Using this cover or excuse we can go deeper into politics and economics to attack some of society's bigger concern or fears, and also explore the human psyche through the eyes of some people that are suffering racism, bullying, war, depression, loneliness, power, loss, just that is all cover with a nice ribbon where they also can save the day through they powers and abilities or gadgets that will blow our minds and make us connect to them in ways that without them might be hard to understand. Under this cover comes the new entry from the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), that has been better known for his joyful and visually fun stories, to get into deeper, sadly not darker, waters with "CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR" (2016), where as the plot implies will be war among our heroes and that set the bar to get into more adult topics rather than mind blowing sequences of FX, and after reading a few of the raving reviews it has, and seen it by myself can agree with the fact that even blockbusters can deliver fun, action, FX and still bring to the table topics that matter for everybody and deserve attention to talk about and even a movie like this won't give answers to the them or will change the fact of their existence their impact on social culture will be enough to make people wonder and go and research more about them to feel confortable to talk about them when discussing the movie.
So the time, we have again the group of heroes called The Avengers, fighting to keep the world save and bring the bad guys back to jail but after a wrong turn in their last mission, a new question will arise among governments of the world regarding this super heroes, while most of the people sees them as heroes some of them not and the reason is totally understandable and logic. While we've been focusing on their success bringing the bad guy down, we assumed they save the day but in the process to achieve that were side effects, collateral damages, meaning, cities were destroyed, lots of people lost their properties or were injured and even worst, casualties, people died in the middle of this fight, so who would pay for those loses? who gets to decide who lives and who dies, and while everybody applauds to this group of people that are fighting and risking their lives for us, who will confort and pay for the losses in between? who gave them the power to sacrifice innocent lives in order to save the rest of the world? So nations will get involve and create a new law that will bring all this heroes under certain control worldwide so they can respond to their actions.
While some of them agreed with this new jurisdiction, others won't approved as will limit their opportunity to save more lives and protect the world not to mention that will act under personal agendas and agendas tend to change depending on their intentions and needs so they can't afford that. So now the group will be divided into two perspectives of how to deal with their guilt and conscience as some of them are carrying it through their bad decisions and others acknowledge it as part of their job. But tensions will arise making this team face each other defending their positions. And while is fun to watch from this perspective how even these guys that are supposed to be super cool and invencible with their abilities, they also have to deal with issues between them, and try to solve it politely, and once we turn to our own direction, this sounds just like home, because even in the most harmonic and lovely families, there is always a time when things get messy and we start to fight, defending positions and believes, or even that we all love each other we have to learn how to live together when we don't agree with the same things or we are very different from each other but always keeping in mind we are family or friends, and we love each other and sometimes we don't get to choose them but learn how to respect them and get along even when they break down our nerves.
And thats one of the major points of this movie, cause even we still get really well done sequences where will see our heroes kick asses and destroy any facility comes across their way, they will show that even the most invencible guys in the world still have feelings and struggle with loses and clash of personalities and ideologies. What is right and what is wrong? Are we fighting for the right reason? And as we said at the beginning, even them are stock with their childhood experiences so as any of those, they are humans as well so they get to struggle with some baggage that we keep carrying from our early years and has become a reflection of our temper and personality, so we'll fight for what we believe and the people we love, because we believe in them and want to keep them safe, so as in any war, our motives are always the same, keep our beloved ones safe and prove that friendship is one of the strongest relationships in the world that deserves to be fought for. And sadly also we'll realize that villains are not just some mad, crazy, over powered, angry guy, but any of us can turned into one if the circumstances through us in that direction, making our judgement fail and embrace hate and pain, unable to forgive and let go, consuming us by anger and revenge, cause as much as we are able to love and be capable of great things the same way we can focus all that effort into destroy and kill, so seems like the right time for super heroes to start growing up and evolving into more mature experiences exploring what real life is about other than just be a cartoonish reflection of it, and with so we will embrace the fact that deep inside of any of us hides the idea of become a hero someday and save the day while we try to keep our life in order and free of chaos.
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