viernes, 13 de mayo de 2016

Money Monster... stealing or investing?

 Sadly we live in a world ruled by capitalism and with that money buys everything but most times the way to get it is harder than others. Reason enough why everybody is fighting and struggling to earn it, not the same way to spend it. Finances come to the table as a tool to learn how to use money. They say that if you learn how to manage it, the way it goes will it come. But for some is not as simple as that and want just an easy way to make the best of it. Investing could be a smart tool, if you know how the markets are behaving you can buy or sell in order to get a profit. But in order to find the highest point, which usually is the riskiest, you need to lear how to play with the other factors that let the markets go up or down. Economics start playing an important role in here to determine the real value of the money and if having enough to take a leap of faith and invest in the right time or with the right move can leave you with a big sum that might solve all your financial problems. That's what we learn through the eyes of a young man in "Money Monster" (2016).

The main character in this thriller that tries to prove for once how the financial world of Wall Street is a mine soil where everyone can play knowing the rules and learning how to make the best out of them, even if that means playing fair or not but where everybody seeks for the biggest amount. That's the story of Kyle, a young New Yorker that after inherit a decent sum of money decided to invest in a big company following the advice of a financial guru through his tv show. But thing go south and this company that was supposed to behave in certain way had a slap blamed to clinch in their system. But as we have learned so far, the rules and laws for investing are wide open so while theres no one physically to blame for won't be consequences, so the losers just leave without money and while no apparently winners things will just calm dawn after a while and as always everybody will move on. But not Kyle, he wants an answer. He needs to know what happened. What went wrong and since authorities and no one seems to care or do anything about, he will take hands on this.

Targeting Lee Gates, the one who on national tv advised to invest assuring a sure bet, makes him the right call to get answers for. So he gets kidnapped on air at his tv show while everybody is watching and with a bomb hanging on him, he'll have to figure out his way out of this with help of his producer , a woman that also happens to be his best friend and partner in business and more apparently. Because while both of them seemed to have their own issues early that day and Lee seems to don't care as usual thanks to his ego and an apparently shitty life under the spotlight. While she seems to just trying to do her work, having her own agenda, till this threat comes to her workspace and makes them realize their own mistake in public pushing them to find the truth to save the day and save their ass at the same time. Because all what Kyle wants is an answer after losing everything and specially when his life seems to be holding to anything now, so it's time to make a difference and stand seeking for the truth. While the movie falls into all the cliches of the genre, delivers some tense moments and goes deep into a topic that has been turning the world into the financial world in need for attention.

We saw this recently in other movies like "The Wolf of Wall Street" (2013) and "The Big Short"(2015). Two examples of how the world of wall street works and all the people involve in it. Bankers of white collar that seeking to invest as bankers are making a profit with our money and with us getting nothing. After the last financial crisis of 2008, the world urged for attention and answers after millions lost their jobs, money and houses. With so the system was exposed as an imperfection that has a lot of black holes letting the ones who play inside learn the rules and how to trick the system in order to get the biggest deal and profit. But when definitely are a lot of people to blame for the lack of control and laws in this system, has been most of us that have believed in it and while trying to get an easy and fast exit to earn some money and realize everyone's fantasy of becoming reach with no hard working, we have made it bigger and let it go out of control and blinding ourselves from this corruption pretending this is not happening till will happen to us.

Once we get deep into this context we can be able to enjoy this thriller that mostly proves one of our most fears of losing everything and taking the risk of go bigger or go home. You will definitely enjoy the ride, as we already did with the two previous movies just mentioned, while the financial system is definitely a complex one and while talking about money can be fun and exciting, learning all the rules and facts in it won't be but confusing and boring for some, so in the hands of the actress turned director Jodie Foster and the satisfying performances of awarded actors Julia Roberts and George Clooney, this will be a miss or hit, an opportunity to finally open your eyes and realize that this is actually happening around the world, there are companies, and the people behind them, trying to make more profit from their investors, you, and while there's a chance you can make some money out of it, there is also a big risk you can lose everything, like gambling in a casino, and while the an be fun, gets also addictive and if you are losing money it's only you to blame but when you start losing others, things stop to being right, so it;s time to ask for answers and create a control over it and while we can't change the fact of living in a world ruled by power and money, we can't let our greed or others to ruin or change our lives, it;s time to stand up and ask for a change, and while no bomb will be necessary, only making our voices be heard will stop those that get have been getting away with all from us. It's show time and it's your call.

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