lunes, 23 de mayo de 2016

The Nice Guys... being mean is outdated

A few decades ago one of the big trends were the cop/buddies movies where two cops would fight through their differences to find the way to solve a case while bounding into each others lives just to find the clue and save the day and become best friends a long the way. Usually this couple is a perfect match while one of them is very different from the other so that brings a balance to the table and also bringing the perfect recipe for funny gags of two very different men trying to get along with someone that doesn't make any sense to the other but as any kind of relationship what is different from you will challenge you and make you better but what really matters is how each one's skills will help to solve the case and catch the bad guy that seems to be paying with these guys getting them in any kind of trouble. After a few very popular franchises the formule felt tired and after several try outs for a revival, including all types of diversity, it just didn't felt right until now.

Warner Bros. studios presents this summer a couple that sounds as compelling as funny could be, and who would ever imagine that these guys would play nice and well together. "The Nice Guys" (2016), it's the new movie bringing a couple of two guys trying to solve a case that brought them together becoming a partnership that sounds like the only way to find answers. In this case won't be cops but two detectives back in the 70's L.A., a time and place where disco was ruling, and sex was trending as the new thing so when a young girl disappears not before hiring a detective playing as a hitman to take care of other detective that keeps following her and her boyfriend that as older than her seems to be taking advantage of her. But when this girl seems to be in a running, hiding from everyone specially her mother, a high range political that hire these two detectives to find her daughter from what seems like just an act of a spoiled teenager but as they start getting closer to get some answers things start getting confusing and deeper than it seemed at the beginning. Involving a porn film and rich and famous popular in the city that was build for the entertainment industry just brings some turns that you might never saw coming.

But who are these guys? and why are they making a difference or worth to watch? Well in this case we get Russel Crowe, playing a tough macho older detective that has been working as a hitman, being payed to punch someone as his client requests. But his loner life after a heart broken just left him in a place where not even punching faces or breaking noses will take his pain and stress out. So Ryan Gosling comes to the page to match him perfectly as a young failure detective that pretends to solve cases that mostly don't need to be solved just to get some money from his clients and be able to support his teenager daughter after losing his wife in an accident that gets him trying to raise a daughter and accomplish a career that doesn't fit him very well but who would tell that this actor could bring such charisma with physical comedy, playing as a fool that deep down is smarter than average and with the help of Crowe's character will be able to solve the clues to find the girl while punching some face along the way that will try to kill them before they could find the secret behind this teenager using the porn industry as a tool to protest from some government decisions.

But when we were used to alpha males and tough cops driving thought cities chasing bad guys to solve cases and save the day these new guys are playing nice. And don't get me wrong, they will still be punching faces, chasing bad guys, and getting trapped into gun shots but even they are still back in the 70's, back in 2016 things are different and playing as a douche doesn't work anymore. Being nice is the new cool thing. So they won't kill unless necessary. They will try to help others and will played cool with others to get the answers they are looking for to find their girl. Being nice has turned to be a thing these days, when violence is knocking our doors in daily basis and people are so self involved that seems like nobody cares for anyone. Helping others feels so long time ago that being rude is just not right anymore. The fact of someone trying to do the right thing makes a different and feels refreshing that when a man acts so confident and trying to play nice without trying to prove how tough can be or how macho he seems like, it gets a new meaning and proves that being a real man and be sexy is more than a cool thing of being nice and make a difference serving as an example than just act like a caveman and prove that being the alpha male will bring the attention when that is definitely outdated.

So why is this movie, case, man couple so worth it and is getting a lot of buzz, with great reviews making it one of the funniest movies of the summer and the year so far? Well as we previously said, we got a refreshing couple that brings a new balance between comedy and testosterone that works perfectly to make you laugh and sit through it rooting for them while they try to solve the puzzle. But also this puzzle takes you back to an era that breaths like a new era and can't feel more related to this one. Who could tell back in the 70's that the introduction of porn will transform the pop culture and filming. Celebrities will become popular not for their work but their personal affairs and excess out of the screen (who said reality tv?), and technology will start raising to become a topic make anyone try to figure out what would be the next step while feeling outdated mean while new generations take the lead on that field. So now again, we have the feeling that nothing has changed and things tend to recycle and at the end theres nothing new under the roof but definitely we can make it look nicer and cooler and that feels like fresh deep breath while we realize there are still stories that need to be told even if happened time ago, their impact is as current as the new smartphone.

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