the end will end with three children. But as he kept fighting, his mind kept bringing new ideas and his theories kept evolving at the point that the mix of his personal journey and his studies and knowledge will emerge from distance and opposite places to one where a scientist is able to wonder the existence of a god, something that can't be explained and is beyond proof.
At this day, he is still alive, he is 72 years old, and even that he can't talk anymore, he can communicate by a machine and has continue exploring his studies and theories trying to find the formula that will prove how wrong was his first theory but at the same time be able to give him an explanation about what is life and its origins. How's possible that he has gone beyond any expectation and most important he is the perfect proof that even science can be wrong.

And as he explains, life and humans should go and explore their limits and embrace life and its challenges cause where is life, there is hope. But his true meaning and biggest achievement in life was far of his career and all the awards he got, was the experience of being part of a family, the creation of one and being capable of see his three now grown up kids enjoying life. That's the result of his lifetime work with that partner in crime and not only save him from a rabbit hole he was falling into, but gave him the courage to keep fighting came more than love she believed in him and knew he would do it. We must do it. As far as it could seem, we are stronger than we think and every challenge tested in our path has a reason and won't be impossible to get through. So when we can witness the fight of a fellow man, we can't but embrace hope, love and happiness in our lives and make the best of it. That's definitely not a theory but a fact.
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