This is more a tribute than a review because our next tv show on the table is no longer current. Sadly suffer the faith of many shows these days that only get a chance for a pilot episode or a first season but due to the big demand on tv actually, no body can afford letting stay any option that goes above average so they just cancel it even if was a promising one. Viewers have in their hands the opportunity to save or destroy a show, and sometimes a small group of fans can do miracles like letting the show stay alive by changing network but others not even them are able to save their favorites and just keep the good memories on demand or DVD. But in this case was the lack of viewers and a promising first half of the season that after no getting any buzz other than great reviews , turned into mediocre second half that was meant to be canceled and terminated. Mostly everybody didn't even realized this show existed and others totally denied their great sense of humor because was realized in a time where republicans and all their ideology was criticized so that gave to it a great repellent even that the show makes fun of it by itself and serves as a parody of all those ideologies and politics, but the timing wasn't right and people just avoided when trapped in the most republican network of the country: FOX.

And the show was "Enlisted" (2014), a sit-com that served as we mentioned, as a parody of that very republican ideology of war and military as a base of this nation. Who are these people that are willing to enlist into the program to serve their country and fight for it? What is all these programs that contribute to create an ideology of nation and proudness for their country and its values? What are they fighting for? and most important what is left back home when they are not here? All this is just the excuse to tell the story of three brothers that happen to be enlisted in the military. But why all three? who are these soldiers? is this another
saving private Ryan story? well, definitely this is a more fun and joyful ride. The story of these three brothers starts when they are just kids and after losing their father, a former General, changed their perspective of things making them living the rest of their childhood among the military, undercover by his father best friend, another soldier in his way to became a major General. So was no doubt that when they got in proper age to make a decision they will be willing to join the program as it is all what they know. So oldest sibling Sergeant Pete Hill is an honorable soldier that after an injury in combat gets a ticket to go back home and recover but his love and devotion to what he does will get him back on track just in a different way than expected.

Once back in Florida, he will be assigned to take care of a unit. A unit that happens to include his younger siblings and other cadets that even are struggling to get there and make it inside that just seem to have no clue and material for what the milicia needs, making them a group of underdogs that no one wants and cares. But since family is involve he will accept the mission just to confront all the baggage that was left stand by when he left and his brothers will remind him who he really is and what he left behind seeking for redemption and running away from a life that took everything from them but he has bought the idea of be a hero and make a difference by fighting for his country forgetting that the most important thing to fight for is under the same roof. So we met Corporal Derrick Hill, the middle one, a seamless, careless young man that feels more like trapped in between his other two siblings than be looking for his own dreams. He is more artistically oriented but hides all those preferences trying to help and guide the other two losing himself for moments, so he would need some moments of reassurance to get back in track and finally find his own path, but in the meantime will figure as the glue for this fragmented family that needs more of a figure and honestly to keep it going than just spending 24 hrs together.

But for that we have Private First class Randy Hill, the youngest sibling that can't be more naive and fun than any other in the academy. His heart is as big than won't be afraid to show his feelings and fight for his family while trying to make them happy and smile but all this will save as flaws for his training making him not soldier material, so in order to get a position in this unit more than the pet of it will have to try harder an fight double than others just to grow up and man up when necessary learning from his sibling what he never got a chance to learned from a role model figure. So mixing all this in a blender what we get is a bunch of moments that will look awkward and silly and others than will show the path for self growth and retrospective for a group of guys that were left behind by a father and now are trapped in a system just because thats all what their life has been. But be in real combat is not all what counts. They will learn the real meaning of training and be a team, while hanging with the rest of the unit, a very peculiar group of cadets that are no close to what a soldier looks but deep inside have all what it takes to become the best one, just need the proper guide and training to be themselves and prove that toughness and strategies are more than points needed to win a war but with enough heart and brain anyone can make you laugh and that will get you to win any war.

So is this all what war, militia and military training means? true to be told, the real charm of the show is to show another face from what military means. To show the other side of those soldiers that go to real combat overseas. These guys have to stay home and take care of it and their own helping with errands that most of people don't want to take care of. They are helping others while helping themselves to become betters soldiers and prove that are ready to serve their country and fight for it. So what makes this show so different from others? As we mentioned at the beginning, the simple idea of a show about a system that has been severely criticized over the past years but basically built some of this country culture for power and discipline deserves at look just by the fact that will make you laugh out loud while make you feel and re think all those points that make a loser not to be one and become an underdog just to be happy staying there, proving that all what the system by itself embraces is not as real as it sounds and at the end even the show as the reality becomes a parody and war is not always the solution but definitely theres a fight happening in every home and in every one of us and its the fact of fighting for our believes and finding the answers of who we are and that define us in ways that most of us don't know or try to avoid so even this show got canceled, it might be always time to review what we missed and can help us to be better and why not? make some jokes along the way never hurts.

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